Don't forget to thank your competent healers

As a person who mainly plays tanky characters. I thank you Mercy/Lucio for healing and buffing me. Especially Mercy.

Other urls found in this thread:


>Getting hit in the first place
Fucking kids get out my game

Aww... Thanks OP~

>tfw no hardcore basketball game with slam dunk AoE effects and crossing dodges


I'll thank you with my cum you stupid healslut

Did you read my post? I tank.

I've got you in my heart

I want to worship Mercy!

I'll thank you with my cum you stupid tankslut.

I want to worship Zarya's armpits!

>you will never fill Mercy´s giant uterus with your seed.
>no seriously, even if you cum inside her, her uterus is just too big, havent you see the buldge she has?
>she dont look prego, that uterus is probably capable of holding more than 10 babies when it stretch and still will not be crowded at all.

>implying Rein won't pin you down after his charge and take your dps boipucci as his own
>implying he won't stuff his precision German engineered cock down your throat

Nah,that's just a belly bulge from the Deutsche lager

>post in 2 healslut threads
>still no buff tank to bully me while i heal him
life is suffering
do i really have to post my nudes before i get attention?

I'll bully you if you give me your battlenet ID

I play on my friend's Badblade#2154

Post your peenus weenus.

>want to be a healslut
>don't know if I can run the game
>don't know if it's fun
>can barely afford it

>Not healdoms
Fucking degenerate shits.

Go on, can I run it. Or something, check the minimum requirements.

Check the requests ;^)

Found it in the archives

>when your teammates never check on you

So is she real or just a simulacrum made by nanomachines?

wow its almost like i've posted before!

So you are a slut

it's called eager, user.



>teammates never protect and YOLO into stupid shit non-stop
>teammates spam they need healing

Forever blame mmos for spreading that.

>he doesn't like beauty marks

Red crescent skin when?

No she's real, her wings and suit are just a mechanical get-up.

Reaper is the nanomachine one you're thinking of, though as far as I know his deal is just that his cells are all weird and deteriorate/regenerate constantly for whatever reason.

Not sure why but around here that became "nanomachines" but then again maybe I missed some lore or comic that goes into further detail.

Who /tank/ here

I mostly play Reinhardt or Winston, I'll play other roles if needed but they're my favorites and best

>tfw your friends tell you to keep picking Rein because you're their best tank
>tfw getting tons of PotGs as Rein

I can run it on my integrated graphics thats an intel 4600

>tfw it's a rein v rein episode
Why are those the best? And
>tfw you btfo the enemy rein everytime you see him.

Remove roach

>50% of team damage healed
>not 1 rec

She actually is associated with nanomachines in the lore it's part of her staff if I'm not misremembering. I don't think anyone thinks Not Important is a mass of nanomachines. He's more like deadpool only instead of being a mutant it was caused by Mercy's nanomachiens and some other stuff. Well 'nanobiology' defaulted to just assuming it's nanomachines.

>Charge into enemy Rein, smack him, pop ult on him and his Zenyatta and mercy friends, throw a fire strike down through all three, then finish them off
>Enemy Rein is hesitant to approach me for the rest of the match
>Got PotG for it too

I love tank vs tank fights

The only thing I've touched in my PC since like 2009 or 8 or so is replacing the graphics card and I can run it reasonably well on lowest settings.

Unless your machine is somehow infinitely more terrible/old than mine I don't see why it wouldn't work.

Red crescent burqa model will be a promotional item for the official release in middle east.

>50% team damage healed
>Very few deaths on our side. Keep everyone alive and healthy
>Use Ult to revive 4 members and the revived members manage to push off enemy off point and end the Overtime
>Not a single fucking acknowledgement
>Game didn't even give me PLAY OF THE GAME

It's a thankless job

Man I'm not info waifuism and all that but if I could find a woman who's at mercy's age with her looks and temperament I would put a ring on her faster than I could impregnate her

>tfw 2 Reins charge into each other

> tfw no healdom to breastfeed me and let me to suck her cock while she promises that she will always protects me and never leaves me aside

She looks like that from NANOMACHINES I bet.

>Play through MGSV through to completion on my PC.
>Overwatch crashes on startup and refuses to start.

I'm glad I found that out in the beta and not after buying the game, but it still sucks.

