Do you have the mark of a true gamer Sup Forums?
Do you have the mark of a true gamer Sup Forums?
No, because I sit with correct posture, and proper arm positioning, not like a slouchy spaz.
This. If you actually have a mark fix your fucking set up. Use better posture, use a cushion, and stop putting all of your weight onto your fucking wrist.
No, because I've always fingertipped my mouse. My lower back is fucked up, though.
>We are le true gamer culture, you normals just don't ubderstand...
Use a wrist pad/rest like a sane person if you choose to sit at the computer for hours without breaks.
I always wondered how this happened to people. I work at a pc, and use one at home so I'm on a pc like 18 hours out of a day, and I still don't get this mark.
I'll bet it has to do mostly with back posture or how their chair is as well. If you're constantly leaning forward and putting more weight on your wrists and arms it's probably easier to get
Pretty sure thats the mark of an amateur gamer.
It is a goddamn marketing ploy to make "gamers" feel like they are part of some club. Like you just said, work will likely put you at a computer just as long, if not longer, than someone who plays KB/M games at even moderately high amounts. It is basically a "I AM HAVING SO MUCH FUN I DON'T REALIZE THAT I AM INJURING MYSELF" meme.
I have this am I going to die?
I'm not a pcuck though
Do people really just drag their wrist all over their desk like an idiot? The way my setup is my wrist doesn't even touch my desk and it's uncomfortable when I try to do it.
yes it creates a pimple of sorts which in turn creates mustard gas underneath the mass
How do I fix this? I've had this mark forever I don't want it anymore
My mouse hand's arm rest and mouse pad sit flush
My keyboard hand's arm rest sits Slightly lower so that my keyboard arm is at an upward slope and my wrist isn't all bent
Same here about not getting this spot though, I also have good posture though. I didn't think that had anything to do with it but I guess it's a pattern in this thread
remember, kids, pc's are for work ONLY
It's not dangerous. You should only worry if you press the mid of your wrist against your table.
Worst that could happen is more callus.
Get one of pic related.
Oh it's just callus? Pft, add it to the list.
This is the mark of the autism
>moving your entire arm
>not racking up the sensitivity and just shuffling the mouse between your fingers
I can't believe people actually do this
>I want carpal tunnel