What would make gaming great again?

What would make gaming great again?

if it died and was reborn anew

indie gaming and kickstarter are already making ti great. look at yooka laylee

if americans never existed

having fun :)

Love you too, dad

If you were easily amused 12yo kid with nothing to worry about again.

If you were 12 again and didn't suffer from some depression/anxiety/some other kind of metal illness

NX will be the new NES

More DLC

If people stop demanding photorealistic graphics for every game, and studios can make fun games cheaply again, so they can afford to take risks.

More games that I like getting sequels (I have objectvely great taste trust me)
More new IPs that try something new and daring without studios fearing of being liquidated if they don't sell enough

Would it kill a game to have a good lore or writing.

I feel like games this gen are horribly written. We're the good guys, they're the bad guys and we're having the war.

Where's the detail, where's the nuance. It's shit.

the game I want to be made right now:

>a good modern heroes game based on Heroes 3 with all sorts of resources and 9 factions

>a Zelda game with the same polish as OoT but with near endless content and bosses and fuckload of items and which takes 300 hours to complete or something

>Shadowgate Rising because it was never released on the N64 and adventure games are cool as fuck
>Echo Night 4 because mystery adventure game and no release since EN Beyond on the fucking PS2

I think we can make games great again or they are just great on their own? but not in the way we wanted, I think that less dlc and extra content is the anwear not because is bad, is good, but I don't think that they should sell it apart, it should be on the game or get and update and just it, I love old games just I love the new ones, just think like this, we love the old games because we grew whit then but what's whit the kids that are growing and their first console is a ps3? You need to think that it depends on the age that one start to play videogames.

people not complaining

More games that are fucking crazy.
Rockstar North really started rolling with Body Harvest, GTA1, and SSSV. None of these would be greenlit today.

For stockholders to fuck off forever with their MORE PROFIT bullshit.

Seriously, fuck gamblers. Fuck Pachinko and fuck Shorts Coverers - Wall Street is nothing but trouble.

The worst thing is that there are people who believes this unironically.

>Every franchise goes back to it's roots: ALL OF THEM
>The terms "Accessibility", "We want the CoD audience", "Too Videogamy", "Emotion", "Mobile" and "Gyro controls" are removed from the entire industry, and everyone who brings them up in any serious way are not only fired, but barred from ever making games again
>PSN and XBL become free, allowing users to play their games without paying anything. A premium service is still offered for those that pay, that gets you more benefits and the free games each month still
>Everyone at Steam is fired and people who actually want to make games take over the company HL3 starts development immediately
>Most people at Sony are fired and the company once again focuses on making games instead of just pushing fancy hardware that has no use
>Microsoft already did their culling, and the new blood brought back Backwards compatibility, so I'm not sure how much better things could get over there(?)
>Everyone at Nintendo is fired and infamous Nintendo game modders/rom hackers take over the company
>Game "Journalists" are all marched through the streets naked and beaten while people throw spoiled fruit at them, then they are dropped off on an island that is quarantined indefinitely

TL;DR: a complete overhaul.

more games where i can play with my actual fucking friends right next to me, more games that have no DLC whatsoever.

gaming died when it became something you do by yourself in a room, wearing a mic at best - it used to be about having fun with like minded nerds. games also used to be finished when they came out - now people expect to buy half now and half later, which reduces pressure on the companies. if people hate the "core game" they can make up for it in DLC, so companies literally just rush things out as soon as they can, fuck the consumer

There were only 2 games worth backing, and they won't do what they set out to do.

Shantae HGH did not overhaul itself enough to have mass market appeal and will still lack the marketing that it needs to go big.

Yooka-Laylee, created from a place of pent-up hate for Microsoft and lack of freedom of expression, has already shot itself in the foot as far as having a future by both making a trope, "bad vibes" villain that serves no meaningful purpose other than to look like the face of Bill Gates/Microsoft and by also interrupting the platforming with arcade nonsense and good old inevitably dated and hard-to-control minecart segments as Rare was oft to do (Shantae already has something akin to this in the demo, and it's hot garbage).