Blood & Wine Gamespot Review

First Blood & Wine review is in


The good
>An entire game’s worth of inviting exploration
>Loaded with artistic and thematic flair
>Many fantastic, well-paced quests
Intriguing balance of mystery, horror, and humor

The bad
>Self-referential jokes can be distracting
>Main story and characters aren’t that interesting

>Geralt deserves to be called a legend, of course, not least because he stars in one of the greatest role-playing games ever made. Perhaps we will join him in yet another adventure, but if Blood and Wine is the White Wolf’s final interactive appearance, he at least departs in style. I’ll miss you, Geralt--your impossibly perfect hair, your mercenary disposition, your stoic approach to horrific crimes and unspeakable tragedies. If you and Roach must ride into the sunset, then I’m glad the time we spent together was so enthralling


Fareweell Gerald of Riverun.

Other urls found in this thread:


it will take a few years but people will eventually come to the conclusion that this is one of the very best rpgs ever made and definetally a milestone for the genre

We are already there. GOTY 2 years in a row

>Self-referential jokes can be distracting

what they mean with that?

In the review it says that there are jokes about GoG and CDPR, probally that.

Considering even the most corrupt media that hate WHITE CIS MEN POWER FANTASY get it a GOTY award I'd say it's already recognized as such.

I just hope they won't milk it further and really move on to something else. I fucking hate the sequelitis curse that modern vidya industry has.

Probably that the overabundance of referential jokes could ruin the immersion at times. Although from what I've seen of the expansion, it seems they're going for a different aesthetic altogether with Blood and Wine. I think they're aiming for more of a "fairy-tale" atmosphere as well as storytelling, as opposed to a bleak setting set in a war-ravaged country.

They already said this is the last of The Withcher. They are moving on to Cyberpunk 2077 now.

>White CIS male

That's a lot of points docked right there, come on it's 2016

t. Proud Swedish Cuck

I hope gamespot is exaggerating about that.
I love breaks of the 4th wall, but not at the cost of ruining the tone of the game

Wasn't there a quest in the main game to deactivate DRM with GoG?

>Self-referential jokes can be distracting
>Main story and characters aren’t that interesting
So literally nothing wrong with the game if you're not a retard and read the books and played the other games.

All the Witcher gear is getting a new upgrade level. I'm fuckin psyched
I'm not too worried about the story or characers not being great, I already figured Heart of Stone was going to be pretty hard to follow up on

>kevin van ord
>literal faggot leftist retard

nah don't care



The opposite is more likely to occur:

>Released to massive critic fanfare and casual accolades (like Skyrim).
>Widely considered GOTYAY (like Skyrim).
>Abysmal gameplay (like Skyrim).
>Nothing stands out as innovative or particularly unique; the game is safe and generic (like Skyrim).
>After a gestation period of a few years a lot of fans detract, concede that the game really poor combat, and thus wasn't as good as initially projected (like Skyrim).
>Eventually only normies praise it as the shallowness of the gameplay has chased off fans with more scrutinizing tastes (like Skyrim).
>Commonly listed as female gamers GOTYAY, which is usually the deathknell limbo for practically any game (like Skyrim).


There are 21 reviews out

ehhh, baldurs gate has shit combat, there is a lot to say about how enjoyable the stories are and how alive the world feels, particularly compared to elderscrolls/fallout. The world from morrowind to fallout 4 might as well be the same.

You're wrong. Skyrim is bland and boring. Truly the easiest pleb test on the market.

Witcher 3 has good combat despite the autists that post the hitbox WEBM

>baldurs gate has shit combat
How to spot bait.
Just because you're retarded and can't handle RTwP because you're a turbocasual doesn't mean it's bad.

I don't know what i'm more excited about; the Grandmaster Witcher gear or the dyes.

Oh boy game vs game debate
the most useless way to spend ones time
>1 has to be objectively better because tribalism and stuff, they cant possible have different strenghts and you cant possibly play Both

it's shit

>An entire game’s worth of inviting exploration

why would you waste so many resources and so much time on creating even more of what was abundant in the game beforehand

why don't you invest your time into a new game instead?

TW3 is bland too, and the combat is objectively bad. You can scream autistic all you want, but just as there is the consensus that TW3 is a good game, there practically an equal consensus that it has shit combat. No matter how much you like it, that is how it will be remembered; a good game held back by ho-hum combat.

For fucksakes I like TW3.

