Why can't I get into this game? I love medieval stuff and rpgs but I only got to Novigrad before losing interest...

Why can't I get into this game? I love medieval stuff and rpgs but I only got to Novigrad before losing interest. Does it get better?

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Congratulations, you played yourself

>please tell me why I can't get into "X" game

This is not your blog.

So I fell for a meme?

>talk to npc
>follow red trail with batman vision
>kill drowner n 37644
>rinse an repeat

>it's boring

It's an action RPG for utlra casuals, with boobs and "muh open world"

If you want an actual battle system or just a decent game, get dark souls

it wont get better if u dont get better which u wont cause ur gay

Probably because this game is a boring slogg that only really appeals to "le cinematic" gamers

Most retarded response yet, but then again this is Sup Forums

Both games has focus on completely different things

This is the impression I got. Back to Dark Souls

because u havent played the 1st and 2nd one u stupid casual faggot, bet u only played Mass effect 3, literally started PC gaming 3 years ago i bet

I'm a sonygger

ok, tell me what the fucking focus of witcher 3 is then ?

showing boobs and having a shitty open world is the main focus, not the gameplay, you can't deny that

Don't worry senpai, you're not missing much. The game doesn't get better at all and that's one of its biggest issues, its repetitveness and lack of originaltiy.

If you like the Witcher world/lore, then you'll like the game. If you're looking for a good game then you won't.

Simple. Now que in the horde of insecure Witchercucks who will now use the equivalent of "muh dick" nigger arguments with "muh GoTY".

to play gwent

you got to be "into the story" to enjoy it

read the books then ?
don't pretend witcher 3 is a good game, it isn't

>Now que in the horde of insecure Witchercucks
how ironic, souls fag

Never played a Souls game in my life.

Nice boogeyman attempt tho

There are people who disagree with your assessment

>implying Witcher 3 isn't one of the best RPGs of all time

I'm in the same boat

It took a while for the game to click for me OP, but I really enjoy it.

Alternating between W3 and Doom recently has been a blast.

It's world of Warcraft except it's like playing a warrior before you hit level 10 with zelda-like downsyndrome combat

I never understood the hype, I might as well go buy Draenor instead

Literally a worse RPG than GTA V

Wat is that image and why he had it coming?

>only got to novigrad
Thats like 100 hours in.

The controls are so shitty, and no review even dares talking about it.

Makes you wonder how much CDR gave to reviewers to have such reviews...

OP you're not alone. I've just bought it on sale because of all he hype and I stopped playing after an hour. Really horrible controls and the RPG mechanics look really shallow and basic. I don't really care much for the lore or the setting.

If you like the story and the lore then you will love the game. It's not a classic rpg but it's fun if you role play as geralt rather than try and build your own character

Not really. A good player would get distracted by quests, monster hunts, Gwent and other such fun activities, but OP sucks major cock so he just got there.

So Witcher 3 is only game of the millennium because Skyrim is bad? What about Morrowind, the Souls series, Bioware RPGs, or Divinity Original Sin?

I played The Witcher 3 after immensely enjoying The Witcher 2, and I was left with the same experience as OP. The questing simply isn't fun enough to excuse the gameplay, acting and writing being piss-poor.

stay pleb

What is this meme that Witcher 3 is a bad game?

Is this just Sup Forums's usual hyperbolic reaction to people loving them game?

>tfw im a good player

Witcher 3 is the game of the millenials

what's with the character having a fuckin American accent? The game is set in medieval Europe and everyone speaks with an English or Euro accent. This was an instant turn for me

I did everything but the Gwent. I'm supposed to be finding Dandelion now.

You're playing the game wrong. First of all, set the difficulty to Death March, so you actually have to prepare with potions and shit before monster fights like a witcher would. You should also remove the minimap because it removes the sense of discovery. Also, if you got all the way to Novigrad before you stopped means that you definitely rushed the game.

I wish it was, but like OP, I just can't fathom how it's GOTY 2015, and I really wanted to like it, as well (loved 2, like the setting etc.), but in the end the gameplay and RPG mechanics were incredibly "meh" compared to many of it's peers.

not everyone here is a beta virgin

Every game should apparently revolve around "muh combat" or it is not a video game.

