Overwatch porn is being forced offline


>You may have heard something recently about the sudden, not-at-all-surprising proliferation of Overwatch... well, porn. Kotaku did an impressively in-depth report on the phenomenon a few days ago, but the short version of the story is that some people want it, and so other people are making it. And in a few instances, to startlingly high standards—or so I'm told. But it's recently come to light that someone, presumably Blizzard, is working to have it all taken down.

When will companies learn that you cannot stop rule 34?

No, really! When will they learn?!

Other urls found in this thread:


>Implying they can remove a fictional picture from gelbooru that they own no copyright to

isn't this only for videos made with original character models ?

That... sounds fucking hot. Time to fire up the fap hand.

You didn't even read your own link, you fucking idiot
They're taking away porn that uses the in-game models

Yes, OP is a fucking retard

It's jewish as fuck but acting like it's the end of porn is moronic.

>taking down porn

Why? It hurts no one.

Don't worry. It's not censorship. It's localization.

>implying they can remove porn rom the internet

gg bliz

Does fair use not cover sfm porn?


It does. This is literally censorship.

I'm assuming PCgamer are being idiots here. When has ANY company ever thought it could take porn of the internet?

Yes. They can't take down drawing because that's just fanart and is covered by fair use.
They do own the actual models though so that's a copyright issue and copyright laws demand that you actively defend what's yours or you may lose those rights.
Blizzard doesn't expect SFM porn of their characters to disappear from the internet but they are obligated to make a token effort to take it down.
Same with private servers. They don't actually care about them but they have to make a show of it every once in a while for legal reasons.

>We're going to take down all the porn of our game.
>If you don't know, there's a LOT OF PORN of our game.
>Don't forget to check our porn and buy some crates afterwards.

>Take porn off the internet
They're not. They're localizing it.

thats what I thought..

Nothing to see here folks.. move along


It does, but the problem is people are using the character models ripped from the data files in the game.

Derived content.

When you rip the models from the game. The fair use tag gets thrown into the bin

>They're taking away porn that uses the in-game models

What fucking babies. What a worthless expenditure of time and effort.

Derived. Content.

Anyone who faps to girls with short hair is a closet homosexual anyway.

>Censoring 50% of the reason people play
That is stupid, it has only had a positive effect

>tons of SFM artists took down all their posts because of this
God fucking damn it.

Why would they care if there isn't any profit involved? Hasn't there been wow models around having sex forever?

>you actively defend what's yours or you may lose those rights.

Through what avenues do you lose a copywrite because people are infringing on it? I can't fathom how their ownership is in jeopardy. I think you may have made that up because it sounds good

This is just a PR move because of that fucking Shitaku article.

Blizz doesn't give a shit but they don't want to look like they're condoning it either so they're throwing out a few DMCAs and telling people they're going after it.

In 3 months no one will care and none of the porn will be gone but that article will remain on the Internet forever. Plus it's by a much more reputable source.

That argument could be made in court and it might even work but no SFM porn makers would ever actually pay for a lawyer so it doesn't matter.

Don't get me started on World of whorecraft.

>remove things
>from the internet

Even if it's "their" models it's still sketchy. Porn is protected by parody law.

A lot of the porn is gone already

Another Blizzard marketing tactic by drawing out more news

Blizzard world domination when?


>Don't fap to Overwatch porn, silly boys ;)
>I hear it's very good quality though. ;)))

I can't wait until Kotaku is dead.

>thinking porn can be stopped
If Disney gave up and just lets it happen, I can't imagine why Blizzard thinks they can prevent it from happening.

Never since they lost all of their money on the WOW movie

>retarded clickbait-y thread with subject
this isn't reddit you fuckers, you don't need to fill the subject, or post even

They've already done a good job, a lot of the SFM retards on tumblr took down all their work and won't create anything for Overwatch.

They are pretty clever at doing this


Good means they can go back to making Marie Rose SFM

fuck off shill

If a boy burns himself on a stove and doesn't tell anybody, nothing is stopping his little brother from making the same mistake later on.

>or so I'm told.

Then why create SFM at all if the companies who stick their games on steam can do that?
What about the fact that the models themselves are modded/edited heavily?
Just for the sake of argument.