Nice meme

>b&w 91
>overwatch 91
>ds3 90

goty for dlc happening.

why you picked whe worst score review only?

when is the 1.2 patch?

Nah. Arkham combat sucks. Give me Dragon's Dogma type combat over Witcher 3 combat any day.


>An entire game’s worth of inviting exploration

Doesn't necessarily mean anything. It probably took 15 minutes for them to shit out all of the smuggler caches in Skellige that it'd take a player hours to actually deal with. Its a guarantee most of the content in this is gonna be exactly that kind of garbage since its a new map.

>there practically an equal consensus that it has shit combat

The only people who call it shit either

a)haven't played enough vidya to actually know how shitty combat looks like
b)haven't bothered with just adapting to the game and shit on it without thinking
c)are fishermen with stale bait

Oh? 8/10 doesn't seem bad for a game with unilaterally awful gameplay.


monday most likely

They were saying that HoS+B&W are gonna be together as big as Witcher 2 long before even HoS came out.


Would you like to engage in food analogies with me?

You clearly haven't played on DM, the game falls apart under even slightly scrutiny.

god damn it i thought they said it was coming before the next xpac. fucking gog put up a preload already.

o shit familia, I forgot about dyes
I'm even more excited. I don't like collecting shit in games usually but I got really into searching for witcher gear materials
Being able to customize them more sounds so rad

> what is setting a million traps and resting a trillion times before fighting a dragon or anything else hard
Me and my friend discovered this soon after the game was first out. It kinda trivialised the fights. But
>always and forever resting

d) Dark Souls rollover fanboys who are scared of open world.

You witcher players always bring up dark souls, why is that? Can't you discuss your own game?

>Shitty animations.
>Clunky as fuck.
>Lack of melee attacks.
>Smash Inri or Quen to win.
>Enemy animations are god awful.
>Hitboxes are approximations and are often broken.
>Canceling buffer is shit, and does all kinds of weird things.


>First Blood & Wine review
PCGamer has had one up for a few days now and they gave it a 94/100.

Prove it

>Self-referential jokes can be distracting
>Main story and characters aren’t that interesting

once again fucking gamespot proves how pleb faggpts they are

i swear we have one faggot like you in every TW3 thread, every fucking time.

because dark souls fanboys always are mad at witcher for it's combat system that you roll over all time and dodge.
Top kek m8, biggest hipocrits ever.

Untill i came here, I had not a single problem with combat in witcher 3 and didnt think anyone can have. You must just think instead of pointlessly bash with sword all over the map.

Hard mode and upper engages you to use everything you have, sword,deflect arrows,parry/counter attacks,potions,elixirs,bombs ,roll,dodge, + horse fight sometimes not to mention
>5 signs with 2 variations of use each

Pic related, unfortunetly on 3mb allowed

>because dark souls fanboys always are mad at witcher
So you get mad even without them being here?

did you even play the game? And if so , how many minutes ?


It's Rivendell ugh

>play through the game and enjoy it more than any game in the last few years
>see no problems with combat
>come on Sup Forums
>people shitting on it like it's the worst game in existence

They are everywhere and rage at other games that arent Dark Souls

But I AM here.
Not mad at TW3 tho.

Not him

The combat is serviceable but certainly not exceptional

It sounds like that's what you're doing.

I've been playing this game and I really like it but the loot system is by far more retarded than in Fallout 4.
You can find swords, powdered pearls, diamond dust, pants, runestones, crossbows or fiber in any of the 4 variations of containers, mostly in barrels or chests while kitchen drawers mostly have pints with beer in them.
People also shit on Fallout 4 for random skeletons yet W3 does exactly the same, some have a note and key with them which leads to a "quest" meaning you turn on your spidey senses to see the chest 2 feet away.
Leveled loot is also an issue in Witcher 3 but you can disregard it because you will only find vendor trash below your level regardless of quality. Or you find crafting materials but since you can't store your shit anywhere you end up with 200 drowner brains and dog tallow which all weight 0.01 per piece.
How come some swords have the same weight as 300 pieces of leather or iron ore?

Crafting materials dont have weight.

I hoped for more graphical changes, but whatever, UI changes seem nice.
I hope there is more gameplay mechanics in expansion, like runes in HoS.

oh, also gwent cards atlas is a thing now

Actually it's Geraldo Rivera.

