Does Sup Forums like Hyper Light Drifter?

Does Sup Forums like Hyper Light Drifter?

>special thanks to Anita Sarkeesian and Phil Fish




played until 3rd boss
Got bored
Dark souls 3 came out
Never touched the game since

>game requires high dexterity
>locked at 30fps

Why? What did they do, give it a thumbs up because the MC and characters are of nonspecific genders or something?

This put me off the game, the transition between animations makes me physically ill.

It didn't recognize my gamepad and the keyboard controls require the mouse = instant garbage

>""""inspired"""" by NGE

The game aesthetics has a Fez vibe, not NGE. Did you play the game?

felt more pretentious than usual for indieshit

They were just buddies with Anita and Phil "Suck my Dick, Choke on it" Fish at the time of the kickstarter. Heart Machine themselves aren't chugging kool-aid like they are, though -- if anything, it's really watered down kool-aid.

And the main character is canonically male. The alternate drifter that they made for kickstarter backers is female.
On the topic of the game, it's far from perfect.
>Art style works in some places, but falls flat in others. It looks better in motion than it does in screenshots, but there are some places where the gross gradients clash way too much (namely, in the northern area where you can see the sunrise).
>Gameplay is a bit fickle, but I generally enjoyed it. Vastly improved when you use a gamepad, as the psa at the beginning of the game will flat-out tell you. Some people confuse it for a hack-and-slash, but attempting to do that is liable to get your shit wrecked. All of the enemies have predictable logic with clearly telegraphed attacks, so it's up to the players to learn how to deal with them and make it through the game. Being that there's no actual penalty for death, this isn't an issue unless you don't want to deal with it.

>Ambient music works in a lot of places, but they shouldn't have used it for boss battles. Disasterpeace composed the soundtrack, I refuse to believe he couldn't have made better music for this task.

It was inspired far more heavily by Nausicaa and Laputa than anything, but leave it to mongrels on the internet to not know their giant anime monsters.
>It has four eyes, and is a giant... it MUST be Eva!

Because half the development team feels their lives were enriched by giving money to scams, just like that one dipshit on the lab zeros development team who was screaming during their latest kickstarter on forums about how if they didn't get funding, no one would put a brown girl as protagonist ever in any game.

IE. Delusional hipster fuckwits.

What really bugs me is that comparing early trailers and gameplay footage to what we have now, too much content was altered. You could make an entire game with all of the content they showed off alone, which is why I'm really hoping there's gonna be an update in the future, either in the form of dlc or a free expansion (of course, everything is free on the internet) that uses some of the stuff. Really disappointing that some of the bosses weren't included, as well.


30FPS lock = instant dead hype

Titans created for the purpose of waging war on humanity whose remains are scattered across the world is more in-line with Nausicaa's titans, that's all I'm saying. The game is obviously far more influenced by Studio Ghibli's work than EVA.

oh get the fuck over it you FPSperg

Had ~20 hours of fun 100% the game without looking anything up.

Not too hard, not too easy, it's difficult enough.
I liked how the player is just expected to figure things out, and how environmental cues help with this almost always. Except for some of the invisible platforms in the overworld, those can go fuck themselves.

seriously tho

I'd rather play Undertale

Eh, you could easily mistake it for an Eva reference, to be honest. It's pretty close to this.

>Angels created for the purpose of waging war on adam whose remains are scattered across the universe

>People complain that it's copying EVA.
>It's actually closer to copying A Link to the Past than anything else

name one reason why any game should be locked at 30fps

it's a wholly FMV game filmed at 24 fps or emulating the look of a TV show like south park

thanks for reminding me why I don't watch TV or movies anymore

how does that follow

it's a shit reason, bub
you would probably get eye cancer from playing such a game

+Fun combat system that smartly combined iframeless dash, melee, and rechargable weaponry
+Interesting and challenging enemies and bosses, no enemy in a game feels like cheap bullshit
+Appropriate 8-9 hour length, anything more and the game would get stale as fuck

- graphics looks like colourful turd
- 30 fps lock (consolefags should be fine, their brain is already slow)
- terrible level design and exploration (basically, hug every wall)
- no story, dialogues or characters
- final boss is the weakest of all for some reason

I'd rather have fun

I liked it. Too pricey for 20 bucks, too short for that.

