So are Aussies really blocked from posting on Sup Forums without a pass?

So are Aussies really blocked from posting on Sup Forums without a pass?

That'd be hilarious considering flips can still post here we're the shitpost experts in asia.

Turns out no. As I am Australian.

My isp is and I seem to share it with the cunnyposter from Sup Forums but my friend can make threads here no problem. Not all Australians are blocked, but I'm not sure how it works.

not really vydia, is it

Well I'm Australian and I've never had a problem posting here. But I'm usually on mobile so...

Sup Forums harbours nerds. So pic is relevant

NSW reporting in

Don't know about Australians but Venezuelans cannot post on Sup Forums due to a cp raid made by some Sup Forumstards. Moot decided that the best solution was to ban the country's biggest ISP. We have tried talking to the admins out of it but they always reply saying that they'll propose at its nextchat or whatever. I'm posting from a minor ISP right now so fuck you Sup Forums admins

ausbros, post some sickcunt vidya characters

No. It's /vg/ and only some ISPs

In the UK hete and can't even visit the Sup Forums homepage using mobile data. Just brings up a page saying it's s naughty website and I need to opt in to seeing that sort of thing with a credit card.

WiFi works fine tho

What's with this "all Aussies are banned" meme
Not even moot will justify nationwide IP ban?

There was a short period where I could not post, mostly while the government was throwing a hissy fit over something, I think it was the release of Game of Thrones or some shit.

But that seems to no longer be an issue.



Can't they handle the banter?
Australians have shit internet, their government wants to ban vidya and lexi belle, they have real life FOEs and Steve Irwing is dead
Shitposting is all they have.



Here's to hoping.


t. Ausfag

Anyone wanna talk about Dragon's Dogma?

Gr8 b8 m8 I r8 8.8/8 makes me masturb8 and finger my prost8 feels gr8. But i get ir8 when my period is l8 but I guess I'll w8. I cant just speak I pontific8 and use my hands to gesticul8

You fucking wish cunt, there's no way you're getting rid of us this easily.

Sup, /ddg/ still dead?


Go to bed Kangaroo Jack

Well, I wouldn't be surprised that /ddg/ is dead.
It's a decent general, which only is alive when either new content or version is releasedd (Dark Arisen/PC port) and talks about the game and pawn creation.
I mean the game is great, but most people already talked about everything, so a general doesn't last on /vg/.
What do you want to talk about?

I guess what's the story with Bitterblack Isles? I know Daimon and Olra are Arisen and Pawn but I'm not sure about the other dude

Let's do it

The way I understood it:
When Daimon met the dragon and got the offer, he realised that his old master became the dragon and there is some kind of neverending circle, he said something like
>This is stupid. I wish I could fuck up the cycle
Then the dragon went "ok there you go" and took his beloved I guess

The other dude stranded on Bitterblack Island and couldn't left I think.