Witcher 1 = clicking 3 times in a row.

Witcher 2 = Same gameplay as 3, only you can't strafe to the left or right.

The FUCK you talking about?

The combat sucks, controlling geralt is not very much fun, and the quest structure is bad. Puzzles aren't even really puzzles because witcher vision reveals everything you need to pick up or touch. It's honestly extremely lazy game design in terms of gameplay.

I love the graphics though, the world, and the characters so honestly i tolerate its shitty gameplay elements. The most fun part of Hearts of Stone was walking around at the party and interacting with people, which barely constitutes gameplay. I'm looking forward to Blood and Wine but not for the quest structure or combat.

>the main quest sucks
user you are bad, play the side quests !
>the side quests sucks
user you are bad, play gwent !
>gwent sucks
user you are bad, listen to the story
>the story sucks

no wonder people spend more time chilling the game on Sup Forums than actually "playing" it

That's some hot opinions there.

The Witcher 3's combat just left me feeling like I wasn't in control at all.

2, on the other hand, wasn't Souls-level, but it was very enjoyable, due to the more direct control of the character. In addition movement wasn't quite as reliable in 3, I felt.

>this sucks,
>that sucks
>those sucks too
>never explain why they suck


>liking nippon hack and slash games with no story, depressing atmosphere and shitty soundtrack
Might as well kill yourself already.

it's really good because of its writing, world design, and far above average combat for it's genre

it's really bizarre how poor the quest design is when the writing itself is so good. almost no two quests tell the same story or have the same kinds of characters, but the red trail bullshit and leveling is retarded.
Also, this game has the worst loot design of all time

still in the running for my favorite game of all time though

>Witcher 3 fan criticizing Dark Souls story and soundtrack

wew lad

>Also, this game has the worst loot design of all time

What? How is it bad exactly?

It is quite boring, there are things in the game that could make it really great but they just fall flat, all these potions and alchemy stuff they added in you don't even need because the game is heavily reliant on it's level based system it ruins the balance of everything else. You find tons of weapons and armor but you only need Witcher Gear so again everything else becomes useless. Then there's the Assassin creed style "loot exploration" which is just even more boring, sometimes you could find a strong enemy and it could be fun for that little bit but other than that it's a waste of time. Gwent will honestly make you want to play the game just to get the cards and I'm not even joking, that was my main motivation to even beat it, just to get Gwent cards.

I immediately refunded it like 30 minutes into the game it was such a piece of shit. Sup Forums told me it was good, fucking liars.

>theres little to no story in souls games and soundtrack is awful
Try harded, schlomo nipponberg.

I don't think I've ever found gear I've actually wanted to use by exploring the world, and I've gone to every single map location except a few in skellige because the boat controls fucking blow and I got annoyed by the sirens

did you even read the thread ?
or are you just ignoring all the complaints of the controls and gameplay being shit in a fucking ACTION RPG ?

The action part of witcher 3 is shit, adding a stupid mini game and tons of quests does not save anything

>Something something glass houses and stones

>why do the main quest sucks

70% of it is a giant fetch quest trying to find Ciri who's always in another castle!

>side quest suck

99% of side quests follow the exact same formula. Follow red shit then engage in a forced fight scene with your already limited playstyle. Compare that to Dark Brotherhood assassinations and Thieves guild heists from Oblivion and yea, it sucks

>gwent sucks

Meme card game, it's a minigame. Not much to comment on

>story sucks

Similar to the reasons why the Main quest sucked. It's a giant fetchquest that never really amounts to anything else. Emyhr is horribly underwritten, the Wild Hunt have no real relatable qualities making them "Disney tier" cartoonishly evil and the ending is literally the exact same Ex Machina fuckery that ME3 got shat on for having (How did Ciri defeat the Wild Hunt? Ciri literally is the star child from ME3).

Prove me wrong :^)

>Souls series
not RPGs
shitty gameplay and graphics but has a great and immersive world.
>Bioware RPGs
>Divinity Original Sin
Nostalgia for other similar games prevents me from judging it fairly.

>world design

In what way? Visually or actually gameplay wise?