Non-support playing shitters please go


I don't know if you mean

>burqa model
Jokes aside Ottoman Red Crescent Officer or Zuoave uniform would be nice

autocorrect is a bitch

waka waka

I think I fell in love with Mercy

Call me crazy, but if you need to be thanked to enjoy playing a video game, you probably shouldn't be playing it. It's supposed to be fun on its own and not a validation simulator.

Think Blizzard going to relate her with tf2 medic somehow?
>mercenary mad doctor invented this Tecnology during 1960s for assisting the mass killings
> however i will use his technology to bring mercy and justice
> but sometimes i ask myself; am i becoming like him
> shadowy figure of tf2 medic appears on behind of mercy
>"do you know how i lost my medical license?"

>tfw you'll never get hogd

Oh, this thread wasn't for me


Sup Forums go home

That's scary to think of my waifu like that.
>tfw she wants to corrupt everyone to be a slave bot or a super mutant ghost
>she will mind control them when the time is right to overthrow the governments
>ushers in her age

This is why germanics and celts ate evil

This is some deviant art story telling

I don't know about something that direct but I could see a nod if they ever expand on her uni days or something. The thing with Mercy and 'applied nanobiology' is that she's one of the top people in the field and is responsible for a breakthrough that led to catching Overwatch's interest. Now it could just be that she discovered a method to quickly administer them or how to use them in a more practical and demanding environment but we just don't know what exactly it was.

They could eventually give her a voice line like Pharah's where it makes a reference to something common in tf2

She's Swiss though.

Also, wrong link

I never understood 'support' as a role.
Like, why? What kinda cucked individual wants to spend the whole game spamming heal instead of having actual fun shooting other people in a face?
I do thank my healers, but out of pity, not gratitude

I bet she's swiss German, they're all the same. And are you Italian? Cause I'm asking for the sauce please.

She does speak swiss german or whatever so most likely.
Now I want you to look at the face. Does it look familiar? Similar to this one? Almost like it's the same? lm

Supports are a force multiplier. You play for the feeling of "I am responsible for their achievement. They would be nothing without me."

I play tanks though.

I've seen this art style before. But I can't for life of me remember the artist.



art style: erotic manga doujin
artist: mitsubishi samurai mcchinkytits

Meanie, but I believe that is enough to give me a lead.

Overwatch's story is deviant tier though

>You play for the feeling of "I am responsible for their achievement"
thats literally a cuck mentality. Why not go achieve the thing yourself?

Think man, the guy loves legos.

To me, it isn't that mentality. I hate infidelity, cucking, cheating, open relationships. It's like a father, mother complex to me.

It's possible. But people love standing in front of Bastion and not fire at all.

>I am responsible for their achievement
Then it's literally your achievement.

>I prep the bull and provide for my wife's son
>I'm the real reason she's happy
>p-please keep it down Tyrone

Where do I find the new Legoman sketches?

Why? Play the fucking game properly and shut the fuck up. You're not a special snowflake.

Porn sites

I want to impregnate Mercy.

She doesn't look 37 so she's clearly either a succubus or immortal

I thank my sister for teaching me a little about how a healer works.
She was our designated healer in many MMOs, she enjoyed working with people, and supporting others while they fought.
I'm less fond of the healer role, but I functioned better as a status inducer, and supporting Mage.
She would heal and buff allies, I would debilitate and harm our enemies.
She saved me many times, and I grew more insightful about how to help healers when things got hairy.
I miss fighting with her.

is she single?

>Dont enjoying supporting much but want to help the team
>most played character is lucio even though I don't like him much
>run into someone who is level 45 and will only play widowmaker on any map attacking or defending
>Check their profile
>10 hours as widowmaker
>7 hours as hanzo
>5 hours as McCree
>18 minutes as lucio
>no time as mercy

These people need to be stopped

>tfw giantess fag
muh dik

I wanna hear her speak Swiss

it sounds like hungarian tries to speak german

>tfw Lucio's your highest
>don't even like him
Kill me fampaitachi.

She'd crush you like the ant you are with her staff.

>implying her ultimate goal isn't uniting all germanics under one banner.

Is that her masterplan? What else does it involve?

Holy shit, my fucking sides

I love reading about military blunders

But Lucio likes you

Unfortunately I don't like him that much. Gimme your fucking altered beast skins Lucio.