It's one of those cases where I liked the game but I want my money back.

>>special thanks to Anita Sarkeesian and Phil Fish
>30fps lock
>cut content they promised in Kickstarter
>most of shit in original trailer didn't make it in game
>even a few backer bosses didn't make it in game
Yeah no, fuck them.

>- terrible level design and exploration (basically, hug every wall)

Congrats, you're legally blind.

Short-ish, but reasonably enjoyable. The endgame combat challenges were a nice addition. Music is a bit hit and miss, mostly it's nice, other times the wishy-washy ambient droning gets a bit stale.
If the game had another 4 uniquely-themed zones with their own bosses in each of the intercardinal directions I would be singing its fucking praises though.

I like the way it sounds.

The rest isn't that great.

Nope. All the shit in the trailer I liked most didn't even make it into the game. Totally different than what I expected and they cut content even from the alpha demo they released. I don't like the direction they went.

Great, you found 6 secret rooms that kinda telegraph themselves. Only 500 rooms that don't left!

Alright asshat, go take some screen shots of walk through walls that have no tell.

The invisible platforms on the other hand usually don't have one and it's annoying as fuck

>no enemy in a game feels like cheap bullshit
The lunging plants that are invincible during the leap and hit you for 2 come close, they have a nasty habit of appearing next to you and attacking before you can see their sprite in the arena. Also the big green guys with the machineguns, god help you if more than one of those spawn at the same time.

>Get that boss to his second phase
>Gets a lot easier to avoid the flaming tiles as they get far more predictable

Enjoyed the game as a whole except the ram-face-into-wall secrets

>the ram-face-into-wall secrets

Seriously, pay more attention to floor tiles.

I want to hate it, but it's a good game.

you gonna go watch a bloodborne stream with cancerousbiscuit because the 30 fps is just too much to handle? Shoot yourseilf in the fucking face, pussy.

It's decent enough, but the design is extremely clumsy and questionable at times.
Forcing the player to buy certain upgrades is just stupid.

They literally are Evas, though.
The giants in Nausicaa have two eyes and a round head.

to make you mad.

Holy shit is the map vague in this game. I get that it would possibly be harfmul for exploration to know exactly where you are and where paths are taking you, but there's so much stuff on the map that isn't relevant that it's hard to tell if you've actually missed an area or if it's just artistic license with the map.

You don't need to purchase any upgrades to complete the game.
Chain Dash is really fucking useful and you're either dumb or doing a self imposed challenge if you don't buy it, but it's not mandatory for any of the main content.

>everything in every game should be free

No, but why deviate from the formula you are copying by putting in a nonsensical upgrade system?
Make the guns buyable and hand over the movement/sword upgrades for free.

Im currently pirating it. What should i expect?

What formula do you mean?

a video game

Make sure you're pirating a recent version, the first version released had some bugs (I almost think they were on purpose) that got patched right away but plenty of people who pirated ended up with the first shitty buggy version

The game isn't going to be spoon feed anything, be prepared to figure stuff out on your own.
It's kinda difficult, but not that difficult, certain weapons and upgrades really make the game a whole lot easier

Going in blind is actually better because then you won't have any any prior knowledge of the two cut areas so you won;t be mad that they're absent
Shit, I just screwed that one up didn't I.

>It was inspired far more heavily by Nausicaa

"One notable animator was Hideaki Anno, who later wrote and directed Neon Genesis Evangelion. Anno was assigned to draw the challenging God Warrior's attack sequence, which according to Toshio Suzuki is a "high point in the film"."

But leave it to mongrels on the internet to not know their giant anime monsters!

Hideaki Anno animated that scene

That doesn't make that scene EVA
What's next? DBZ and Chrono Trigger are the same thing?

>Going in blind is actually better because then you won't have any any prior knowledge of the two cut areas so you won;t be mad that they're absent Shit, I just screwed that one up didn't I.

Crying over spilled milk I never even bought, anyways thanks user

lay off the salt

>It's not a copy of an artist's work
>It's actually inspired, by this other design, of which it looks significantly less like, and is animated by the same artist anyway

If you can't tell that it is inspired from NGE, you probably do have trouble telling dbz and CT apart

>everything points to it being this thing, but my headcanon is this other thing so I am literally right!

