What's the best weapon in video games?
Hint: It's this one.
What's the best weapon in video games?
Hint: It's this one.
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The shock rifle from UT.
If we're keeping it strictly guns that it.
Uhh BFG9000?
>not the flak cannon
user no
Non-guns are okay too.
Welcome Mortal. Are you ready to die?
Fuck yes. The new one looks pretty good as well.
I have classic Doom, Heretic, Quake, Serious Sam... but not this. Is the GOG version any good?
It's the best version there is since it's just Dosbox running the game. The source code hasn't been released for Blood so there isn't a new port with additional features like there is for Doom, Duke Nukem and Shadow Warrior. Dosbox is the best you'll get.
Is Blood 2 also good? It's $3 for both games on GOG right now.
OP says the objective truth.
Blood 2 is weaker than the original. It takes you out of the period setting and into a near-future where the Cabal is a mega-conglomerate (but still evil)
what kind of a gun fires Asmo
That's ASMD, the original name for the shock rifle.
A nice throwback reference as well.
Check out these reviews
This and the new sniper rifle are sexy as fuck
can't believe blood's source code still hasn't been released. who owns the IP? what's their problem?
now is like the best time for a re-release, lots of other old FPSs had recent re-releases. maybe Nightdive should try to buy the IP.
My african american brother.
Atari I think, or whoever it is that owns them now.
For some reason the new sniper rifle doesn't do it for me. Maybe the animations just need some work.
I heard in the forums the current animation is a placeholder
The skulls are fun too
>when you decimate 50 kleers with one cannonball
>when the fully charged ball crushes through dozens of kleers and hits the red biomech behind them
I don't know about best weapon, but the shotgun from Shadow Warrior 2013 is certainly the best shotgun in gaming.
This has to be bait
It's not even the best shotgun in the Shadow Warrior series.
user I felt the fucking same before I game 2013 an honest shot.
>dat Quad shot
>destroys shields
>destroys fucking enemies to your side
>blows up everything in the room
>those slick animations where it ejects the four shells
>that noise it makes
>the smoke
>slamming new shells into it two by two
>whole experience all over again
It does stuff to my penis and I'm probably more elitist about FPS than you are.
It's only real downside is that it doesn't look all that good, that's where super shotty from DOOM 2 has it beat. I haven't played the new DOOM yet so I don't know, that might be actually a bit better.
Have you played, like, any other FPS with a shotgun, ever?
It was pretty cool with the quad upgrade, but the damage dropped off too quickly with increasing range.
Every single one of them. I'm open to arguments, but all you did was post a le ebin reaction face.
Turok 2 cerebral bore
Monster Hunter's Hunting Horn
Game has a lot of problems, but this certainly isn't one of them. Probably the most satisfying yet simple gun in any FPS. Point, click, dead.
ew, this is an FPS thread, not a japshit thread.
Nobody said this was an FPS exclusive thread.
So you've played every single FPS with a shotgun, ever, and you say the one from Shadow Warrior (2013) is the best?
Now I'm wondering if I had some brain trauma because I remember the shotgun in that, even fully upgraded, being embarrassingly weak for a quad barreled shotgun.
Came for this. Came because of this
This and the sawed-off, killing those cultists is so satisfying.
take a look around you LMAO
>I remember the shotgun in that, even fully upgraded, being embarrassingly weak for a quad barreled shotgun.
Ever tried it from point blank? It literally kills enemies that are infront and beside you. Nay, it blows the enemies into chunks.
how do I play this ? tried dosbox and blood.exe but it doesn't work.
Read the OP does it say
>Best weapon in Video Games
>Best Weapon in FPS
Best weapon is the Soul Reaver Btw.
/hits you
Out, weebshitter. Shoo shoo
Legacy of Kain isn't weeb game and I've never even touched Monster Hunter.
Found the underage.
this game sucks, so no, not underage. blood omen is the only good game in the series.
I think your opinion, based on my own sentiment, is wrong
>point blank
Yeah just like any other shotgun out there.
If the enemy is 5 feet away from you, then the pellets turn into fucking popcorn
See OP's post: b t f o
I have no words to explain how underaged you are.