Tell me, Sup Forums. What's the last game you played where you actually had genuine fun...

Tell me, Sup Forums. What's the last game you played where you actually had genuine fun? Where you enjoyed the game you were playing from the bottom of your heart, where you'd catch yourself smiling as you were playing it just from how much you were enjoying yourself?
When did you last truly have fun playing a game?

I don't play video games

Skullgirls, yesterday

New Hitman

Before that I dunno, GTA V back in 2013 I guess

Today, playing Doom

Dota 2 with my brother 2 hours ago
before that AoE2 like 3 hours ago
before that 8-bit army's

Video games are fun deal with you broken souls.

Recently Danganronpa 2 and Ys IV

Overmeme and Dragon's Dogma today

Postal 2 yesterday.

Try playing actual games and not just CSGO, Hearthstone and other Twitch cancer bait, you stupid fucking idiot


Oblivion. Replayed it recently (modded)

Shit in that game just doesn't get old for me, from the cheesey voice acting to the stories that unfold during quests. It gets a lot of shit from people but it'll always have a special place in my heart.

>pickpocket! pickpocket! WATCH YOUR PURSES

go cry somewhere else emofag

Overwatch. Enjoying myself a lot more than I thought I would desu.

Shivering Isles is still worth it though

CS:GO is one of the few games I'm still having fun in though.


Multiplayer for Uncharted 4.
It's nothing special but I can't stop playing. What's wrong with me?!

Feel asleep watching the webm

I really enjoyed Uncharted 4

Mortal Kombat X

I can't remember the last time i enjoyed playing a video game as genuinely as what you described

If it counts, yesterday i felt that genuine feeling using /tts to send 'nigger' to people all day in discord


SM64. Just take a break for a few weeks, my man. Rent a kayak and head down your local river or something. Maybe hit up craigslist for a few dicks to suck. I dunno.

Dark Souls 3

I expected Witcher 3 to be fun but I didn't really like it

Overwatch, honestly. Before that it was Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth.

I knew FE Fates Conquest would be one of those games as soon as I played Chapter 10

Halo. We had a Sup Forums customs lobby last night and it was a blast, the people who joined were pretty chill as well which was great, was expecting autists.

Played a bunch of gamemodes on the original trilogy, CE - 2 - 3. 16 people on chiron was just something special

Darkest dungeon two days ago and guilty gear xx accent core plus r yesterday.

gotta get away from stupid addictive games and play something with some depth and atmosphere

I was stuck in that rut for years, and I always knew MMOs were the problem. For a long time I literally felt as if I had to be on my character making progress or I was wasting my time, and I couldn't play shit else because it just wasn't satisfying anymore. Even with my favorite genre, RTS, every game just seemed so formulaic and easy... oh cool, I learned what units to make in this game, on to the next one..

I'm not even sure what brought me back to gaming, but I am finally back to enjoying vidya

It helps to stop worrying about justifying past purchases. I used to actually stress about it. I finally got over that, and I don't care if I put a single minute into some of this shit on my "backlog"

>it was a Bright sunny day
>just got a PS3 and LBP2
>i had a emotion i didn't feel for a Long time
>the whole time i played LBP2 it felt as if my life was complete
>a year later
>LBP3 is announced
>pre orders it
>gets it
>plays a good hour of it
>Game is utter filth

Best DLC imo, Ain't played anything that's topped it. Oblivion may have been the start of the dumbing down but damn if they didn't make some ACTUAL DLC worth paying for.

>Tell me, Sup Forums. What's the last game you played where you actually had genuine fun?

Ratchet & Clank
Uncharted 4
Ducktales Remastered

Rise of the Tomb Raider. I was actually walking around tombs slowly, taking it all in. Combat was shit, but exploration was just pure joy.

Who's your waifu user?

I was set on Felicia, then came Hana, then Felicia, and then Oboro

Too many waifu

Perfect Dark. I never played it back when it came out, since it was released so late in the console's lifespan that my childish attention had moved onto Sony consoles, and I'm glad I didn't. This game is extremely challenging on the higher difficulties, and I've had more fun dying repeatedly than I've had playing anything else in years. It's hard, but it's also rewarding, and fun.

