
>Be me
>Play Overwatch
>Choose Mercy
>Less than a minute to capture control point
>Everyone except for me dies on my team
>Revives everyone securing our teams victory
>Excitedly wait for Play of the game expecting me to be there
>Fucking Bastion gets it for killing 3 people

Fix your fucking POTG thing Blizzard

>caring about potg

>being proud of pressing Q

>I deserve potg, i pressed Q!

Go back to pleasuring your team, healslut

Love playing Mercy. Very "Active" healer"

>healsluts thinking anyone cares about their POTG

We appreciate you but leave POTG to the reapers, kid.

>expecting to be the star of the show when you clearly chose to be the supporting actor.

Delusional healslut. Youll never be more than service for real classes like tanks.

Yeah they need to redo how potg is done, it shouldn't just be for kills.

Was playing a game about to capture the last point in overtime and none of us noticed the self destructing D.va mech about to blow up in our faces.
Our Reinheart used his charge to fucking charge her exploding mech right off the map, shit was cool as fuck, should have definitely been play of the game.

Anyway we won, potg was a Reaper alting and killing 3 people.

If someone can get POTG by pressing q as any other character, then so should Mercy.
Reaper's Q requires no skill at all either, but that's still what most POTGs are.

>POTG is very important and crucial to the game

Problem is, how the fuck would a computer detect that kind of thing?

The supporting character that keeps the other players alive.

Post your healslut stats

Fucking this. Some people seem to think that POTG is given by a Blizzard employee who watched the game or some shit

It's gonna be hard to program, but is certainly possible

>Please give me attention Blizzard

What would the criteria even be? POTG is kills/time or points/time because that's easiest to program. How do you qualify to a computer what is "clutch"?

It's not just for kills, it just doesn't give top priority to a braindead droolcup sissy retard Mercy player looking at the giant number in the middle of his screen go up and then pressing Q. I got POTG as Reinhardt for quickly shutting down two enemy ults in a row and successfully defending the team on the last control point, you need to do a bit more than just pressing Q to get a non-kill POTG.

>Most healing done: 9999
holy shit, that's satisfying af

>Be me

Maybe something along the lines of
How much time is left in the game
how many teammates are resurrected
If enemy Q is active, and someone stops it

That's how most greentext stories begin you tard

>tfw 10014

>Fix your fucking POTG thing Blizzard
I is stupid, seems that bastion, mcree or reaper ult gets it often and it is normally the last big kills not the clutch gameplay

>>Be me
>>Play Overwatch

kill yourself

This is pretty much how it works already. Every action is granted points depending on various factors like damage dealt or healed, combos, people killed/resurected, etc. Then they determine the period of time where the points/time (like in spans of 10 seconds or something) were the best. and rewind about 3 seconds earlier.

>press Q
>kill 4 people
>a bastion still gets it

>black hole
>catch all 6
>kill 4, other 2 are killed by someone else
>POTG is a soldier getting 3 aimbot kills in a previous round

kek, thanks blizz

But McCree and Reaper ults are arguably deserved.
McCree announces to the entire enemy team where he is which gives them about a second or two to jump in cover or kill McCree. You've got to sneak behind them and surprise their entire team.
Reaper is not invincible while using his ult and diving into a group of enemies there's a good chance he'll get killed.

Plus both of them can be stunned, frozen, pushed away, reinhart charged, sniped, killed by turret etc and there's a wasted ult.

>Play game
>Press Q
>Kill 4 people
Nice game Blizzbabbies



>playing a healer
>doing a good job
>still wants attention and validation

Arrogance suits you ill. A true healer is a paragon of modest excellence, content with the knowledge they helped their team to victory.

>Play game
nice game blizzbabbies

>play healer

nice game blizzbabbies

>there are support players who still play as Mercy

>35 posts
>21 posters

Mercy is love. Mercy is life.

