Who are the biggest HACK FRAUDS of the vidya game industry?
Who are the biggest HACK FRAUDS of the vidya game industry?
Me. I pretend I'm good at games but I'm not.
The bean counters, the bloggers, anyone who moderates a gaming forum.
Ken Levine
Phil Fish
Todd Howard
can we add Randy "We got soooo much praise for Colonial Marines!" Pitchford to this list?
Could you remind who's the guy on the left?
Tim Schafer
OP, it doesn't really matter who it is, it matters that they exist.
Without the bad, how would we know whats good then?
How do you compare, if you only know one way?
Negation and Suffering is part of life.
is he is ahck fraud?
Mike "third Reich" Stoklasa
Ken Levine and Todd Howard, probably, as far as mainstream stuff goes.
But you don't actually care and just want to discuss RLM. I hope your thread burns to be frank.
I don't know, Jay. Let's ask our friend, Rich Evans.
What happened to this dude? Media loved sucking him off several years ago but now he disappeared.
I assume he's working on games.
*falsetto voice*
He is busy making games and he also stood up to the hipster numale 'indie gaming' crowd have been shunned by 'journos' as a result.
Let's see you fags top this one.
Fucking jewafune at it again
Videogame "journalists"
No, nothing to do with Gamergate/Goobergrapes shit.
They are all a fucking hipster clique that genuinly seem to hate games, fans of games and the culture that surrounds it. They don't actually seem to want to do what they're doing but they don't have the actual talent to be doing whatever the fuck else they want to do so they take it out on people that like to plat fucking videogames. It doesn't help that most of them are liberal pansies that whince at evil videogame boogymen
>nothing to do with gamergate
>sum up gamergate's main thrust
If anything, you could say that he intentionally puts in fucking awful game designs, particularly in Isaac.
Still pretty damn good, all things considered
It may have been the main thrust, but GG is now about ideology shitflinging and identity politics. They took the bait hard
>inafune or molyneux not one of the first posts
It gets really annoying how Game Grumps suck at easy games like Pokemon Snap and Sonic Adventure.
Molyneux, of course.
He keeps talking about how fucking great the games he's working on will be and they never live up to it.
In that recent article about Lionhead a former coworker talked about how they would see his interview and him going "yeah, of course this will all look much better when the game is finished", even though they were done with the visuals.
He makes stuff up on the fly, talking shit so his lackluster ideas seem more impressive.
These aren't all the hacks and frauds, but they are the ones we should be looking to avoid 100% of the time.
You know they put that on right?
Bethesda Game Studios
It writes itself!
What? They don't make games, how are they videogames you fucking retard?
David Cage
Least he actually made something. He's been a prick for a while now but he did contribute in his early years.
True, his Bullfrog years were good.
I am thinking of how he acted in Lionhead. He became so fucking full of shit.