Doom, Dark Souls 3 and Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth

this year has been great so far and can only get better
with dishonored 2, blood & wine and many others on the horizon

E.Y.E, all memes if I could wipe my mind and replay any video game, it would be E.Y.E.

I forgot I downloaded Ducktales and haven't played it yet, thanks for the reminder

Stellaris, 30 minutes ago

There's something very charming I find about Oblivion. Like you I love the cheesy voice acting and the fact that all the characters are pretty ugly (because of the engine) adds to it. I dunno how to describe it. I find it super cozy.

What mods do you recommend?

OMF 2097 earlier today. I finally got around to trying the Jaguar with both enhancements, all upgrades and a perfect pilot. Fucking hell it's so hilariously vicious, the average match ends in seconds.
>tfw no good modern remake

TF2 on release

to be honest I've enjoyed and smiled at most games when first playing them, it soon wears off though

the fact that you had fun with any LBP is surprising

me and my room mate often get high and play Rocket League. Last time was Wednesday

If we're talking replaying games, I recently played through Vietcong again and I had more fun than the first time through, it is a brilliant game.

For first playthrough - Undertale. Don't meme at me, but I did really enjoy it despite most of the tumblr pandering.

>This whole post
Nigger how old are you?

When Gothic came out
>You will never play it for the first time

Overwatch, but mostly when I play it with friends
genuine happiness? can't even remember

I haven't touched any MMOs in years until just picking up TERA again a few days ago with the ninja update. I avoided them for exactly that reason, that they felt more like work than fun. Same reason I stopped playing LLSIF.

It was fun, had the first game, used to play with 3 friends. Was good fun, but didn't bother with the third one because didn't have as much fun with 2


Underrail. It brought back the days of classic Fallouts to me again. I also loved the shit out of Alien: Isolation, being a fan of the first film and all.

Stop shilling your krautchan pedoshit.


Dark Souls 3 just frustrated me as I tried to play between crash after crash. By the time they got around to patching it I'd already finished it.
Cyber Sleuth I was sort of enjoying but on normal it's mind-numbingly boring while on hard the bosses are complete brick walls. And the story isn't very good either.


Dark Souls 3, Earth Defense Force, Gundam Breaker 3, NiER.

I just got a bunch of games last month and I'm having a wonderful time!


Started Final Fantasy V a few days ago and I'm having a blast with it. The gameplay with its job system is a lot more fun than all the other FF games I've played.

last night

A minute ago. Ace Combat 04 and EDF 2017


Just bought Overwatch. Actually genuinely having fun with it. Dark Souls 3 as well. I'm not a shallow, sour husk of shit like 80% of people who post here.

These threads made sense even 2-3 years ago, but in 2016 what's the fucking point? The majority of Sup Forums were born after 1995 and have never known a games industry where not everything was a CoD/G of W/Halo clone. Gaming hasn't gotten any particularly worse over the last half decade, so why would they give a shit?
"le tired gamer" is just a stupid meme, anyone who genuinely stops enjoying vidya simply stop playing it. Now it's just a maypole around which underage idiots can dance around and pretend to be old and bitter, when they clearly are neither.

Last night playing Overwatch.

Vermintide with friends just now

Last week playing Virtua Fighter 5.

If you feel genuinely tired of gaming in general, maybe you should try getting into a multiplayer game competitively. When you're trying to git gud at a multiplayer game, the satisfaction derived from getting better is far greater than the fun experienced from gaming in general. I highly recommend it to anyone here.

I actually made the thread because I wanted to know what people were enjoying lately. I haven't personally enjoyed much of what I've played these last few months so I was hoping to find some games I might have fun with.


Right now playing Skyrim.

This, fun game. Made me laugh and smile a bunch while playing.

Seriously, if you're not having fun playing games, go outside and do something for a while. Get a breath of fresh air, for god's sakes.

Witcher 3, which last time I got to play video games in like 2 weeks. Hoping to get some time today

>you can shitpost in it

All on Nexus mods

>Official Oblvion patch
Fixes a bunch of shit in the game.

