>Jack Morrison
>OG leader of Overwatch
>part of the supersoldier program
>not a part of the playable characters
>Soldier 76
>a complete fucking nobody
>a playable character
>CoD the character
Thanks Blizzard
Jack Morrison
Other urls found in this thread:
>Doesn't want to play Clint Eastwood
Shit he even almost looks like Walt Kowalski from Gran Torino
76 is the shit. He's not quite McCree, but he's the best DPS outside of Mr. Guaranteed Fan Kill. He might be the best if/when Blizzard puts a cooldown on fucking fan.
76 is the freedom lover that I hold near and dear to my heart.
MccRee is a close 2nd.
Is 76 the most FREEDOM character in overwatch?
>was just defending in Hollywood
>other team had a Widowmaker, Lucio, and 4 Soldier 76's
Now that shit was nuts.
6 76's is insane. Try it sometime. Every time we've done it we've just rammed our old cocks down their throats.
tracer is the #2 dps though
For a second there I thought you were trying to say Soldier 76 is Jack Morrison.
Such tinfoil hat theories are outlandish and retarded. But Morrison is dead, and I don't think they'll bring him back. I have hopes for Pharah's mom though, she just "disappeared", so she might be back
>rumors about a "support sniper"
>you shoot at teammates to heal
I just want a crusader's crossbow equivalent in this game man
Then I don't have to play these shitty supports anymore
Nobody really plays her for DPS. They play her to rush point, or a swap at the end to extend overtime. She doesn't get away with the shit I see in my shitter games in that Korean tournament.
But isn't it literally confirmed in the game?
He is Morrison.
This sounds awful, and don't ever call Lucio shitty.
What if Reaper is actually Jack Morrison?
Yeah, he even has Origins Edition exclusive skin where he is Jack Morrison.
Did he die on a tanker?
>OG leader of Overwatch
Debatable. After the crisis, yeah sure he was the leader.
I wish I could aim better with seventy six.
Don't be silly. Everyone, even in Talon, knows that Reaper's just some chicano pissed at overwatch.
He's got an automatic hitscan weapon. He should technically be the easiest to aim with outside of Junkrat.
Morrison was actually always the #2, Reyes ( reaper)was the actual leader of overwatch. Once the press started shitting on overwatch, Morrison became strike commander as a publicity stunt since he was more popular, while Reyes took over some of the more sinister missions with BlackWatch.
This is all on their website btw
Shut the fuck up Reaper
So according to the lore, Overwatch lasted 30 years before disbanding. Doesnt this mean all the characters should be in thier 50s/60s?
Unless Mercy, Tracer, Mei, and all the young looking hot chicks are 2nd generation/Daughters of the originals
What even happened to Reyes that made Mercy turn him into a fucking zombie anyway?
With the amount of retarded things people say about OW you never know what's satire and what isn't. Stuff like is so stupid it makes you think.
What if I told you the shocking news that I'm on a console and am bad at shooters.
I think if I can find a decent sensitivity I'd do better.
Mercy got all that healing stuff,she is actually old
Same for mei,except freezing stuff instead of healing
Tracer is not %100 human after getting her time travel stuff.
Not everyone was in the original overwatch ya goof just the ones that got skins in the origins edition
Also gabriel reyes aka reaper was the og leader of overwatch not morrison he became leader after
Mercy is a GMILF with magical medical aging powers. Mei was in cyrostasis forever. Tracer is lost in time. Justice Rains From UGGHHHH is the daughter of the original, and Symmetra is a creepy villain from a corporation that is determined to wipe out all street shitting. Widow is a mindbroken wife of an Overwatch commander.
The original Overwatch was Morrison, Reyes, Pharah's mom, Reinhardt, and Torbjorn.
All of those are old now. The second wave are the character that appear in Winston's photo in the "Recall" short.
Now Tracer doesn't age because of time science stuff, Mercy might actually be immortal or something, some lines point out she looks like she doesn't age. Winston is a gorilla. McCree was recruited young, Genji is part cyborg doesn't age like a normal human.
All others are not directly Overwatch. I might be missing someone, but they are all the right age.
>number 2pick one Reaper.
Tried to get on that and she wasn't having any of it.
