Say something good about Sonic 06

Say something good about Sonic 06

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If the loading times weren't cancer incarnate it would be The Room of video games, ie beloved by everyone because of it's terribleness; as it stands it's like if every single scene of The Room was separated by 20 minutes of SF B-footage

Harder than most games that came out that year. GOW on Insane mode is pretty easy by comparison.

Music was great.

Shadow's storyline is pretty fucking good and an excellent finisher for his progression that had been building since his introduction.

The music was pretty good.


the egg man redesign

It has a nice personality
>If the world chooses to become my enemy, I will fight like I always have

It had Rouge in it?

This would be one of the best sonex games if it was finished.

you could say that about any sonic game

Eggman's Robot designs are pretty good.

This, I really enjoyed the more sophisticated designs his bots received compared to their usual comic appearance.

Game Grumps played it and made me laugh.

The OST is way better than the game.

It has an ending.

I thought that Eggman actually looked better with a big ass torso than a big ass everything. Makes him look like he can beat the shit out of anyone

Sound track

Some graphics were pretty good.

Some, not-so.