>pushing with rein
>he cops a massive hit and is on 50hp
>my heal is down
>5hp/sec isnt enough to stop him from dying
>he gets rushed and melee'd

nah not for me, he's good on capture maps but i cant stand him on payload

>Whining about playing Mercy when you get the easiest guaranteed 5 commendations after the game of any character
I've played this Swiss Slut for about 20 goddamn hours and I can count on one hand how many times I wasn't a votable option after the game

>play overwatch
>press q

RIP 70 dollarydoos

heal slut reporting in

>I literally only play those 3 characters
Fuck you.

I play tank and healer

but after a while I really wanted to do something different so I picked up mei to have some solo fun

>Playing against bots

What a shitter

>One character for support
>One character for tanking
>One character for damage.

I fail to see the problem here

Lucio is good at topping up the whole team's health and is mandatory for king of the hill. Mercy is excellent at keeping one vital dude alive and is one half of the tank-healer combo that forms the lynchpin of most coordinated attacks and defenses.

Lucio's ult is fantastic for teamfights, Mercy's ult is a mulligan for a lost teamfight.

Lucio's wub-wub gun is weak but the M2 has great utility. Mercy's blaster is surprisingly powerful, though she does have to stow her staff to use it.

Speed boost helps the whole team arrive at the point in KOTH before the enemy can get there. Damage boost on particular heroes (deployed Bastion, Pharah, anyone using an offensive ultimate) can swing a fight.

Both are great force multipliers, each is slightly better than the other in different situations.

Lucio can't heal people through damage, he can only apply a passive regen for when they get out of a fight. He's really doesn't qualify as a healer.

I also play Tank and Healer but seriously, don't you feel bored after playing the same one ?
I get annoyed when I have to put up with the same character more than 5 minutes

>When you're playing mercy and everyone perfectly spreads out and gains LoS with you when they ask for healing.
I can only tolerate Hanamura because people do this naturally on that map.

I actually really like playing one character for a long time instead of switching
I dont know why

What for does she need an ass this perfect?

Your shift exists so you can go to them. It is the responsibility if the healer to stay in the fight, not everyone else to come to the healer

>Mercy's ult is a mulligan for a lost teamfight.
yeah and thats the rason why when you play mercy you can win a few matches extra when you play solo and have (as always) a shit team

Different kind of people I guess
I think it's just me then, playing the same thing is boring

It's so satisfying co-ordinating with Zarya to get a team kill.

>play Mercy
>retards can't shoot or cover
>quit match, requeue
>get put back in the same shitty match
>switch to Lucio and cliff dive until game ends

As someone who mostly plays Mercy, I agree. I do my best to keep up and use my situational awareness since I'm not spending as much time shooting the enemy as my teammates.

There are exceptions, of course. I'm reminded of a Widowmaker camped up on an inaccessible rooftop spamming for healing. I couldn't make line-of-sight to her and after she died I just caught a bunch of abuse.

I play widowmaker purely because of THICK

thats only true to a certain degree

payload can get really annoying as healer when only the tank and you are on the payload and everyone else is out and about

especially on route 66

>be me
Kill yourself my man

Not really
Your defensive move depends entirely on other peoples positions, your offensive abilities are zero, and your support abilities rely on other people.

Essentially theres no way for you to defend yourself so you are just a healbot following others and if they don't choose to defend you, you'll die.


im so tired of this meme

i see WAY more reaper, mccree and junkrat POTGs than bastion

the POTG system prioritizes moments when ultimates are used, and seeing as bastions ultimate is one of the worse ones in the game, if he gets 3-4 kills with it he deserves it just as much as any other hero

Do all heroes except Reinhardt deal the same damage with a basic melee attack? I just punched a Hanzo to death as Mercy, shit was cash.

