Guys soon the GTX 1070 comes out. So their will be a founders edition first. Is that the best edition to get?

Guys soon the GTX 1070 comes out. So their will be a founders edition first. Is that the best edition to get?

Or should I wait for different versions to come? I am even thinking of buying a 1080 but man thats just way too expensive...

just buy it good goy


Why bother with founder's? Wait for the model that's $380 to be widely available. I think there may be a price war at this category from AMD by end of the year if things go well and AMD actually steps their game up.

the fuck are you even asking?

theres literally cheaper, tested cards out there yet you are willing to pay for a new one

just buy it you god damn nigger if you cant decided then get memed on if its another 3.5 gb fiasco

My god I just read, that the founders edition will cost 789 euro WTF GUYS??

I'm going to wait. Might replace my cpu instead
My r9 390 does well for basically everything right now

>$449 for just a video card
>when the ps4k is coming out soon and will shit all over it while also being cheaper


You're already retarded for buying first-party GPUs.

I have a gtx 760 and I really want a good upgrade that´s why I was thinking about it.

I just want something really strong and won´t the 1070 be really strong?

Oh yes I rather wait then. look Just read on nvidia, that the founders edition will cost 789 euro. How can that even be possible?


Wait for third-party vendors with actual good fans that won't melt your PC.

>Is the more expensive worst version of the card the best to get?
Sometimes I really wish I could hurt someone over the internet.

> implying the video card itself isn't miles ahead of a ps4k

Look man I like my consoles but I'm not some faggot like you who shits on facts.

Stop it

ok ok. I just don´t know much about that stuff. I will wait then. The price will also drop I guess?

Or are their better alternatives then the 1070, I should look for? I want real power until max 450 euro.

bumpitiboo baloo

You realize the first iteration of any piece of technology is the shittiest iteration of said technology right?

Only people that get founders/reference cards are enthusiasts, morons, and other companies looking to reverse engineer it.

You wait until XFX, EVE and other 3rd part GFX card producers release an improved model of the card; providing better temp controls, higher speeds, etc.

You will probably not need a 1080. Just get the 1070. If you're genuinely curious as to whether the Founders Edition is the best edition to get, you do not know enough about computers to warrant a 1080. You will just be paying a ton of extra money for performance you most likely will not notice.

Yes, wait for third-party release and wait for AMD to release their Polaris GPUs aswell so there is some semblance of competition. Jesus fuck just read some news from time to time and you'll know pretty well when to make the hit. Now is when Nvidia sells it to the rich retards who can't wait a few weeks.


I have a 760 as well and it's still doing well enough to allow me to wait several months to see how everything plays out. I'd recommend you to hold on for a while longer as well, OP.

Why would you care, that gpu can run for at least 2 years on ultra settings by all accounts.

this thing costs like umm three ps4's. that's kinda stupid. you still need procesor, ram, mouse and keyboard, monitor... I mean ps4 sounds like a better deal.

Get 1070, save up money and wait for new cards to come out past it. Games probably won't be close to on par with a 1080 uless you're a VR enthusiast or want to run games at 4k.

>the price of 3 PS4s

What's this awesome game we'll be playing on the 1080 or 1070?
My 780 is doing enough for what is out there.

Founder's edition is the worst version to get, wait a little longer and get a custom cooled one from Zotac or EVGA or any other third party. It will have undoubtedly better cooling performance, lower noise levels, and potentially better power delivery or base/boost clock speeds.

I'd also recommend just to wait for AMD's card line up. There may be nothing of note to show with their new line up, but it is worth waiting a little bit even if you don't want to even consider team red just so that you don't have horrible fucking drivers out the gate. Nvidia has had some uncharacteristically bad drivers recently, so I'd let the early adopters run into problems first if there are any to be found.

oh sory I thought it was 1080

>Mfw I pre-ordered an EVGA 1080 FTW



When do you guys think third-party 1070s will be out?

Late June/Early July.

How long does it usually take for the msi/gigabyte/evga etc versions to come out?

I'm building a computer soon and I'm mainly planning on sticking with maximum 1080p/60fps.
An i5 6600k plus a GTX 1070 is more than enough to last me for a good five or so years, right?

Why someone would buy a 1080? Vega will be much better.

>a GTX 1070 is more than enough to last me for a good five or so years, right?


AMD shills please leave.

Depends on how games progress and what games you want to play. If you want to get into VR and whatnot, a 1070 won't do. If you want to be able to run the latest triple A titles for years to come, it might last you. Although they're starting to have worse and worse optimization, so I won't be surprised if the card becomes ineffective later just because of shitty devs gimping the game on older cards.

It's true, though.

If a 1070 won't do then nothing will

>If you want to get into VR and whatnot, a 1070 won't do.
I was planning on trying some futuristic masturbation with CM3D and VR pornography and a lot of sites I've been looking at and even Oculus's recommended specs have been and saying that even an i5 4590 with a GTX 970 is sufficient for VR.
Or are processors like golf scores and you want a lower number because that doesn't sound right at all.

i'm sure the 1070 will be fine for porn and even games right now. but as we move forward that might not be the case in the very near future for non porn games at least.

Ah, okay.
So it's good for now but will likely start suffering in the future.
That's good to know.

you just gotta consider most vr games now are like tech demos' but if we start seeing stuff like doom 4 VR it will probably start to struggle some.

Bullshit, the Fury performs better than the 490x even if has less VRAM.

You will need a CF or a SLI if you want 4k60fps. The 1080 isn't good enough for UHD. The difference between the Fury X and the 1080 at 4k is ridiculous.

>You will need a CF or a SLI if you want 4k60fps.
Shame barely any games support that nowadays

Hey, question here and I don't want to go to Sup Forums.

I have GTX660 and I want a new card. What mid budget should I get? I kinda lost between Nvidia and Amd with conspiracy and drivers and memes and stuff.
Is 4gb Vram enough? And is CPU really matters? I have an i5 3480 or something

EU taxes the shit out of stuff like this. Expect to always pay more when you are sn european.

I've upgraded from a gtx 660 to a 970 and it's been great. The VRAM is definitely enough for 1080p. But the 1070 is going to be a much better replacement, probably. So I'd wait for that if I were you. Unless 350-400 is not mid budget enough for you.