Has been stopped to a point.
A lot of the people creating for Overwatch have taken down their stuff and they won't make anything more in Source Pissmaker.

It's fair use under what's known as derived content. You can't scream and say, "that's my song, I call no using it" when someone samples it or weird al straight up copies the melody. Weird Al being a good example. No. Weird al does not pay royalties on songs he parodies or require the permission of the artist he is parodying. If that were the case Amish paradise wouldn't exist. But he used content that didn't belong to him to create original content that is known as "derived content.". In the same way, an artist can use models that do not belong to them to create original, derived content. Blizzard is not in the right.

No. Porn, technically, isn't considered speech or expression.

This better not mean I won't see anymore Mercy deepthroat animations. I live for those.

Fuck, maybe I should learn SFM since so many of the people who use it are cowards.

>Kotaku did an impressively in-depth report on the phenomenon a few days ago

Oh damn, this is just like the Tifa doujin article. Are they seriously acting like this is a unique-to-Overwatch thing?

Hah. Goodn.


Not true.

Both Trademarks and Patents require active defense to remain valid in the eyes of the court, but Copyright does not. Nor does it have to be filed or registered. It just magically applies as soon as you create something.

The only times the court overrides your right to do whatever the hell you want with your copyright are fair use, and mechanical rights (namely, people are allowed to perform your work, such as music and plays, as long as they pay a licensing fee. They never need permission)

But there's no rule that says you must actively exercise your copyright or risk losing it, at least not in the US

In this analogy, Disney would be a grown ass man burning himself in multiple ways through multiple medias without commenting on it after the fact.

I'm almost positive HIV


I'm almost positive that sampling requires permission

Well considering the porn has been garbage so far, I'm not surprised.

At least Blizz has standards.

That´s a shitty analogy, because, blizzard is not a child, nor like a child, also, the effect is known for decades now, and companies like blizzard employ raving, marauding hordes of professionals to advise them on matters like these.

Which is why, if the catalyst for this purge really originates from blizzard, they know full well that the streisand effect will go into overdrive and the interest in overwatch will only increase, making this a deliberate move.

>artists chickened out and deleted their shit from tumblr
Good thing it's all been uploaded to other sites then.

Are you being sarcastic


It does. See The Verve. Even when they got permission they lost the rights to their biggest song.

This just proves that Overwatch is a shitty game that only exists to create porn. You're better off playing Team Fortress 2. It's exactly the same game.

>copyright laws demand that you actively defend what's yours or you may lose those rights
That's not true. You don't need to take any effort whatsoever. You have copy rights automatically and they are yours for the lawful duration. You can draw a picture, drop it online and never think of it, but if everyone puts it on their website, you're free to sue and will definitely win and be awarded damages if you can prove you own the rights.

In other words, no, you don't need to do anything whatsoever to maintain copyright besides having proof of being the author.

>This just proves that Overwatch is a shitty game that only exists to create porn.
How does it prove that?
>You're better off playing Team Fortress 2.
hue hue hue cyka
>It's exactly the same game.
It's a better version of the same game.

This ain't gonna stop Shadman. What a hero.

He didn't make it up, that's how copyright law works. You are required to aggressively defend your IP, otherwise you basically forfeit your rights to it. The idea is if you're not going to stop people from infringing on your right, then you don't have that copyright anymore.

You know how video game companies always issue Cease and Desist orders to people making fan games? This is why they do it. If they allow people to make their own product with their copyrighted characters, then it weakens their copyright because now technically two people would have copyright to the work, the original creators and the people who made the fan game. The vidya company still owns the characters, but the people who made the fan game have the copyright for the game they made, which now includes characters already owned by someone else. See how this gets messy real quick?

Yes it is, however, it is also considered obscene, and as such is randomly regulated in various ways across these United States. Remember, there is no standard for obscenity, all a judge has to do is say "this is obscene", and the now obscene material is not protected speech.

Porn works are typically viewed as transformative, and so they fall under fair use, but if push comes to shove in a court of law, there's no real telling what technicality they will try to use to attack the porn. Sometimes they use copyright, like if they used a model that they didn't create. That is most likely the path that Blizzard is taking with Overwatch.

I thought they had to pay bazingillions to Hulk Hogan or some shit?

