So guys. What are you playing right now?
Starting Dungeon Siege and just finished Shelter
So guys. What are you playing right now?
Starting Dungeon Siege and just finished Shelter
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Playing Baldurs Gate, Dungeon siege 1 and 2 were sick, 3 was disgusting.
dwarf fortress right now. might go back to stellaris a bit later
Yeah so far it's pretty good. Like the leveling system. But it does feel really old.
Seen a lot of people playing Stellaris, what type of game is it?
i loved dungeon siege, shame that 2 and 3 were garbage
total war: warhammer
Just finished what was available in Slime Rancher, pretty fun comfy game.
>Shadow of Mordor
>Prison ARchitect
>Dex Ex: HR
What should I play next?
Space 4x game by paradox. It's gonna be better than the hot trash that was EUIV, but its still barebones of an experience.
4x/grand strategy space empire game
if you're a veteran of more complex paradox grand strategy games (HoI, victoria) you might find it shallow, and it's in need of some patching, but overall it's pretty good
2 was great.
Does Slime Rancher has a goal or is it more like Harvest Moon?
Been looking for some nonshit fire emblem fan games. Only found like 2 out of 20 that weren't garbage.
Took a chance on it for €30. Downloading the movie pack (75gb) right now. Any people here that played it?
Getting through Killzone: shadowfall. Gameplay is alright as far as modern shooters go, there are some large sprawling environments that let you chose your approach and a cool zip-line move to get around fast. Couple problems though: for one the touchpad usage is fucking abysmal, it's incredibly uncomfortable and is used for switching between four very useful actions so it only prevents you from usuing it dynamically; other problem is that the story jumps a bit too much between ambiguous disparagement of patriotism and taking it completely seriously, like I'm getting cutscenes from Spec ops: the line and CoD:MW2 in turns.
Just finished Dying Light The Following
wondering what to play now
Reminder that Dungeon Siege 3 doesn't exist.
Is it as good or worst than the base game? I really liked Dying Light.
>Starting Dungeon Siege
Do yourself a favour and play any other ARPG/ CRPG instead
DS is one of the most repetitive and mediocre ARPGs, it's a fucking chore.
Oh fuck, it's a good and fun game with huge seamless world full of varied environments and complex party-based combat.
I thought it was good, the buggy has its own upgradable parts system skill tree and it just works. I found night chases to be harder than escaping in the base game, because if you crash a lot the running zombies will fuck you up in the buggy and you must drive flawlessly. While in the base game changing directions while doing parkour a bit already saves you.
I think it's the same quality compared to the base game, campaign might be short but there's quite some side content.
Thanks, I'll grab it in 2 weeks then.
Man, every single time I wanted to play through Dungeon siege I'd start, have great time, then one of my friends would start pestering me to play it in co-op, we'd blast through several dungeons in mere seconds because co-op is overpowered, it would become boring, and I'd drop it.
Has that game gotten any updates? I remember playing it a few months back and it was pretty bare bones.
I finished Tales of Zestiria recently after many, many pauses.
So now I am playing Hyper Light Drifter.
w-who gonna tell him?
user I'm sorry
Gearing up for a W3 run. Never finished it upon release. Now with all the dlcs and some mods, it should be a good game to kick off summer.
Play HR, make sure you play on Deus Ex difficulty or you won't be able to brag to your cool friends on Sup Forums
Just started playing new Unreal Tournament beta today. It's not as good as I was expecting, those cunts took out the double jump, wall-strafe is now useless little wall-run, alt-fire for rocket launcher is utter shit, and default UI is terrible.
I'm going to replay Shadowrun:Hong Kong but i'm not sure how much the extended edition has changed and if it's worth it. Also which class should i go? I went a dwarf decker/rigger last time.
Is assault rifle elf still the best build? I haven't played since Dragonfall
I just finished playing Black Ops 2 because I was reminded that Blops1 was a fun romp, despite the shitty CoD gameplay.
Right now I'm wondering if I should finish E.Y.E. or jump into No One Lives Forever. I'm not feeling like Divine Cybermancy at the moment, maybe because I just finished a future-style game.
It's AssCreed with Arkham combat in a smaller map with less content. It balances out quite well really.
I'd recommend Shadow of Mordor, it does have bamham combat, but not as easy, and there's a very innovative mechanic that makes you develop personal grudges against random mooks better than most story-based games manage with main villains.
>Arkham combat
I'm annoyed at this. Arkham Asylum copied it's combat from AC1.
It's not like it's a good combat system or anything, but Assassin's Creed 1 was the first game to use that system, not Arkham, why do people call it Arkham combat?
No, combat in AC1 is not like arkham at all.
Apart from more than one enemy attacking you at once, on occasion and that parrying isn't an instant kill, what's different?
Blocking, guard break, strong hit, no counter at all(they only appeared in AC2), no gadgets. Really only similarity between them is the fact that your hits auto-aim at enemies.
Arkham iterated on it by adding the combo system and emphasising mobility. Of course AC stole a lot of that back form Arkham after, making it hard to distinguish between the two, but the emphasis on combos and mobility makes it Arkham combat.
How it controls and player input. They're are both similar but different enough.
