
Reender or real time stuff?

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he died

It's a render. It has nothing to do with the 1080 and was produced years ago. It would've taken thousands of hours of processing.

Will true water physics remain the final obstacle for developers?

why do they call it the GTX 1080?

Fluid simulations and particles in general will never be in video games for another 50+ years.


I'm saying within 10 years, using cloud processing.

it finally lets pc "'"gamers""" play in 1080p

>thousands of hours of processing.
lol no
other than that you're right

coz u turn 1080 degrees and walk away

What the fuck is "true" water physics?

Saw a thing recently showing how they made fluid simulation much faster by using probabilistic prediction or something rather than simulating every single particle. The results were almost the same using a fraction of the power.

I'll post it if I can find it

I think this was it

How is is even an obstacle in the first place? What the fuck kind of game would actually be significantly enhanced by accurate 3D water physics?

>cloud processing

that underwater game Sup Forums always wanted but never got.
also ss13 did some fun shit with simulated thermodynamics and atmosphere.


It's gonna happen.
Look at Crackdown 3. That's just the tip of the iceberg.
Also seen some cool stuff where global illumination was offloaded to cloud GPUs and the small latency was unnoticeable.

another meme card. just for rendering memes

literally me

>can't wrap my mind around basic atmospherics to save the station
>meanwhile /vg/station MoMMIs are complaining about how it was casualized to better suit the fleshbags

that's a pretty broad statement. games allow for a ton more freedom than actual fluid dynamics from R&D. if you just have to make it look like it behaves real you can probably take a ton of shortcuts.
nobody sane plans to do detailed 3D CFD in their video games.

>look at this game that nobody's played yet as proof that something works

Latency or no, no one's going to develop a game that a fraction of the potential market can use

Most people don't have great internet and it won't be much better in 2026

>tfw still trying to master the kitchen
I'm not going to make the clown into ground meat and even if I wanted to I don't know how.

What sort of disaster would I have to orchestrate to make the U.S modernize it's internet infrastructure?

Titanfall used cloud processing for AI


If you build it they will come.

hack the safety of your food processor.


Unless this is similar to making ice cream cones and dough, I think this is outside of my skill level

Whenever I hear someone tell me that cloud computing is going to change gaming I think of OnLive and how well that service worked.

Depends on the serb. /vg/station just requires you to take off their stuff, grab them, and then put them in the gibber. A good traitor chef can get their target turned into sausage in under half a minute as soon as they walk up to the kitchen.

It did work pretty well, but there was no demand for it. A textbook solution looking for a problem.

What if there was a Terminator game in the style of Alien Isolation where you're hunted by a T1000 that can turn into liquid that dynamically moves around the environment