>Get 150 extra life and a gun that one shots anything in a four square mile radius
>"One of the worst ultimates in the game"

New friend detected.
>be me
How to it was done a while back.
>be me
>be (age)

>Be Torbjorn
>Go molten core on the point and get 3-4 kills, saving the game
>Get potg, expecting it to be me going ham on the point
>It's me at a different point in the game where all I did was headshot a single Pharah during her ult, nothing else


>barely tickles a reinhardt shield
>needs 2-3 shots to kill a tank
>can get focused down and die as fast as a roadhog
>slow as fuck
>lasts about 6 seconds
>kills squishes about as fast as his turret form

way to confirm you have no idea what you're talking about

I love how the matchmaking will group you up with the biggest retards on Earth and give you a game that you know you are going to lose before the pre-match timer has even finished just to keep your W/L rate "even". Yes I'm this team of 3 dwarfs sitting behind the objective and Dva player trying to snipe and not even bothering to try and keep the other team away are definitely going to win. This is a fair and balanced match.

>muh oldfag
Consider suicide, familia.


>Its bad because Bastion can be killed if he uses it poorly

So can Reaper, so Can John Martston, so can literally anyone. Please use a viable argument next time.

>barely tickles a reinhardt shield
Then don't shoot the fucking shield you fucking retard.
>needs 2-3 shots to kill a tank
They're called tanks for a reason
>can get focused down and die as fast as a roadhog
That's not a problem with the ultimate, that's more about the playerbase prioritizing threats
>slow as fuck
As opposed to the stationary turret mode

You're pretty dumb, aren't you user.
Bastion's ultimate is still pretty weak, but Bastion is a shit character anyway so whatever

>Log in today
>Big red triangle that says I will get punished for continuous map quitting.


Show your stats then, if you're that good you should have a 80% win ratio, right? :)

Not him.

I play a lot of FPS games on console and PC. I do carry my team a lot of the time.

It's bullshit. People shouldn't be so fucking braindead retarded as so they can't play the game even remotely correctly.

How is it too much to ask of your teammates to just play correctly? Not even well, just correctly.

-Junkrat Rip-tiring a bunch of people at an objective.
-Bastion in turret/tank mode
-Soldier 76 using Tactical Visor
-Torbjorn's turret killing a bunch of people while he's running back into battle
-D.Va self destruting her mech on an objective


Fucking leaver.

>tfw your team loses but you still get POTG as Reaper

>reapers ult
>auto target everything in a circular radius and burst everyone down simultaniously

>bastions ult
>burst people down 1 at a time while they actively dodge and avoid your shots

My best healing in one game was 14k

Git gud you fucking mercy scrubs.

Wait for Ranked then.

It's by how many heat points you get.

>-Soldier 76 using Tactical Visor
20h of playing here and never actually saw that one

>shoot him in the head
>he dies
>didn't even manage to kill anyone

>Enemy team has two junk rats
>Two tires come in at the same time
>The Mercy on our team kills them both with her pistol before they get close
>POTG is a dragon sliding across the screen

I really wish they'd just remove ults from POTG

>bastion kills 2 of my team
>res them
>he kills them again
>my res is POTG

8/12 commends

stand outside the radius. Shoot him in the head. He dead.

The whole POTG is stupid. Its just some faggot pressing Q int he middle of the team and blowing everyone up.

Or its someone shooting 2 dudes if no one got a killer ulti

>Ults do different things pls change this

>s76 ults
>shoot him in the head

>reaper ults
>shoot him in the head

>mccree ults
>shoot him in the head

guess widowmaker counters everyone huh

yeah, those potgs sometimes feel like watching a prequel to a movie where you already know all the characters are dead in the future anyways

>Playing Junkrat
>Reaper ults and I die
>He moves over my nades and all of them explode, instagibbing him
Happened twice so far, hilarious

>Mercy players in charge of healing

>mccree ults
>stand behind a wall for 5 seconds

>playing Road Hog
>King's Row Defend
>literally win us the game by a hair's breadth by Whole Hogging the entire enemy team down to their deaths, with the payload two meters away from the end point
>Play of the Game is Hanzo killing one (1) person with his ult
Shit is fucked sometimes.

Well he has a point. That's the only way to get it as mercy. Since switching between heals mid battle so everyone doesn't die does not count even if you get like 6 assists in 14 seconds. Everyone else seems to be proud of getting a POTG for just pressing a button. Hanzo, bastion, reaper, McCree etc

>It's High N--aughahe