Why is Hanzo so sexual?
Why is Hanzo so sexual?
He probably has an absolute tiddly little dribbly so who gives a fuck.
Junkrat is probably Mike Matei in disguise.
This has been a good year for sexy Japanese men in video games.
fuaark did anyone see those shirtless pics of that stacked asian LoL player?
hot as fuck
Literally Mitsurugi with a bow.
Why are Hanzo players such useless dicksucking faggots
i dont play as hanzo- if i play as hanzo i cant see hanzo's sweet ass
i play as torbjorn and follow my teams hanzo around so i can get a worms-eye-view of his assets
Literally perfect
>Akira Kurosawa era ideal of handsome men in japan has long gone
>Now it's all androgynous faggots
>The west kept the Toshiro Mifune look for samurai and badass japs around and conserved it, see Hanzo
One day Japan will return to its better times.
>not liking both Junkrat's otter body and Hanzo for being bara
>>Now it's all androgynous faggots
its always been androgeny, m8
>what is taoism
>what is Tale of Genji
>what is taoism
>what is Tale of Genji
Not Akira Kurosawa, the apex of japanese aesthetics.
>what is Tale of Genji
Genji was master pervert.
He took in a little girl and molded her into his perfect wife.
Are there any good Hanzo doujins?
I need to know for reasons.
>One day Japan will return to its better times.
Except that Japan has been successfully neutered by the West. It's never going to recover.
The "Japan was a masculine nation full of warriors before the end of WW2" meme is a lie. They were always a nation of peaceful pussies who never fought a real war with a foreign power in their 2000 year history and samurai were pitifully undertrained (they didn't need to know how to actually fight since their only adversaries were other samurai and defenseless peasants). For fuck's sake, "fighting" in Japan meant two dudes facing off in a ritual dance for most of their history until basically the modern era.
You wake up with one character sleeping to your left and one to your right. Who are they?
>left: Reinhardt
>right: Hanzo
Left: Hanzo
Right: McCree
Me: Sore
judging by how fucking stupid fights in anime and japanese video games are I have no problem believing this
Hanzo and either McCree or Junkrat.