How do you like the game so far, Sup Forums?
Is it fun?
How do you like the game so far, Sup Forums?
Is it fun?
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It's fun.
But already feels like it needs more.
Fun but not very deep right now
In a year with DLCs and shit it will be a lot better
This. I've put about 60 hours into it and feel like I've gotten my money's worth, but it lacks the depth of CK2, EU4, etc.
It'll keep getting better over the years, like most Paradox strategy games.
BOth of these. It's an empty shell, it's bare bones. They have to develop everything.
Its ''cock teasing'' the game.
Theres not much to do in it, having some poor management on your systems doesnt compensate for the games only purpose, which is constant warfare.
having fun with my multiculti empire. we just elected our first xeno leader.
pretty soon half of our population will consist of these goofy-ass arctic aliens we uplifted
It's fun until you realize how shallow the mechanics are and how totally void the mid-late game is.
Well, it has the beginnings of a good or even great game but there's also some critical issues like horrible UI (never mind that diplomatic options are barebones and half of the civs categorically refuse to interact with you due to their ethos, absence of diplomatic mapmode or any other form of UI support makes me not even want to bother with diplomacy and following the events in the galaxy), empty midgame, broken combat balance and general lack of depth. And then there's a wealth of smaller annoyances like very strict border rules and arcane border expansion, really dull way of handling climate preferences and terraform being worthless and the sector system being really annoying and poorly implemented.
More excited over the new EU4 patch tbqh, AKA EU5.
The UI is great. The only thing it's missing imo is the diplomatic map mode you mentioned. Also border rules.
Luckily they already announced they are changing both of these in patches soon. Borders will be open by default but you can close them, and you be able to swap the map to view alliences/federations/etc rather than individual nations.
Pick one
The features that are there are quite intuitive and efficient to use (besides diplomacy, in which case it's fucking awful) but there are things that should be there but aren't. For example, some way to manage planets better (it certainly should have a toggle for upgrading extant buildings, and something similar to constructing buildings from ledger like in EU3 would also be nice as well) or being able to mass-produce fleets from the map (think about how you can recruit units in EU4).
Civilization is fun because the map is random and every game feels different.
But I can't get myself to play something like CK2 or EU4. I tried, but it never clicked.
You have to spend a lot of free time formulating strategies and optimizing gameplay to fully enjoy the genre.
Try more.
i've never played grand strategies before
and so far i've gotten war declared and suddenly massive enemy fleets enter my area and i cant do shit to stop it.
also fallen empire meme with jumpdrives steamrolling me for colonizing a planet is also not that fun.
I think one of the biggest problems is simply that the game tried to be more 4x than grand strategy.
It feels really odd that all of the space civilizations you meet all became FTL capable at the same time and have roughly the same strength as you. Yes, you can configure some AIs to have "advanced starts" but it doesn't really give them that much. Fallen Empires aren't real empires, and it's too easy to keep on their good side.
I'd like to see it possible to start a game in as a new race in a fully developed galaxy. The problem with that is the way wars work in this game. There's no casus belli, so no one has an incentive to not annex you immediately.
One of the nice things about other Paradox GS games is that there were mechanics in place that made it so that massive empires couldn't just blob everywhere. It should still be possible to blob if you want, but right now it's the only thing to do.
big potential, but falls flat on its face in midgame and endgame. Diplomacy is puddle-deep, and wars are a complete nuisence, since game forces you to obey a cap of how many planets you can conquer. It's either make the enemy a vassal, or capture 3-4 planets max. If you want all his planets, you will have to make him a vassal and then wait literally 25-30 game years to integrate him into your empire.
They said that they want to fix the midgame though, so we'll see.
The reason 4X games fail for me is because there isn't enough important decisions per minute happening in a game. You start useless upgrades and queue 20 workers to build 20 roads, and it feels like a time waste.
Comparatively, in GS games, like CK2, every decision feels like something crucial to your success. Its dense and fun, and feels like a proper STRATEGY. 4X games feel like a day at work, and I got 5 of these every week already.
Play at higher difficulty levels then, every turn on Civ 5 Deity is so important that wasting it will cause irreparable damage.
Poured 100 hours into ot already, I'm literalpy addicted as it scratches all of my big game itches.
Strategy, roleplaying, and simulation
I never felt the mid game boredom because my first game was surrounded by warmongers.
I just really really want them to fix up the game and get their promised patches out.
Heh, integration goes up with the size of them. I had a vassal that had an integration period of 124 years.
With the way integration scales, it's really not much different time wise than taking pieces of them each war.
The real problem with the game now is that the change to population research modifiers in 1.1 means you should NEVER colonize a small planet. Combining this with the way sectors have to control the entire star system (I'm not giving up one of my fully developed core worlds just to colonize that size 8 shitter in the same system, just because it puts me at 6/5 planets) means that in the mid to end game, you typically have 40+ uncolonized planets that you will never do anything with, because doing so is a greater detriment than help.
Never played paradox games or any other global strategies for that matter because don't like the setting.
Love this one so far, feels like it lacks content though, especially endgame mechanics and diplomacy options.
Also, no supertech apart from jump drives I guess.
>you typically have 40+ uncolonized planets that you will never do anything with, because doing so is a greater detriment than help.
that sucks. Feels like the game is full of these artificial, illogical limitations that only exist to slow you down, so you don't realize how little content the game actually has.