>meme arrows
Try Sup Forums, /s4s/ or /r9k/ for your shitposting needs


Can you two try to contain your autism a bit, please?

It's basically Zelda with a faster combat system and less linearity and tedious upgrades.

Here's how the giant robots are depicted in the actual game.

What is this more in line with?

Still have to finish it, DaS3 came out and distracted me. Really enjoyed the north and west areas though, the art style and enemy designs are great.

I dunno about that. I mean with Zelda dungeons you're expected to solve a handful of puzzles, then find an item that allows you to solve the remaining puzzles and then you kill the boss with that item in some way. Dungeons are also generally finished in a pre-defined order because items you find in early dungeons are prerequisites for accessing later dungeons.
HLD gives you freebie weapons -after- you've beaten a boss, and you never need any specific items or upgrades to access any of the bosses, so the format is more like 4 robot masters in that respect.
There should have been 8 areas with the boss of each being weak to a weapon found in another area, I would have came buckets.

in the east area there's an eva corpse and in the west area there's eva skeletons all around.
You don't get any more blatant than this.

Well, there are 8 bosses total.
1 in East
1 in North
1 in West
4 in South
1 final boss

And they are all weak to a certain weapon.
they're all weak to the Shotgun, because it's OP as fuck

It was okay. A pure 6/10. I enjoyed it while playing it but it had massive flaws in the area design, particularly in how it hid secrets, and the massive amount of cut content from what was promised in the Kickstarter had a clear negative impact on the variety of the experience, so it got tedious fairly quickly. Thankfully with the cut areas too it didn't outstay its welcome.

I just finished it.
Not worth the money, ok if you crack it

>excited about game
>hear it's 30 fps
>well i won't buy it
>pirate it
>it's 30 fps
>go to delete it, decide to play a few more minutes
>get the gun
>controls for aiming and shooting are just outright wrong. like not objective, not arguable, we have found better ways for doing these controls and the dev didn't use them, for no reason whatsoever
>delete the game 5 minutes in

did the guy die yet? fundamental design flaws aren't acceptable and he should die.

One of you guys is arguing based on what their appearance is and one of you is arguing based on what their place in the lore/setting/story is.
You aren't going to come to an agreement

>abusing reload cancel with the shotgun

>controls for aiming and shooting are just outright wrong

>point with mouse
>click to shoot
>objectively wrong

Absolutely no reason to pay attention to the game at all. It's like it doesn't even exist to me

You want a lore argument?
Alright, then.
Anyone here seen the second Rebuild?

>using a mouse and keyboard to play a game designed for controller


>forcing yourself to use a shitty control scheme when there's a good one RIGHT THERE.

>playing an isometric console type game with a mouse and a keyboard

filthy and disgusting

oh well. games trash, 30 fps /thread

>controller controls are ass
>keyboard control is perfect
>game must be designed for controller


The controller controls are awful, you can't aim and move at the same time.

Is the Nausicaa movie any good? I have a free afternoon.

Played it and finished it recently, accidentaly all the dungeons in reverse order, so I finished last two dungeons in one sitting.

Secrets are fun and their placement makes sense, there's always a hint of somekind.

My biggest problem is that the combat is bit too shallow, the 30fps makes timing dashes harder than it needs to be, the storytelling is bit too minimalistic to actually work, npcs are just moving statues and they have no interaction other than speechbubbles.

It lacks a bit of content, dungeons aren't that long, it could use some more areas, maybe another town hub, have NPC's give quests and move around. When you find that guy that tells you he got jumped by shopkeeps, I mistrusted the shopkeeps and expected something to come of it, but nothing, everything remained static till the end of the game. Also map is fucking unintelligble

Otherwise beautiful, fun game that has nice exploration and satisfying, if a bit shallow combat.
this bullshit

I've found invisible ones do, it's sometimes a small light or a distant platform you can see at the edge of the screen. Sometimes the platform shape suggests there might be something going on there.


Yes, very worth a watch. I'd also recommend Howl's Moving Castle.

The only times I saw a telegraphed invisible platform was underground in South, where there are white lights on the floor.

Some of them though, like the set that leads to a triangle in North or the one in the bridge room in West are just fucking bullshit.

proco rosso is by far the comfiest and best ghibli movie

This is why I'll never give the devs money for this game.

I liked it.

It was okay.
Not worth the hype or the price.
And this