>Oblivion Character Overhaul v2
Makes the characters actually look good.

>Crowded roads revamped
fills the outside world with all sorts, like thieves, muggers, travelers.

>Crowded cities 12
This one is pretty meh, it's cool because it makes cities look alive with people but it tanks the frame rate. Choose the lower number of people if you decide to use it.

>Oscuros Oblivion Overhaul
Tweaks a shitton in the game, makes the wilderness dangerous. In vanilla the world levels up with you, this changes it so that different zones have different levels. Improves the monster AI so creatures etc react to you differently. TL;DR = makes the wilderness a challenge.

>Really AEVWD
Improves draw distance

>DarNified UI
RECOMMENDED. Improves the ui for PC players.

>Oblivion Graphics Extended
Does what it says on the tin, makes the game look hella nice,

>Improves Trees and Flora
Makes the foliage / trees look nicer

Ton more you could use but only you'll know what you want to improve in the game. Check out Nexus mods.

I've been playing star wars bounty hunter recently and its been a fucking blast

I was born in 1993, but I still remember the halcyon days of the late 90s to mid 2000s, and it really does pain me to see how stagnated and awful the games industry has become. I want to go back.

Quake 2 ,yesterday

I can't really play fighters anymore because my hands are fucked from RSI induced between work and games. I used to really like Melty Blood and Guilty Gear, but I've barely touched Xrd at all since I got it since I can only play for maybe an hour before my hands get too sore to continue.
I also loved playing IIDX but that's just as exhausting on my hands so I haven't been able to play that at all since December.

I've been having some fun with Overwatch over the last few days but even from that I'm getting jolts of pain in my forearms as I type this.

He's a frogposter, so the probably estimate is around 13-18.

Dragon's Dogma, February.


Oh and you'll need

>Oblivion script extender

to make a lot of these work, pretty much the same as the skyrim version SKSE.

>Tweaks a shitton in the game, makes the wilderness dangerous. In vanilla the world levels up with you, this changes it so that different zones have different levels. Improves the monster AI so creatures etc react to you differently. TL;DR = makes the wilderness a challenge.
This sounds fucking great, thanks.

>Tfw enjoying GB3 so much

I wish the Vita version could take better screenshots though, they end up really pixellated and make the game seem to look bad

I got an NES on release date and I only feel pity for you. The fact that you think CoD and Halo defined video games for the past decade outs you a mainstream casual piece of shit. Do you actually think CoD had ANY impact on ACTUAL video games? Do you think Halo was even a blip on the radar for actual enthusiasts?

I don't think I've had a month of boredom in the past twenty years. The fact that you're so caught up in the mainstream that you actually have an opinion on Gears of War is pathetic. Get off this board.

Yoshi's Wolly world
You cannot be grumpy when playing that game
It's just that lovable

New Vegas back when it came out

Weren't the Gundam Breaker games supposed to be another mediocre series like pretty much every Gundam game?

That really sucks. Maybe you should consider picking up a different hobby?

Quantum Break a few weeks ago

Lords of the Realm 2 on PC back in 98. Then my parents died and the light went out of my life. It has been dissapointment ever since.

>Maybe you should consider picking up a different hobby?

Jagged alliance 2 with the community path about a year ago was the game that truly gave me a vidya orgasm
Factorio is kinda good too but I've just started it so its too soon to judge the whole game

>people falling for bait

This year? DOOM, SK:EV, Uncharted 4, Street Fighter V, Currently Ace Attorney: Dual Destinies on 3DS (never got it when it came out)

sorry you can't enjoy games any more. I suggest taking a break, I spent about 6 months not playing vidya and just watching movies in my spare time a couple years ago, then I got right back into it.

Dark souls 3 was entertaining, but not fun.

Wasteland 2 was fun. Maybe that was the last

Had fun in CS: GO yesterday (for some reason I can only enjoy myself if I pretend to be Russian)
I felt pretty good when I was playing Arkham Knight's New Game+ mode and the Joker came to life, doing the intro instead of officer Owens.

Gameplay-wise they are mediocre, though each game improves the gameplay. They are god-tier Gundam customisation games.

How can something entertaining be not fun?