did anyone play king's bounty? why is mage so fucking pointless and weak?
>put all shit into the magic tree
>spells are still weak as shit
>no aoe spells
>only a little more mana
>army weak as fuck
>spend all my money on reinforcing because they fall like flies
>not enough rage for the cool dragon spells
well shieeet.
Did anyone play king's bounty? why is mage so fucking pointless and weak?
it's all about the summoning spells mang
wtf are you talking about mage is the most powerful class you idiot
spells are op as fuck
Seems weak at first maybe, but double casting later on is pretty good. Lack of rage hurts though, true.
u wot m8?
Beaten all the games with a mage multiple times. It's a rape machine.
Dude, as usual with every rpg mage is weak at first but powerful as fuck later on.
Later on you can pretty much make it through every battle without losses thanks to your spells.
Mage character is strictly for people who played at least some of new Bounty series. You need to know your troops well to be able to assist them magically.
Weakest class is Paladin or whatever it was. You'll need to rip your ass until lategame to use her abilities of "can use undead and demons without fear of other units being assmad".
I want to have a conversation with this lady
>first game was all about playing a king that get into wacky adventure and marries succubus
>second game was a boring as fuck HoMM clone
what happened?
well im stuck on the third island and all troops are invincible or lethal to me. what now?
It's true, the first game clearly had the best writing despite all the grammatical errors. But the gameplay made me enjoy the rest as well.
>>second game was a boring as fuck HoMM clone
>2nd and 3rd game are all about the lewd adventures of a slutty princess that has as her boytoys a paladin and an incubus
>tfw threesome
In any case KB combat > HoMM combat. The action points are god-tier innovation.
I believe estimated odds take only strength of your army into account. So mage run, where your army is small and rely on skills of your hero more, will always be estimated as weak.
> all the grammatical errors
So, I can assume they translated game in english by themselves?
Maybe I should revisit that game, with slut-glasses on. Can't remember anything really lewd there.
>troops are literally shit
>no hard hitting spells
>takes forever to charge rage
it's ridiculous and no comparison to a mage in homm. Furthermore, the leadership for ranged troops are right out ridiculous and hit like little kittens.
>So, I can assume they translated game in english by themselves?
No idea, but I can tell you that all the games in the series have the occasional spelling/grammatical errors. For the early games in the series it's just in the flavor text so it's not a huge issue and it can be ignored, but "Warriors of the North" had some badly mistranslated text in the skill descriptions to the point where you weren't sure exactly what the skills did. I downloaded a mod that fixed most of those issues though. The latest game "Dark Side" I haven't played so I can't comment on that, but I hear it's even worse than the rest.
>>no hard hitting spells
You've got to be trolling. There are a dozen Armaggeddon-tier spells. And that's just for direct damage, when you add summons you don't even need to bring an army.
like what? poison skull? the knife? the fire arrow?
On higher difficulty levels enemy armies are fuckhuge and your direct dmg spells have little effect. Summons and buffs are pretty much the only way to not suffer huge loses.
Chaos Dragon.
Lightning Storm.
Chain Lighting.
Tidal Wave.
Void Sphere.
Executioner's whatever.
It was years since I last played and I still remember at least these. Git gud and stop crying.
I have yet to encounter one of those. so how do I get git gud?
I bet you haven't even cleared out 100% the previous islands. If you had you'd have at least summoning spells or buffs by now.
Don't forget in the first game you have a loli princess promise to marry you. Then she KEK you on the second game.
always go Paladin/Max army route
>giant army of ranged units
>kill everything before it touches you
>take rez magic to keep as many things alive as possible
I have every single spell so far and killed every army that isn't lethal. I think I already wrote it like 4 times.
350 hours.
Mages, go double spell soon, dump into destruction so fire arrow and fireball do massive damage early. Stack and horde all mana equips, pray to god you get deathstar or geyser by late game. Still won't be enough damage to hold up, so switch over to spamming fear/distortion spells.
Original developer only did the first two games, others are just publisher trying to milk the cash cow.