What happened to that? Are they simply not paying or what?

And an even better thing they'll stop creating garbage.

That's not how it works. At all.

First of all, sampling and covering are different, as there are two different copyrights in the underlying song and the recording... Blizzard, similarly, has two different copyrights in the character DESIGNS and the actual character MODELS.

You can create pornographic parody with your own hands just as you can create a cover song, but to use the actual models would be like sampling the audio recording, which IS a copyright violation.

Shad doesn't use SFM. It has nothing to do with him.

100% wrong. I suggest you do a bit of research before you post about legal issues, buddy. If copyright were that simple, Disney wouldn't constantly be pushing for extensions of copyright and their rights to defend it.



But that's bullshit.

It's going through appeals court. When that happens there's a hold on payment of judgement. If appeals court upholds that's when they have to pay up or face criminal charges.

Or maybe the legal division issued cease and desist letters to SFM artists and this isn't actually a super genius marketing ploy.

>But Blizzard is smart dude they would do something like this...

You're making an assumption that, because we are hearing about this company, their actions were done for PR, as if they sat down in a board room and planned out "Hey let's ban our porn so people talk about us". I can tell you that discussion almost certainly never happened.

What are your credentials? I'm not asking for diploma scans, just some justification to start googling up. We're anonymous, so no need to lie here. Are you in any way qualified to explain copyright law? Maybe my understanding is wrong.

>People unironically think ripping out a model from a videogame and using it for profit is "fair use"

The new porn with the SFM models is certainly transformative. So I don't see how they can say it's identical to the original work (overwatch)

Wrong. Trademarks must be actively defended which is why you have to go after fan games, Copyrights do not.

There's actually a good reason for this (namely that it would be possible to accidentally violate Trademark, and that Trademark law hinges on "likelihood of causing confusion", so good faith effort has to be made), but Copyright does not require active defense to remain valid.

>"Kotaku did an impressively in-depth report on"
Sounds like a load of shit.

Then movie reviewers should re-shoot and recreate the scenes themselves.


lel, how's that shitty Warcraft movie working for you?

good job assholes. you're gonna make even more porn.

gonna take a stab at it.

If we were simply talking about a random person who drew a picture and put it online, then yes, you would be right. However, copyright law on a corporate scale involving commercial products is very different. Companies are required by copyright law to defend their IP. In the case of Overwatch, Tracer in particular is basically the mascot of the game, and therefore part of the branding. If Blizzard allows people to use the model of her they created, it damages the branding by allowing people to associate her with other things. Fan art is fine, but actually using the 3D model ripped from the game is not.

So because Disney renews their copywrites, Blizzard will lose their creative license because someone is infringing on it? What are you babbling about?

That's only true for trademarks these days.
It used to be true for copyright, much like copyrights used to have an expiry date.
Both of those have been effectively dropped because corporations like Disney would lose millions if their copyrights expired, so they aggressively lobby to keep extending the expiry date.

>Thinly veiled Overwatch porn thread
>No one has even posted anything remotely pornographic

Disappointed in you Sup Forums

Says site is offline.

Not him, and not a professional, but I went to college for music and I had a whole year on copyright, contract law, etc., since artists need to know it.

I couldn't defend you in court but I know more than the basics of how IP law works...

And I'm telling you that you are right. Copyright is AUTOMATIC, it does not require active defense. In fact, it has to be ACTIVELY licensed away, which is the whole reason that the Creative Commons license exists.

>For profit
Most people are posting dickgirl widowmaker throat fucking tracer for the wank enjoyment of others

Ah, so that's where he went wrong. I was pretty certain that you can't lose copyright no matter what, but he was kinda convincing, at least in terms of being able to type like a human being and all.

So, he was wrong after all. Makes sense. Copyright is automatic and does not need to be registered or any other action to mantain, that's how I always understood the current international concept.

Don't really have any credentials, I just took 4 business law classes in college. If you want I'll dig out one of my old textbooks and scan the pages on corporate copyright law.

The only people who profit are the people who manufacture the zippers that keep bursting on my pants


Into the trash it gooooooooes!

That's because they jew on their server space and can't handle all the traffic they get.
Keep refreshing and you'll get it eventually.