How is Blizzard not seen as an evil company?

How is Blizzard not seen as an evil company?
Every game they make the genre for that game is effectively destroyed.
>Card games
Only a little longer until FPS and MOBAs are dead too.

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nobody cares about HOTS and Overwatch is destined for mediocrity, probably won't even beat TF2 unless it goes free-to-play

>Destined for mediocrity
>9.1 on Metacritic
>9.5 on IGN
>100000+ viewers on twitch
TF2 faggots are delusional

Because marketing and cuckriders
They are basically apple of gaming industry

>Only a little longer until FPS and MOBAs are dead too.

How did they destroy any of those genres exactly?

>Blizzard killed MMOs

No making MMOs is what killed them. The games made are actually awful shit.


The Genre died from league of legends/dota

>Card games

MTG and YGO are still going strong no good alternatives online


didn't play Diablo 3 since 2 is perfectly fine.

Because they're seen as a puppet
and everyone blames Activision for blizzards wrongdoings, rather than blizzard themselves.

>didn't play Diablo 3 since 2 is perfectly fine.
>I won't play any other games because I'm an elitist faggot that gets all his opinions from Sup Forums

>Reviews only matter when they fit my narrative, the rest of the time they're paid off bullshit
>Twitch viewers are a good measurement of a game's quality

>Twitch viewers are a good measurement of a game's quality
You would never say that if your favorite game had a lot of Twitch views

The genres aren't dead. You just have stupid criteria for determining what is alive or dead.

They already tried that. It failed hard.

? No I just won't get 3 because I don't actually care to play it. are you projecting? I don't play the new Assassin's creeds because I'm satisfied with 4 and revelations that doesn't mean I got my opinion from this cesspool of shitters who have shit taste.

>I won't play any other games because I'm an elitist faggot that gets all his opinions from Sup Forums
>gets his opinions on elitism and faggotry from Sup Forums

>IGN matters
>Metacritic matters
>twitch matters
Kill yourself

what a filthy mouth... where did you learn to talk like that?

My favourite game came out in the 90's, why would it have a lot of Twitch views?

I agree

by making horrible games, and using marketing to destroy the other games, and tricking people into playing shitty games

The point is
>Game has a lot of twitch views and is considered bad: "Twitch doesn't matter!"
>Game has a lot of twitch views and is considered good: silence
The same way that it's never "just a game" if you are winning

>using marketing to destroy the other games
It's called the free market you communist faggot

Blizzard died in 08?

Its just a shell of its former self, the art team is still one of the best in the industry, but man their games are sub-par these days.

They went from an amazing company producing mythical games to a paragon of mediocrity and greediness. Fuck them.

This is the perfect definition of post-merger Blizzard

They realized that they no longer have to work hard to generate a market PULL, so they use their accumulated fandom and capital to generate an artificial PUSH

An example of an excellent pull is Minecraft. Literally no advertising or any form of artificial push from the developer side (like ad campaigns or including features no one needs to inflate the value), and everything was valued purely based on the demand of the market.

An example of an excellent push is The Division, a game which basically no one asked for, but was marketed so fucking aggressively (to the extent where they paid every big streamer to stream it).

In the case of natural pull, the game offers a lot of value therefor the market picks it up as a valuable good and it becomes successful. In the case of artificial push, the game lacks value, therefor the company behind it is forced to dump resources into creating an artificial value around it.

Blizzard not only started leaning more towards being a push-oriented company, but that basically became their dominating strategy since D3 release. They realized that there's a lot of value in exploiting their fanbase and their accumulated capital for advertising (such as this fucking shit ) and fully adopted the Activision model of push-dominated strategy.

From now on, following the huge success of Ov*rwatch, every single one of their games, including WoW, will be based around full domination of the push model - brand value over product value. Most of their capital will be drained from development teams and redirected to marketing teams instead.

And as an investor with around 5 years of experience in investing in stocks, my advice is that you NEVER go long-term into companies that start leaning towards a push model, as that's one of the first signs of their collapse.

MOBAs killed all of those genres
HotS is also pretty good among them if not the best one around

2009, imo the Trial of the Crusader patch for WoW was where the company jumped the shark.