Its not like higher difficulty brings any strategic depth, the player just starts more gimped, and AI less.
i have a lot of fun trying different approaches (xenophile, multicultural or not, xenophobe, vassalizations, alliances, conquests, full purge, full synths...) but once i hit endgame the game becomes boring or unplayable
Nah, the AI is always gimped because they can't abuse the game like the player can. This just gives them a few advantages instead of a million disadvantages.
Jump Drives literally break this game
>The UI is great.
If at a certain zoom I can't see my planet, because its label is covered up by the labels of everything else in the system, you've failed as a UI designer. The UI is objectively atrocious.
is the game hard to learn ?
>jump in both feet after pirating to see if its any good
>lots of fun for like 20 hours
>think about buying it
>play for 20 more
>realize how utterly broken it is
>having more pops punishes you in a 4X game
>blue man mana
>fucking sectors
>space combat is a messy clusterfuck
>only ever building corvettes or battleships
>allies are useless
>wars, wargoals, warscore and autopeace are a messy clusterfuck
>planet micromanagement is the most boring shit ever
>literally nothing to do in most of the game except twirling my thumbs and waiting ceasefires to expire unless I want to bother with the horrible sector AI
>diplomacy is shallow, at first glance I will know if we will be BBFs or have a total war to extermination
>embassies are waaaaaay to strong, you are literally able to placate anyone with them
>the AI is motherfucking dumb
>dumb to the point of refusing me access to fight the unbidden while their empire is collapsing
>sectors again
>research system is dumb and boring, always feels to slow and stupid as shit to have everything piled into three, especial social research, it contains all the army, navy, colonization, society, new buildings, forcelimits and other technologies coming up randomly
>even a built up empire feels barren and lifeless
>I can fire up a game on the hardest difficulty, give every AI an advanced start and still vassalize the galaxy easily, there is literally no challange anymore
Going to give it a second look in 2-3 years, might even buy on a sale if its good.
It's fun but is in desperate need of another 2 years of patches and DLC.
im still trying to learn it, to me it is difficult.
i keep doing something wrong, and i can't figure out what it is.
no matter how big my navy is, the enemies have much larger and stronger fleets.
Its fun but it got so far overshadowed by TW Warhammer that I don't feel like picking it up until it gets fattened up with DLC like Paradox loves to do.
Build corvettes only.Stack evasion bonuses like flagellating movement, defensive computers, shipyard bonues and admirals. Focus on a single type of weapons. When you get to the point you can research L mount only weapons research battleships and beeline for tachyon beams. Build battleships with the largest guns you can use and agressive combat computers and evasion corvettes.
Congratulations, you have broken the game. go around and make the galaxy your vassal.
>Congratulations, you have broken the game. go around and make the galaxy your vassal.
you don't even need all that jazz to make enemies your vassals. Just do hit-and-runs on enemy planets, and jump away when their fleet arrives. They will auto-surrender after they've taken a certain amount of losses, even if their fleet is much more powerful than yours.
>Focus on a single type of weapons.
that's all fine and dandy unless you only go for missiles and torpedoes, and come up against an enemy who has those little turrets that shoot missiles and torpedoes out of the air.
I had a 4k army get taken out by a 1.5k army, all because his army was all mid-range ships decked out with turrets, so I literally did zero damage to him.
Literally CK2, EU*, HoI, etc. with a new skin just like every single paradox game without any exception.
>that's all fine and dandy unless you only go for missiles and torpedoes, and come up against an enemy who has those little turrets that shoot missiles and torpedoes out of the air.
Literally doesnt matter if youre building corvettes only because your missile spam with overwhelm any point defense.
lategame I prefer destroyers with tachyon lances over corvettes
they're vastly more effective against swarm, unbidden and fallen empires
Battleships with cluster missiles largely remove that counter.
Anying playing the beta patch yet?
no because it got a game breaking bug.
that's what I thought, except like enemy had like 15-20 of the mid range ships with turrets, and it completely countered my corvette swarm with torpedoes.
GG rng research, havn't seen that yet after 150 game years.
honestly the best way to go against corvette spam would be to introduce a type of weapon that can't be dodged with enough of a damage penalty its not the only weapon you'll ever need
the only noticable difference i can see in the beta is that you cannot build frontier outposts and dump them into a huge sector of yours to get back that +1 influence point anymore.
Appearently that was a bug that the cost was removed once you put the system in one of your sectors.
cluster missiles suck anyways
when it comes to large weapons tachyon lances > everything
if RNG hates you, you could try to go for photon torpedoes (they're immune to PD) or else try to gank a single isolated fallen empire ship and analyze its debris, its guaranteed to give you tachyon lance tech which, depending on what the empires demands are can actually be worth taking a loss
requiring influence to hire scientists is retarded. influence in general is a crippling resource.
meh, just tech up fast enough your leaders become virtually immortal
also something people might not know: every single protectorate you have gives you +1 influence per month, so enlighten those natives
Still, using the same blue man mana to hire admirals, generals, scientists, governorns, manage sectors build frontier outposts, maintain edicts and shit is just way too much. You are either completely mana starved or have so much you are spamming random edicts with no inbetween, depending the stage of the game.
game over if I don't have enough influence to hire a new scientist. can't explore new systems.
im just waiting for all the pretentiously named patches to come out so i can play again.