Why is this game so good bros?

Why is this game so good bros?

Bloodborne thread

TOH>Dark Souls 3>>>>Bloodborne

Beasthunter Saif is the best weapon.

>tfw PCucks will never EVER get it

The thing i'm noticing with Bloodborne is just how more narrative heavy it is (for a Souls game). In Dark Souls 3 I think I encountered a handful of NPCs that had something to say whereas Bloodborne is dripping with optional dialogue as well as content.

The games levels just feel significantly more complex as well. I really do see why people loved this game so much last year.

>tfw was meant to complete Witcher 3 so I could get my B&W save ready in time for the 31st
>tfw Bloodborne (GOTY edition) is too damn fucking good to put down.

h-help. How long is the Bloodborne DLC and how good is it using Artorias's abyss as a benchmark?

Feels good man.

Bloodborne > Dark Souls 1 >= Dark Souls 3 > Demon Souls > Dark Souls 2

Bloodborne's NPC's are god awful, there's like 2 actual good ones, then the rest are meaningless and underdeveloped.

TOH is excellent and has a load of new fun weapons. It was originally 2 separate DLC packs but they merged them together. There's 5 bosses, 3 of which being some of the hardest/best in all Soulsborne games.

ITT: Plebs with shit taste

Why are Witcherfags so insecure?

I made you post lmao, thanks slave

At least he's not a slav.

t. Ahmed

I'm actually a huge BB fan, but I like posting this image because the fanbase in general is a huge cancerous circlejerk right now.

> because the fanbase in general is a huge cancerous circlejerk right now.

And the Witcher fanbase isn't? There's an entire sub reddit dedicated to Witcher 3 circlejerks.

Stop being a cancerous faggot and stop derailing this thread. Oh, and stop falseflagging as a BB fan

I could be anyone that's not a slav. But I'm actually the superior of the human race.


No, BB discussion is at it's all time worst.

I enjoyed when we could have actual discussions about the game rather than starting threads with any of the following to gain instant shitpost ready threads:

>so now that we can all agree BB is the best game ever made
>inane maria posting leaking over from /vg/ in a desperate attempt to make the game stand out more
>the general hostility BB fans have with every other game.
>retarded threads even before DS3's release stating that BB was the best game in the series without any argument

I liked talking about the lore and shit like that, in W3 threads they at least talk about the characters and have debates about the politics of the game, but BB is now full on circlejerk.

>In Dark Souls 3 I think I encountered a handful of NPCs that had something to say
What? It's the opposite, user. Except for the dlc but that's what, ten hours long just taking your time? I think what you meant to say was Bloodborne had more story relevant cut scenes and the item descriptions were much more exact in relating the dark secrets of the world. In dark souls 3 going through quests of npcs can make other npcs mad at you. You don't find that kind of thing in Bloodborne.

>I enjoyed when we could have actual discussions about the game rather than starting threads with any of the following to gain instant shitpost ready threads:

So what about the OP was "shitposting"?

> in W3 threads they at least talk about the characters and have debates

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Screencap your copy of Bloodborne, i'm calling bullshit. You're not even trying to hide your falseflag

You kind of do, the beggar for example, will kill all the other npcs.

If anything though, I can't see why you wouldn't want the beggar to kill them all, he's such a more memorable npc than anything in oedon chapel, which is part of the problem in BB where the NPC's are in general, kind of shit.

You 12 year old fat children are the reason BB threads are literal cancer, and I don't even like the Bitcher games.

>in W3 threads they at least talk about the characters and have debates about the politics of the game, but BB is now full on circlejerk.

It's literally the opposite. Bloodborne threads discuss the lore/builds whereas Witcher 3 threads are nothing but "MUH GOTY" and "MUH YEN VS TRISS".


Right, but besides the beggar's quest and imposter Iosefka in the base game, and Eileen, there's not a whole lot of alternate paths to take with these npcs. Also, there's no good reason why equipping certain oaths shouldn't make certain npcs hostile to you. Equipping the vileblood oath should have changed Alfred's dialogue to you in some way, and so equipping the executioner's oath should have changed queen Annalise's dialogue to you. This doesn't happen. Meanwhile in DaS3, joining the invasion covenant will cause an npc to be hostile to you and straight up leave firelink shrine. The problem with the npcs in bloodborne that aren't Iosefka or the beggar is that once they're in the chapel, their quests are essentially over. And you can get them all in there by the time you get snatched.

>posts a casual game like Witcher 3

I like the Witcher 3 and am looking forward to Blood and Wine but come on, if anything the Witcher is more of a pleb game with its shitty quest structure and emphasis on story over gameplay.


