What does your girlfriend think about your gaming collection?

what does your girlfriend think about your gaming collection?

If you have a "girlfriend" then you're an emasculated beta bitch.

Zero fucks. He's busy mucking about with model trains all day long.

>tfw no gf

It explicitly says "girlfriend" in the OP, fuck off fag.

>he didn't know girlfriend means boyfriend on Sup Forums
>he thinks Sup Forums is a straight board

How about you make me, Captain Gaylord?

>having a girlfriend

Fuck women.

>everybody on Sup Forums must have a physical game collection that rivals the one AVGN has

>Fuck women.

Gross, no thanks

>Gaming Collection
Can only choose one.

>Female co-workers bitch to me about their sons playing videogames too much
>Any time spent is considered too much
It's kryptonite to women.

Regular girls dont like anything that they think you love more than them, or is taking your attention from them, i barely played video games when i was in a relationship and she still moaned i spent too much time on them.

I don't know other women don't just join their boyfriends in their hobby, easiest way to spend time together

that's because a lot of girls don't have hobbies.

women have careers or other social aspects that keeps them busy, such as friends, etc.

I typed that very poorly. I meant it as in joining their boyfriend hobbies ie playing video games with their boyfriend instead of bitching about it

A number of girls do, but then you have self centered retards.


I bet you kiss her and everything, faggot


>not having a gf that games with you
>tfw gf pocket mercy healing you

it's like you plebs don't even want to be happy

>Can only choose one.
okay, I choose gaming collection

I'd give up things to better myself, but I'd never give up anything to appease a woman. If a girl is shitting on your hobbies and you are giving in, then you are one step closer to being cucked.

>then you are one step closer to being cucked.


t. Sup Forums