Is there a way to preview the main hand weapon for the heroes who wont show it by default on the skin shop screen?
I want to buy a Roadhog recolor but hell if I know which one got the coolest tint for the gun.
Is there a way to preview the main hand weapon for the heroes who wont show it by default on the skin shop screen?
I want to buy a Roadhog recolor but hell if I know which one got the coolest tint for the gun.
Bamp, screenshots welcome
Thanks for reminding me I have no roadhog skins, let me fix that for you
why not save up for legendary? you are 40 off
or do you not like them?
ill admit they are a bit odd for him
>Is there a way to preview the main hand weapon for the heroes who wont show it by default on the skin shop screen?
No, your best bet is to try and find someone to take screenshots for you or look it up.
Yeah the legendary are butt ugly, the shark one has giant pierced nipples. Maybe getting the legendary Scrapyard D.Va, also wondering how her gun model looks like.
Okay I bought 5 of them
third one
>not hooking people into giant pierced man nipples
Duplicate filter sorry it took some time for this one
Last one I got
Ty pham
Carbon Fiber D.Va weapon if someone's interested
And Blackheart Reinhardts badass giant axe
This is now a skin info thread
Who wants to see legendary skins from first person? I have orange skins for 5 or 6 characters
Do you happen to have any Camo Soldier oranges? Interested in the 1st person.
Who are they for?
Nah none for soldier
I have Industrial and Arctic Zarya, Slapshot Lucio, Abominable Mei and Rescue Mei, Thunderbird Pharah, Blackhardt Reinhardt, and Noire Widowmaker.
The Meis and Pharah pls
Coming right up
Abominable Mei
Thunderbird Parah
Rescue Mei
Thanks bruh, the yeti Mei's gun is nice and now I wanna see Jehuty Pharah
Damn it looks fine, might save up for that one after I git gud as Pharah
I'm pretty sure there is a website on the internet that has first person viewmodels of skins
I think he's talking about the Raptorion costume. The color scheme is kind of similar.
Raptorian Pharah looks similar to Jehuty so it's kind of been nicknamed that. It's the alt color version of Mechaqueen.
Muddy Roadhog is literally his best skin. His legendaries are fuckin terrible.
Never heard of Jehuty before.
I've got the mechaqueen skin. I'll post a first person picture in a second
It's the titular mech from Zone of the Enders
Literal "Cock" pit
I assure you, you are without a doubt the first person to make that joke.
Very naisu. Do you have any mercy leggos?
Nope, that's my only legendary. Sorry holmes.