I preferred it when Witcher only got trashed by Dragon Age fans/marketers because 2 and 3 are terrible and they couldn't actually deny that. Now there's this retarded feud that ruins both Witcher and BB threads. Just segregate the two.

>plays as an ayyy and doesn't use Kos Parasite
>actually getting summoned to a chalice dungeon

I have the kos parasite at +10 and I don't like using it for pve

What's wrong with getting summoned to a chalie dungeon? I use them to farm insight, blood stone chunks, and blood rocks

I'm more surprised that you were actually able to get summoned, that's all. I got summoned once or twice in Pthumerian level 1 and after that had absolutely nothing both ways for the rest of them.

Why is beast cutter so shit?

I get summoned constantly

use the first tombstone and choose the second option to randomly find any chalice beckoner. Usually find a dungeon in 30 seconds.

This actually reminds me, I used the glyph for the "official PvP" dungeon, "hizzngr" or whatever, and I cannot find a single person within it to fight against. What's the deal? Where do people actually fight at within the dungeons? I thought it was in the boss rooms but you can't invade in those.

I wish I was able to summon for that fight.

I'm stuck at 3 bosses, which one is easiest?
Mergo's Wet Nurse, Ludwig or Erbetias (or something)

It's in the open circle area with the busted suits of armor. You can't invade after beating the boss, so just never beat the boss for that dungeon. You also get the most action on weekends and you have to be the right level, so that's 98-120

don't give up!

Also wet nurse. Stay behind as much as you can because her swipes can't hit you there generally. And when the lights go out focus on evasion.

Well shit, thank you. I already got all the way through the dungeon so I guess I'll delete it and try again.

Hopefully Executioner Lazonrith and Confederate Palaemon will generate some good webm material for you guys. I've got so much saved BB footage of cool shit but I've just never transferred it off my PS4.

From easiest to hardest:
>Mergo's Wet Nurse

mergo is in my opinion the easiest of those 3

Ludwig > Ebrietas >>> Wet nurse in terms of difficulty

Wet Nurse is undoubtedly the easiest, one of the weakest in the game besides the bitches of hemdick. She hits pretty hard on NG+, but not enough to take down any competent player.

Keep in mind that beating her will advance the game to the final phase, and if you haven't finished the DLC yet you'll miss out on some neat dialogue from the doll.

Don't respond to CDPR drones. They're mostly mad that Sup Forums considers Witcher 3 gameplay a big fat joke now despite their endless shilling.

The bosses of DS3 are better

how do i get invaded as much/often as possible? just spam-summons and then dismiss once i get a maiden? seems as though maidens disappear if you die, though?

Me and a buddy are having trouble defeating Ludwig? You think it's cause I'm under leveled? I'm level 57

reddit weapons: LHB, hunter axe, saw cleaver variants

That's because retarded Polacks pick fights with every single fanbase on Sup Forums. They were even fighting the MGS base on Sup Forums for a while.

He's definitely hard, my first 3 time fighting him I did solo and he really requires you to be on your toes due to his deceptive reach and attack speed.

>variance in builds

I'd say the only issues I have with it is the pvp, but I haven't played in a while, so maybe it's been fixed.

>Beat Dark Souls 3 a few days ago, got the Usurpation of Fire ending
>Got about 6-7 hours in as a new character, played a Knight, now playing a Pyromancer
>Just beat Abyss Watchers, feel like I don't have much desire to continue

>Meanwhile I've played through Bloodborne multiple times from beginning to end

I really have to disagree.

I don't really get the rivalry. The games are nothing alike and I like them for almost entirely different reasons.

I can't remember the exact levels, but I recommend doing the DLC after Bygenwerth.


Best Skill weapon is the Church Pick, right guys?

>I don't really get the rivalry.
There is no rivalry. Whenever you say Witcher 3 has bad gameplay, you got CDPR drones calling you a MGS/Souls/Dragon's Dogma/Bioware shill. They can't respond to criticism at all so they're at war with pretty much everyone else on Sup Forums. They make daily Witcher threads to keep interest up and then proceed to samefag it so hard that they basically become generals. And it always happens when CDPR has something new to sell, funny enough.

Should I fight Rom or try and beat Ludwig because he is kicking my ass.

I'm still angry that was even a boss.

Eh, it's a throwaway Chalice Dungeon boss, who cares.

It's about as long as Artorias of the Abyss and I think better.

Buy as many vials as you can before you kill Rom because afterwards there's a price hike and you don't want to be caught out if it's your first playthrough.

me too, but I thought that moment was funny

Where is this in the game?

