Have you ever used videogames to settle arguments Sup Forums?
Have you ever used videogames to settle arguments Sup Forums?
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No, also Van was in the wrong.
I used my dick to settle your mom
Fucking spat my coffee
Fuck I love Sup Forums
This is why I still come to Sup Forums
>7 replies, 4 posters.
>4 posters in this thread
Nice samefagging
Helllllooo reddit!
Fuck you
I'm dying here
No. But I fucking wish I did.
My dream is to live life like a fucking Yu-Gi-Oh character.
You think you're tough huh? Let's see you bring it in the ring. Just strip and uh, get out of that jabroni outfit.
Damn son my screen just melted form the 3rd degree
Where's the hot guys? I was promised muscle men remixed with anime by japanese teenagers on a niche website.