I read this post and I thought, no, that can't be right, 2008 was just yesterday and 2009 (i.e. Ulduar) is still recent. It's 8 fucking years ago, where has my life gone user?

Dude those things only matters for shills and corporate cock gobblers only when they top other stuff

You know that,right?Like when game servers went on and they had 250k+ twitch viewers and then they accidentally dropped back to 60k or so what those shills did?

>opened around 10 threads in a span of minutes claiming muh views are way above your steam games

the day after someone in response opened a couple of threads pointing the drop of views and then proceed on doing the same on various threads

Shill response were

>opened more Battleborne is dead threads
>opened more TF2 bashing threads
>implying views do matters
>muh paid reviews are telling you otherwise deal with it

Now they're camping on that shitty gameplay who just revolves around pressing one buttong for mumumumumu-multykills use the most op or fotm characters in a game were maps are completely shit and everything else is just there to say m-mo-more heroes than TF2

Just close and hide those threads and use report button for bashing threads,sometimes it works other times will not (sadly)


i don't understand

>One company can destroy a genre

ITT: Making massive exaggerations over something that doesn't exist

It is quite sad that RTS in the build-and-kill sense is dead with SC2. Maybe a new Red alert game, but we all know EA is going to jump on that with the force of a thousand DLCs, and kill it.

MMO's mght have a future with star-citizen type games, and if someone takes the No man's sky tech and makes an MMO of it, that might be okay.

Honestly, MMOs are at a technical and game design limitation. How to allow for RPG like story telling, while allowing for many people in the same world and still feel epic?

How to fit hundreds of people on the same server, and still have modern graphics, and crisp gameplay?

lmao IGN, I reckon if I had a million dollars and a piece of feces. I could get them to give the feces a 9.9.

>Only a little longer until FPS and MOBAs are dead too.
Can't happen soon enough.

well both EA and Blizzard destroyed RTS genre,ok there were WW2 RTS and I guess some modern RTS games but those are a niche and not everyone likes them cause like my friends say "you only play on games whom are based on real stuff instead of gobbling our shitty fantasy stuff"

Same for MMORPG,EA probably didn't make any and every other one was always catalogued as possible WOW killer and that's why they killed the genre

I played on DCUO cause I wanted to make my friends happy for once,then they dropped it for they console games but everytime people on forums spouted muh 25 millions active DCUO accounts I laughed hard cause on census even banned characters,alt and others that were no longer playing were counted as active players/accounts

Can't say anything for ARPGs and card games as I've always refused to play them

>evil company

Will just have to sit and watch how bad Escape ffrom P2W Tarkov,Same of Duty and Niggarfield 1 will fare

It's too co-incidental though.

Blizzard develops good RTS, and deep RPG mechanics in games with very little DLC / Microtransactions.

>>In steps bobby kottick and activision, publisher of the series Call of duty.

>>Suddenly everything is being split up into 3 games, everything is cash shopp'd. Everything has a yearly sequel.

>>Any sort of solid "RPG" mechanics in the games have been swapped out for 'arcadey' 'load-out' pick one of 3 type setups.

it's too much co-incidence. I think what's happening, is kottick is a scary guy IRL. and he looks at the game in their final state, and suggests changes or 'cross polinations' from his success at activision. (Which is pumping out shitty AAA shooters for 12 year olds yearly).

It's an Sup Forums meme, where the word "turk" is censored as "t*rk" to indicate that it's a bad word worth censoring.

>Destroying assfaggots
Blizzard would be hailed as gods if they could achieve this

>falling for activision AAA marketing

>How is Blizzard not seen as an evil company?
cause the shills know they can sell the "Blizzard" name forever instead of "Activision", their real name.

>and MOBAs are dead too.
thank god. please save us blizzard by killing of this shitty 'genre'

I don't see them as evil. Evil is EA killing Westwood, Bullfrog, Maxis, etc. I see Blizzard as retarded. They got retarded when they started getting all that original WoW dosh and tried to Scrooge McDuck swim and hit their head too hard

Okay lets just say that the reviews are paid off. That doesn't change how popular the games are. You being contrarian doesn't mean you actually have a superior opinion or taste on games.