Because mechanically it's the exact same world design as Ubisoft games with their obnoxious check list padding sprinkled across a shallow map.

>not RPGs

*He says as he argues for Witcher 3*. Witcher 3 is literally less of an RPG than GTA V

>Bioware RPGs
>top kek

Pic related, top kek indeed

Souls story is bare-bones as hell, and the OST is very hit and miss. Also the fact that there's rarely any music playing aside from bosses which is retarded as hell.

>Souls series not RPGs

You haven't actually played a Souls game, have you?

>inb4 "don't need to play to know"

>everything is leveled
>no consistency to armor/weapon types and strengths
>impossible to fashion because random light armors are now better than heavy armors

it really needs something akin to TES loot design, even Oblivion tier. Where certain armor and weapon types are tiered. Like Novigrad longswords shouls be like TES iron, then all those special longswords should be like daedric, glass, etc. It just sucks playing through the game and my equipment is completely essentially completely randomized
its physical design, mostly. its not just visuals. The world looks and feels realistic. And I never played any of the UBItrash, but I like how the locations and enemies are static. I just really wish loot had some static organization to it even if basic stuff had to be leveled

Look, you'll get no disagreement with me regarding Witcher 3 being better than Bethesda games or Bioware games, but it's still quite flawed in terms of actual gameplay.

>and far above average combat for it's genre

for western game, maybe, and I'm not even sure about that
But if you compare it to japanese games, no, just no

souls games, dragon's dogma, any 8 or 16 bit action rpg does it infinitely better

>he fell for the Witcher 3 meme

no, it only gets worse

>dragons dogma
no. that game has the most overhyped combat of all time. I legitimately think it's worse than Witcher

>Bare-bones as hell

Have you actually played the games?

Last I checked, Witcher 3 didn't have entire youtube channels dedicated to it's story and lore.

bloodborne DLC has one of the best OST I have ever heard

because Dark souls doesn't have any story, so people have to make it up.

Man, I loved Kotor and Balder's Gate, but Bioware RPGs have fallen on hard times, don't act like Inquisition is better than the Witcher.

Of the most recent-ish 'generic medieval fantasy Europe' rpgs I'd rate as:
>Best story, not so strong gameplay
>Best balanced of both
>Best gameplay, not so strong story
Dragon's Dogma

The only thing that deserves an 'overrated shit that isn't even an RPG and has dull story and gameplay' kind of rating would be Shadow of Morder, which doesn't even qualify anyway. What a piece of shit.

>Witcher 3 cucks vs FromSoft dicksuckers

>70% of it is a giant fetch quest trying to find Ciri who's always in another castle!

Let's ignore that the entire scenario is littered with smaller intrigues like the Baron questline, Novigrad and its warring factions, the Dandelion questline, the Skellige succession and so many more I can't possibly name them all.

>99% of side quests follow the exact same formula. Follow red shit then engage in a forced fight scene with your already limited playstyle. Compare that to Dark Brotherhood assassinations and Thieves guild heists from Oblivion and yea, it sucks

While it's true for the Monster Contracts side side quest, it's absolutely false for most of the sidequests. Hell you have an entire sidequest entirely dedicated to assassinating the current monarch and another one where you try to infiltrate a casino.

>Meme card game, it's a minigame. Not much to comment on

Opinions and unironical use of the word "meme". Great.

>Similar to the reasons why the Main quest sucked. It's a giant fetchquest that never really amounts to anything else. Emyhr is horribly underwritten, the Wild Hunt have no real relatable qualities making them "Disney tier" cartoonishly evil and the ending is literally the exact same Ex Machina fuckery that ME3 got shat on for having (How did Ciri defeat the Wild Hunt? Ciri literally is the star child from ME3).

See first point, while I agree with you that some major characters are underdevelopped, others like Dandelion, Cerys/Hjalmar, Yen, Triss and some others get a lot of development.

uh i love souls games, but really? story and music aren't exactly great

the "if the game does not have forced cutscenes it does not have a story" meme

>Dragon's Dogshit
Why do people still try to enforce this meme?

