What's Sup Forums's opinion of Dunkey?

what's Sup Forums's opinion of Dunkey?

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unfunny reddit-tier faggot that is one step above "so random xD" humor

e-celebrity threads should be a bannable offence.

Literally fucking WHO?

shut up sky williams u gay black man


2/10, he's the best

I tried to watch his videos but something about that voice is just a complete turn off

He's okay, but his friends are annoying as shit.

Thought he was a chubby black kid until I saw he is just a fat white neckbeard with an unusual accent.


Stop shilling yourself here, dronkey

leddit lolbabby

What is Sup Forums's opinion of open dohr?

He has some funny videos.

Took them long enough to ban his ass off lol, it's incredible the shit you manage to get away with when you're some e-celeb.

I think we can all agree on this

All of his jokes seem forced do to his WACKY voice. He's got some decent one liners but aside from that I don't like him. My friends quote him all the time and I fucking hate it

Some decent channels mixed up with that filth.

this you just know he is a beta orbiter for that cunt he hangs around

This, I decided to watch Dunkey streaming on twitch and watching them watch a skittles video game while his friend tries too hard to be funny and it ends up being pathetically cringe inducing

He's popular so I don't like him.

move mathew ti God and it's 100% true


>now give me your other pants
always a mild kek

this is pretty good, but....who is god tier?

He's fine. I'm just grateful his ass isn't spammed all over Sup Forums.

I had the same problem with BroTeamPill pretty good short scripted videso but he tried to stream and be "funny" for hours at a time and it sucked ass

Pretty entertaining for the most part

Also noteworthy since he successfully used LoL as a springboard to launch his channel, then bailed on it to pursue games he actually gave four shits about

Oh I get why they call him boots.



>he is a beta orbiter for that cunt he hangs around
Who? His girlfriend that he lives with?

Yeah. Why the fuck is Kaceytron in the wrong section?


nice "videogames" there op


>getting cucked into paying a slits room and board

What the fuck are you talking about?

He's alright.

Spaghetti and meatballs

Hey guys it's me, videogamedunkey!

Could legitimately be a comedian actor if he wasn't so damn awkward when put on a camera.

Not saying he's particularly funny, but his style fits all the bills. He just looks like a wet dog trying to stand up in the back of a van when on camera.

Used to be funny, not anymore. Hangs around with boring yet obnoxious people, no doubt affecting his streams and content

obnoxious but makes me laugh sometimes. worth watching if you have nothing better to do.

>not splitting rent
Sounds like you are the cuck, senpai

> Having a relationship with a woman makes you a beta orbiter

Holy fuck, shitposting has reached a new low. Someone screen cap this.

Edgy as fuck senpai

Theres that word again.....

Literally a shill