ITT: Casual filters

ITT: Casual filters

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u wot m8


Maragidyne ;^)

I love this


You don't have Elize in your party? What a shame.


>dodge their attacks perfectly
>no Witch Time
>only rape


Oh man, I remember that fight.

That game actually had a lot of fights that were ridiculously hard in the first half of the game. It felt like your characters got too powerful too quickly, and the fun challenging bosses were nowhere to be found in the second half of the game.

Only if you want to keep Ornstein for last. Game has a much more difficult fight before this.

Some of the Tartarus bosses are just straight up bs.

>lol dude let's put a boss with dyne skills at floor 59 when the player barely has access to med damaging skills yet



First mission that was actually hard.

Fuck this shit. I was stuck for almost 3 hours.


You talking about Kellogg?


Nigga are you high, Vorken is several times harder than that guy



Truly a smart game for smart gamers

How the fuck did the devs expect people to solve that? You'd have to be some sort of genius to figure that out.

We can't really decide, I mean whole game is casual filter from prologue till "Protect the Dearth!" phase.

>yfw you see it's level

Gargoyles. Keep in mind you don't have enough firepower with just a +5 wep by then and you don't know lightning resin makes short work of them. If you knew you probably just thought to try it out of desperation, hence difficult boss or you saw a guide.


What are you fucking stupid? The key to this riddle is literally in front of your nose
Am I alone here able to solve this easily? Jesus

Fucking this

Beast eye ;^)

Holy shit I forgot how much I love that video

Fuck, was about to post this



God damn, dude, you must be some kind of genius. Are you Sherlock or something?

I'd have to argue against that because even with guides and help O&S are tough fights that require you to be constantly alert and strategic in each movement.

>start getting the hang of Grace and Glory
>meet Gracious and Glorious


Man this boss fight was annoying. Totally pointless and came right out of nowhere.

That was literally the only fight in the game where I died.

I had gotten so used to everything being piss easy, that when I got wrecked in that fight I just stared in disbelief.

Then it popped up that message telling me I could set the fight to easy mode if I needed to, and that it wouldn't cause any negative effects if I did. Fuck you. I'm not taking the pussy way out.

fuck my pic

Well I'm definetely smarter than average, but no I'm not a genius. That riddle is just very easy


The entire game

>Well I'm definetely smarter than average
Did you know that literally every human being thinks this?

The worst part is that you can't use your skells when they're only a few feet away.


What did he mean by this?

I'm not sure why you'd be playing a bullet hell but this bastard pretty much makes sure that only those who really want to git gud will only get through it.

one of the few games where i was constantly learning throughout. i feel so dumb for not just making the fucking triangle earlier

>came out at the same time as FF13
>so many shills trying to pretend this wasn't the better game


Yeah that's pretty tough. But then it's unlikely you're casual when you're playing Crimson clover. Even novice is hard for the uninitiated.

Then I guess it comes down to opinions. By the time I got to Anor Londo I had some decent equipment which was what the game taught me to always have for occasions and the layout of the hall was much more helpful from the rooftop, even the broken pillars helped in neutralizing some attacks of theirs while the rooftops had nothing like that, so if you let the 2nd gargoyle start its flame attacks you were basically fucked. At least that's how I felt about it. Again we're talking about just going for the win and that's taking about Smough first.

Do you know what casual filter means? Gascoigne or BSB would be the correct answer.



Believe me. I've seen a couple casual players play the game and saying that Maelstrom is hard as fuck.

Do you want me on offense or defense?

The Asylum Demon has rekt more casuls than all of the above combined. The ULTIMATE casul filter.


Ludwig is the casual filter for the DLC :3

Man, he wasn't even particularly problematic himself, it's his infinitely respawning soldiers that ruin everything. I mean sure, if he hits you once he immediately combo's you to death, but it's easy enough to avoid unless the fucking mooks are stunlocking you as you're trying to dodge.

Oh god... don't remind me. Whenever I show a friend DaS1 I encourage them to play so they understand the sweet feeling of victory. Not a single one has been able to beat Asylum Demon :'^(

seriously? those ships were easy as fuck, the claw faggots were way harder, especially their end game variant that you can't witch time off of

this stairwell was the single most difficult part of the game

>anything in bayonetta
>casual filter



What is that from?

Fucking awesome! Thank you BASED From Software for giving us this hardcore masterpiece!

Leanne goes both ways.

Also yeah I didn't actually know how to parry at that point so the fight took me fucking forever
MGR is one of my favorite games it's so fucking good

This makes me feel relieved since apparently I wasn't the only shitter to have to die to these fuckers a few times before I could get past.

I rage quitted when i got to that monsoon faggot with the floaty limbs, haven't picked it up since.




>Somehow beat this on my first try.
>Spend an eternity on that horsefucker in the village.


Not the guy you're exchanging memes with, but honestly, I don't think that's true.


>can be instantly killed by a spell you'll get within the first two hours of the game
>casual filter

This is the easiest pattern she has, too.

Monsoon is without a doubt one of the best boss fights I've ever had. Went into the fight with resting game face, finished it with a massive grin

LoLK is casual filter after casual filter. And I can't beat Sexpiece on Normal.

>casual filter
Nigga you're doing it wrong.



>miltank used rollout - it's only move
>you're fucking dead
>have to keep potioning to stay alive through each one praying it doesn't crit and one shot me

whoever thought a normal type gym was a good idea needs to die


That game looks cute, which tales(?) is it?

Hope you got a cfw ps3 user



>Orange peel & and s'more
They're not that hard