Why do BB fans use such exaggerative images?

Just defeated him

two tips:
Beast Blood Pallets

ez fight

You basically just need to hang out in one of the designated invasion zones, the Nightmare Frontier or Nightmare of Mensis/Mergo's Loft. It's so hard to invade/be invaded everywhere else that most invaders don't even try, but there's plenty of action in those two places.

I think the Research Hall in the DLC had a lot of people invading when the DLC came out, but I dunno if that's still the case.

Your character level is irrelevant, people can beat him at BL4. Most important thing is to have a +7 or +8 weapon, be observant, and learn his moves.

Yeah, 70-80 is more his level

what does beast blood pallets do

Nah nigga, saif is the best, no doubt.

Looks like Bloodletting Beast, so Chalice Dungeon.

Increases Beasthood, which basically makes you do more damage but take more damage.

Dark Souls 3 was way better.

god, i hope they make another bloodborne game with decent online

they could make it a prequel set during the fall of loran; we could get some ancient egypt/wild west/arabian nights stuff going on.

I beat Maria without a second though and kept going like I'd do with any boss. But now all the Maria abuse is making me feel like white knighting a video game character. What did you do to me, Sup Forums?

They really need to add a "Hey!" and over here gesture.

Yep. And Ludwig staggers really easily.

Yeah, I've tried to warn people before and it doesn't work

>Decent online
Never gonna happen.
>Playing DaS3 yesterday on PS4
>Far away enough from an enemy player but still getting hit with their shit
I think it was an Estoc.

It doesn't look like Bloodletting beast at all, it's more of a simian/ape like look

Once they summon someone people lose all sense of fear and patience. They think that because they've got someone to back them up that they can charge into places they've never been and everything will be alright.

>ancient Loran setting

Would play 10/10

>fanart must portray something that exists directly within the game on a 1:1 scale

Bloodborne established an incredible world, and often left the player to fill in gaps about what happened/happens in Yarnham. Artists fill in those gaps, and a lot of them do a great job of it, so they're perpetuated and spread around here so people who enjoyed the game can get more out of it.

Besides, most of these images do exist within the game, very few of them portray things that don't exist whatsoever.

Looks like an interpretation of the cleric beast to me.

Why was this boss so disappointing?

The only audible thing I can do to try and get people's attention is firing a shot. Why would these fuckers not consider why I'm wasting a bullet if there's no enemy around?

>implying goty awards mean jack shit

True, I wish there was just a faster gesture that makes a lot of noise that you could use to alert a cooperator

Demon souls is better, and its for a platform that have a lot more better games as well.
By the money you would waste on a PS4, you can have a PS3 and a absolute fuckton of cool unappreciated games.
And shadow of the colossus on a decent frame rate.

Because they spent too much time making Gerhman a good fight.

>the Bloodborne Asshole build
>use a Saw or Holy moonlight blade
>use a canon or minigun in left

they're a lot more easier

Yes, but in the majority of the images I see really exaggerated game themes, sometimes like nothing in the actual game.

It wouldn't necessarily be so obnoxious if the BB fanbase in particular didn't post the images more often than actual in game shit half the time.

Maybe than the DLC ones.

Actually, apart from Gascoigne, Ebrietas, Gehrman, there is no real hard boss in BB. The homestretch (One Reborn, Micolash, Wetnurse) for example is an colossal joke.
Also, random beast xy is not as interesting as e.g. Twin Princes

Can someone help me take down Headless Beast?

>it took From 3 games to finally get player transformations right
>and then they go and fuck it up again right afterwards

>not Wanting a Pirate Game
>where you can Two-Hand a Canon or Anker

I'm legit stuck on Micolash, he never runs into the little room, and when he does he has like 4 marinates in there. Someone wanna hop on and help me?

Bloodborne's main game also had bosses that seemed a lot poorer in design in my opinion.

Whereas dark souls 3 definetely had a few shit bosses like wolnir and ancient wyvern who seemed unfinished, bloodborne had absolute awfulness like Rom and the one reborn.

The difference is that they had the good idea to make the fights in dark souls 3 that weren't mechanically as sound as things like nameless king, twin princes, orphan and ludwig, fairly easy, but still fairly memorable, like giving ancient wyvern the plunge attack death and wolnir's entrance.

To be honest, Bloodborne not having a beast transformation before the dlc was more disappointing than 3's dragon form.

That being said, I do still feel that the beast form in OH was kind of lame, especially compared to the milkweed lumenwood one

what level are you? if you really need help I can be on in like 20 mins if you create a password

Sounds good. I think I'm like 50 or so?