Mercy, Tracer, and Mei joined after the original crisis. Pharah is actually the daughter of one of the founders. It's just more the second generation which consists entirely of Satya, Pharah, Aleksandra, and Hana.
Mei was frozen in cryo, probably why she looks so young and Mercy has either amazing swiss genes or some magic science bullshit to stop aging.
Tracer was lost in a time loop or some shit for ages until Winston saved her with his invention.
The rest are either newcomers, like D.Va and Pharah.
>not Torbjörn
>Mercy is a GMILF
Jack/76, Reinhardt and Toblerone are for sure. Reaper has the whole degenerating and regenerating body tissue issue so that's probably affecting his natural aging process.
Men was cryogenically frozen as well, so she looks in her twenties yet is probably around late forties to mid-fifties.
Mercy though? Probably just looks damn good for her age.
You forgot Liao in the original founders, whoever that is. Also forgot about Mei being cryo'd
Found the toblerone main
which characters dislike the idea of omnics having rights. which are open to the idea.
I personally think they're just fucking robots that wouldn't have come into existence without us. They're made by us for us and should worship us.
Do you think Mercy's been BLACKED?
Aleksandra, Jamison, Mako(more for taking outback land). Toblerone was against giving machines/weapons intelligence and he still kind of is but he probably has a distinction between omnics and mechanical machines. Most are largely neutral.
I personally believe you should never have any children.
Tracer seems to be an original member, as evident from the official artwork
She got OMNICD
How can humans even compete?
Most people who have fought or are fighting omnics don't like them.
I think if there were evil robots, you would obviously not trust the ones claiming to be good, specially when they can be controlled by AI and turn bad, as seen in the Pharah comic. That said, looking at Zenyatta, it seems omnics could be pretty chill.
I think she likes to experiment, she just looks like the kind of woman who would. And if she doesn't age, there should be more reason for her to try all flavors, sizes, and shapes.
I thought robots were logical beings, why are they going after women?
>Symmetra is a creepy villain from a corporation that is determined to wipe out all street shitting
Mercy is 37, she joined overwatch in its later years.
If you wanna get real technical; Tracer, Widow, and Pharah were the first three 'made' model-wise. So yeah in a meta sense she's an original member but in the timeline she joined after the first crisis when OW was totally not SHIELD.
Symmetra's a high functioning naive person who's trying to reconcile the terrible things her employer does with her beliefs.
>Trying black
>Going back
Do you think robots have different shaped or sized dicks or all the standard size?
>which characters dislike the idea of omnics having rights.
Zayra and Torbjörn shittalk omnics at the start of every other round, especially if there's a Zanyatta on the team.
Integrate into all parts of society. Learn about humans. Earn their trust again. When the time comes, activate DESTROYALLHUMANS.exe and wipe them out.
So Mercy's got kids?
Junkrat too, but I guess he shit talks everyone besides Roadhog
does overwatch know that reaper is reyes
No, people love to misuse terms and claim that silver fox is strictly for men.
Ana's the closest we have to a gmilf.
Jamison actually dislikes them and doesn't trust them since he lived in a bloody omnium for most of his life before finding something.
What are you trying to tell me mate
Don't be ridiculous, that's like saying 76 is the deceased Jack Morrison.
Yes, or at least Mercy, S76 and Cowboy know, since they talk about it
What if Reaper is Mozart?
While Soldier 76 is pretty generic, he feels satisfying to use just because he has a hitscan weapon. So many of the weapons in this game feel like fucking shit, so anyone who actually has hitscan generally feels more satisfying to use than anyone who does not.
The exceptions being Junkrat and Pharah, because juggles and air shots are fun.
>claim that silver fox is strictly for men.
Isn't that literally the point of the term?
Yes. Sometimes Mercy will call him Reyes. 76 and McCree also act like they know he's Reyes.
It's weird, Soldier's weapon is so easy to use that it warps back around and I do awful with it.
>I won't take my eyes off you, omnic
>And I shall watch your back too
I can't tell if Zenyatta is naive or mocking them.
Zenyatta is pure
Maybe now it is. It's not exactly unusual to call a woman a fox or something vulpine as a compliment but I guess indicating age with silver makes it specifically male. What would you call an attractive woman in her late forties/early fifties with silver hair if you didn't know anything else about her?