And when it comes to soundtrack:







Click on any of those links, and it will take you to far better music than I've ever heard in the Witcher series, let alone 3.

youtube.com/watch?v=pZ1MgB_msi8 - Witcher 3 Drake fight

youtube.com/watch?v=RZT2J_-kyb8 - Dragons Dogma Drake fight

youtube.com/watch?v=yaeit-y-urc - Witcher 3 offensive magic (the only offensive magic in the game)

youtube.com/watch?v=uCtARsbRjzM - Dragons Dogma offensive magic

Nah, Witcher 3 isn't even close

> don't act like Inquisition is better than the Witcher.

And nobody said it was. The other user just laughed at the notion that Bioware RPGs were as good as Witcher 3 and I just felt compelled to point out his underage.

Because they're not only AS good but they were consistently better

Not even that guy, but I played through that poor excuse for a single player MMO. It was mostly about mindlessly spamming shit. Yes, Witcher 3 has a better combat.

The big boss enemy climbing mechanic is cool, but it's just a gimmick.

I clicked on every link and it's always the same shit. Shitty dramatic violins and choirs. This OST tries so hard to sound mature and deep it becomes cringy. The only good track was the one with the piano.

It just has vague descriptions on items. The lore is so shit and convoluted that people mistake it for deep.


Because the combat is top tier. It's easily the best of any real-time 'western-style' fantasy RPG in years. Did you even make it to Gran Soren?

>Because they're not only AS good but they were consistently better
Past-tense user. We don't live in the glory days anymore. Just saying.

Witcher shills are still at it, eh? When will mods put an IP ban on all of Poland?

Spotted the buttblasted Fromsoft shill

Depends on what you want. Dialogue is comedy gold, and if you already played 1 (yay) or 2 (poor guy) you want to know how the story ends.

Otherwise, maniability is shit, gameplay is shit, play signs.

Oh and Gwent. Gwent makes that fucking piece of shit game worth it.

>did you even make it to Gran Soren
>did you even try different classes
>did you even finish the game
>did you even play through it three times
What does it take to like the game? I think spending 25 hours with a game does make me qualified to give my opinion on it.

I didn't play it standing on my left foot, holding a candle while humming Pokerface, if that's what you're asking, no.

Yes, Marcin. Everyone who says bad things about your Ass Creed wannabe trash is a shill. I bet that's what you tell yourself when you endure the awful gameplay that is Witcher 3.

Is it the first witcher game you've played? Read any of the books? When it came out i was having a bout of unemployment, so I went full out and read all the books and then played the first two games in preparation. I gotta say I cannot imagine how anyone can fully appreciate Witcher 3 without having gone through all the other material, there's just so much subtle reference and tone you miss out on without knowing what these characters have all gone through together

I have not played witcher 3 yet

Is it just some youtube cherrypicking, or is witcher 3 combat really so appalling ?

Is Gene Wilder pasta guy coming around too? It's been a long time since I've seen him.

I don't think it's unreasonable response because the average 'DD is shit' post comes from faggots who couldn't even get past the first cyclops or the hydra.

Why do you think the gameplay is shit, if you spent so long on it?

If a game features combat, an "open" world full of things to fight, and where you play a fucking monster slayer then yes, the combat needs to be done well.

It isn't.

That's a lovely pic you made there Miyazaki. Maybe you should put these skills in good use instead of ruining the video game industry with your rehashed "hardcore" games. But I guess you're busy working on Dark Souls 4 or Bloodborne 2.

If you hated Dogma but liked Witcher 3, you got the Reddit award of shit taste. That's really it. Even if you think Dogma's gameplay is bad, it's still vastly superior to the turd that is Witcher 3's. Witcher 3 wasn't even meant to be played. It is designed as a story first and foremost and the gameplay is being forced in between the story parts. CDPR are fucking amateurs. Itsuno and the like are ten stages ahead in terms of game design than these Polack farmers.

The series is boring.
I have been trying to get into it since the first game, and just can't. They are typically very slow paced games.

Don't read if you don't want my honest (negative) opinion on the game. There's really no engaging content. The characters are bland. The world is bland. It plays like a Korean MMO. Tried a warrior. Was just spamming different kinds of sword attacks with no depth. Tried a wizard. Was just spamming different spell attacks with no depth. Just like a fucking MMO. Yes, the big enemies are neat, but that's about it.