Geraldo de la Rivera*

I have only played a whole 10 minutes of Demon Souls and I think TW3 has shit combat

It's just standard bamham shit


Gheralt van em Rviht is more appropriate since it nilfgard territory

As for the quests, it's either a treasure hunt, a monster hunt or a normal quest which consists of a fetch quest, a small tweest moment followed either by a monster hunt or another fetch quest. Outside of companion quests (like for Dandelion or Zoltan or Triss) all choices you make lead to the same conclusion, that is if you have choices at all.
90% of the time all you get is
>I will help you (start quest)
If you must talk, exhaust the yellow lines to progess or
>I will not help you (walk away)
I've heard the end just depends on what you said to Ciri in one conversation and 6 people including Geralt are affected in a binary way if you've solved a specific quest.

I'm playing on PC and they do according to my inventory screen. May be that they've patched something which makes it even less realistic.

>What now you piece of filth!


Gelato di Ravioli*

> Not first review

> Has better average on Metacritic than Overwatch

Go back to playing Overwatch OP, you're not welcome in Toussaint.

Not even that long.

The Witcher 3 currently has won more GOTY awards than any other game EVER

So it's normalfag bait?

>"Kevin finished Blood and Wine in about 40 hours"
>CD Projekt Red has raised the bar on what it takes to make a high quality story driven RPG.
>Taken as a whole, Blood and Wine is nothing short of a triumph – a stunning conclusion to one of the best RPG series ever made.
>Blood and Wine is an incredible send-off for an excellent game.
>The Witcher 3: Blood and Wine is an accomplished piece of genre fiction with some characters I'll come to miss.
>When it comes to expansion packs, Blood and Wine is truly a masterpiece: huge scale, beautiful vistas, interesting stories and multitude of activities beyond the main quest.


So the person who played it has never played an RPG before. People like that would also conclude that Call of Duty is the best FPS series ever made or that Need for Speed is the best racing game series.

>got box today
>can't activate til tuesday

Do we know what time on Tuesday it unlocks?

Fuck i wish i had time to play this masterpiece on my Ps4

At the very least he played B&W, as opposed to you.

nope afaik

What makes you think I didn't?

I'm gonna try my best to not touch it until next ffffriday night, and then I'm gonna go offline on everything and buy myself some goddamn cake

>All the Witcher gear is getting a new upgrade level
Oh fuck yes, I've been wanting this so bad


I can't go back to Bethesda Scrolls for my open world fantasy kick ;_;

Anyone who had played TW and TW2 to completion prior to TW3's release would have already told you TW3 was going to be one of the best if not the best games of all time. The reason being, TW and TW2 are already in the top 20 if not top 10 best games of all time list.


Jesus that is fucking terrible. I'm getting a bit concerned about the expansion. Guess I'll prepare myself for disappointment.

Your lack of arguments backing up your assessment, especially in the light of all other reviews so far.

>CD Projekt RED however is not ruling out more Witcher games coming in the future.

“The Witcher universe is a very big place with a lot of NPCs, a lot of characters, a lot of places we haven’t shown yet,” Szamałek explains

“So, we might return to it at some point…but we think that this is a good place to let Geralt enjoy his retirement and try something new."

Maybe we'll get something featuring an OC Witcher or something.

>Main story and characters aren’t that interesting

I swear to god if they fucked up Regis i'm going to flip a t tit.

>No Grandmaster Viper gear


I'd gladly play a game with young Vesemir being the main character.

Or Ciri as a protag
though i'd like to play a witcher where you can pick a school and create an OC donut steel witcher

"Geralt the wine-grower" management spinoff.

Why do you talk shit? Do you even know who Kevin is? Of course you don't, you are just another memelord brainwashed by shitposting and memes.

The guy has played a shitload of RPGs and reviewed them many times for over 10 years including TW3.

>Ciri as a protag
You do realize she'd be probably too OP for the game to be fun?

>old man geralt retires to toussaint to live a quiet life and have a wineyard
>become a wine tycoon
>basically stardey valley: witcher wine edition
would play
I suppose so, in the short segments you play as her you just zip zap around enemies and slice their shit up
A whole game like this would be boring

You can write game reviews with video footage alone, this does not necessarily meant you can't throw around a few words.
Especially when you're not allowed to give away game details like yet unleaked locations or NPCs it's easy as fuck, just parrot what other reviewers say or what the general consensus is.
Nowadays many forums like this one live from speculations and hype many months in advance with dev leaks to keep people hungry.

>forums like this one
Hello, Reddit.