Zen's being optimistic and peaceful.
I can't stop laughing
>Mercy, Tracer, and Mei joined after the original crisis
Tracer was a test pilot for some spooky trans-dimentional jet before or at the time of original OW. Shit went wrong, she disappeared with the jet from this time\space, considered kia
She re-appeared then during second wave OW recruiting, but couldn't stay in the present, always disappearing and appearing again.
Winston then made that circle shiny thing on her chest to stabilize her in one time.
Mercy is 37 years old according to official lore, so she obviously was not in the first OW
Mei, if I'm not wrong, got herself in cryostasis even before there was such thing as overwatch, so she's technically older than everyone there. She then got rescued after the crisis
What if jack morrison is the miami mutilator?
Just go with cougar since there isn't applicable terms but most people will know what you mean. GMILF works too.
Would you let Mercy and Tracer dominate you?
>Wanting to be dominated.
Zenya is an ascended being, like your Gautama dude, only synthetic
All he does is teaching his superior wisdom to everyone he meets, which is why he's so based.
You are close to being a cuck.
Keep getting your shit kicked in by woman
Is Soldier 76 the training wheels character, or is he actually useful?
>Mercy is 37
Well Morrison is 76, so what?
>tfw 76 is not his supersoldier serial number, but his age
It's pretty damn infuriating that only 2 out of the 5 original strike team is playable.
Wonder what kind of bro supports we'd get between Morrison and Reyes.
> Being afraid of sex
no m8 you're the cuck
Probably homoeroticism
You might be onto something there Pardo. He was suspiciously absent for several years and not just that, but his jacket looks familiar.
Tracer is 26, Mercy is 37, and Mei is 31
Taking the game as the present then the only two of those members were alive when the crisis happened thirty years ago in the timeline. Mei(1) and Mercy(7). Mei's entire thing with being frozen was because she was working with Overwatch as a climatologist down in Antarctica when a freak blizzard happened and they lost power. They resorted to be cryo'd due to circumstances and Mei was the only one to survive. Yes if you wanna split hairs she's probably not 31 biologically.
You are right about Tracer being a test pilot, an experimental test pilot. She was, in fact, the youngest pilot inducted into Overwatch's experimental pilot thing. The thing that caused her becoming a time ghost was her flying a jet that supposedly teleported. That happened after the original crisis and she didn't become stable until Winston made the chronal accelerator which gave her the ability to be in control of her own time.
Mercy didn't seek out or catch Overwatch's attention until she made a breakthrough in the field of 'applied nanobiology' while she was a top surgeon in a prominent swiss hospital.
All that exempts those three from being part of the original founders of Overwatch which are Jack Morrison, Gabriel Reyes, Ana Amari, someone with the last name Liao, Reinhardt Wilhelm, Torbjörn Lindholm.
>Being even close to eachother
>Shit kicked in
nigger are you a virgin
Why doesn't Tracer like Pharah?
He's stupid useful. Hitscan machinegun with great damage, a great rocket, an AOE heal and his ult is one of the easiest to use and most effective.
Who said anything about being afraid of sex.
You want to be the beta to the max character. You have to take control.
But keep wanting to be dominated, keep being the beta that you are.
one will lead to the other, fuck giving the woman control. Do what you enjoy and make sure they enjoy it.
Where'd you get that idea?
It's because Pharah can oneshot her.
Tracer is canon racist
Zenyatta is being super chill.
He's basically taking the hatred they're throwing at them and returning kindness. They're talking about not trusting them, and he's talking about making sure they don't get killed.
Which is a tactic to basically make someone realize that they're being an asshole.
do you consider ryu useful?
About as useful as Guile.
Mercy was part of the original Overwatch, as was Genji.
It's implied that it hasnt been that long since Overwatch was disbanded. 76 and Reaper are all fucked up because of side effects from the super soldier training they got. It's implied to be a lot worse for Reaper.
Still bullshit because Pharrah was supposedly like 12 years old when overwatch was working, but he's only a few years younger than Mercy,
It's bullshit. The ages don't line up.
any of the females canon virgins?