That game is overrated as fuck. Stealth is shitty and combat is the vast majority of the game, even side missions require you to kill shit. The problem is that the combat isn't a clone of Arkham combat, it's even more simple than that, less enemy variety and no gadgets to mix it up.
finally going through fallout 4, feels like a chore, because theres like 1000 little things that bother me
im convinced more and more the far cry primal devs did survival mode way better by making weapons have durability and breaking after several uses, having limited ammo for everything, and limiting projectiles so focus is more on melee and more on very rough brutal combat which is quick
The "game" cutscenes into 30 minute live-action tv style episodes, that have a production quality to rival a syfy channel original mini-series
That's a lot of pointless whining. I mean, he's not wrong, but is it a problem?
I'm sure this makes an impression on people that didn't actually played the game, but this guy has all of the upgrades and fights in the early-game zone without even letting orcs sound alarm, that's like starting the souls with endgame character in flip-havel set with lightning zweihander then going to undeadburg and complaining about how shit the combat is. Not to mention that the meat of the game is orc system anyway.
>Arkham iterated on it by adding the combo system and emphasising mobility.
What do you mean by combo system, cause the game sure as hell doesn't have combos.
Also by mobility you mean just being able to move in any directions, regardless of what's there with fancy animations? Cause there sure isn't any sort of movement system with gameplay to it.
ogre battle 64.
I'm 78 hours in and on chapter 35. this game is long af. was not expecting this. it's fun tho
Nothing I am not a child and decided to stop wasting my time playing videogames.
Right now I am studying.
when the entire game revolves around combat, yes
Arkham games for example are fun to glide around, and there's more to do than beating thugs, and the combat is also better than SoM's
I sure wonder what interesting research you're conducting that requires to post on Sup Forums.
Does simple combat make a game bad?
I mean how when you punch somebody a little number goes from x1 to x2, and then when you get to 5 you become much more mobile, and every 10 hits you can do an execute, etcetera.
And yes that's what I meant by mobility. AC doesn't have that at all and it does influence fights quite a bit.
if combat is all the game has to offer, yes
And neither does SoM revolve around combat, the game is about manipulating enemy's positions of power through intelligence and strategy.
might hop on return of reckoning idfk
played a bit of lifeweb but its still the shitter map and xenonauts can't hold my interest because psionics are fucking obnoxious
and you do that by engaging in combat and using the drain power shit
>intelligence and strategy
please, I played the game, there's no need to lie
But why? Is simple combat not fun? Does its simplicity make you want to stop playing?
Because you're attaching your self esteem to your entertainment and playing easy games lowers it.
That's a hit counter, not really a combo, you're not combining anything, it just counts up on consecutive hits.
I wouldn't say that the movement adds nuance, in fact, it honestly takes away nuance. The combat in Arkham is little more than mash attack button and look at fancy animations without having to aim directions or anything, like Assassin's Creed 1 but without throwing enemies into eachother and without having to think about positioning. Not that AC1 had good combat, but it was better than mash X and mash Y for fat guys or whatever.
I would argue not only its simplicity that is the problem, it copies a combat system that's becoming a meme in games, but in a more shallow way. A game with such emphasis on combat as it was, it should be something better.
>Is simple combat not fun?
If the fun is just simulated through well designed feedback mechanisms such as animations and sounds, then no, it's not fun. It's just showing you something which looks fun, while all you do is mash X. It might be fun to watch, but there's no gameplay there.
>That's a hit counter, not really a combo, you're not combining anything, it just counts up on consecutive hits.
I always call it a combo meter. If you prefer hit counter that's fine by me though!
>I wouldn't say that the movement adds nuance, in fact, it honestly takes away nuance. The combat in Arkham is little more than mash attack button and look at fancy animations without having to aim directions or anything, like Assassin's Creed 1 but without throwing enemies into eachother and without having to think about positioning. Not that AC1 had good combat, but it was better than mash X and mash Y for fat guys or whatever.
I wasn't talking about which is the better or nuanced system. All I was trying to say is that it's a pretty meaningful difference between the two and BamHam: Mordor follows the Arkham system of combat.
Or you can gain intelligence, calculate the best approach to your targets, chose ones you want to promote in power, create diversion for the ones you want to fail, capture agents and make them kill the highest-ranked orcs with you staying in the shadows. But sure, seeing end credits after bruteforcing l the puzzles is more important than having fun with complex and innovative mechanic.
Both are great, but to put simply the differences:
>Dying light
Set in city, focused on parkour and melee weapons
>The Following
Set in farmlands - large open areas, focused on driving and guns
Mountain Blade Warband. I loaded my old save and made a lot of progress towards conquering Calradia. Now there's almost no challenge, just have to take over castles while I have a huge income.
I'm thinking about trying FFXIV or Return of Reckoning but I know I'll get bored right away since I don't know how to play MMOs.
I started a Nationalist Nord playthrough of Skyrim. Then I tried Stardew Valley. I can't get out. Somebody help.
Got Arma3 few weeks ago.
Game looks amazing, and plays great. I'm loving it
>pic from in-game
I don't know, I don't think that adding obstacle ignore is enough to call it a new combat system.
Assassin's Creed kind of did the whole action adventure game with mash X and magnetize to targets combat and alternate magic vision thing first.
forgot pic
Just started a Dishonored 100% non-lethal ghost run, with Fallout 1 on the side. Might also go back and replay the entire Witcher trilogy.
Yes the nemesis system was nice, but the orc rankings get pretty boring. Gathering intelligence is the same old repetitive interrogate/collect shit affair, there was no difference in which orc to promote since you simply meddled with the thing anyway, by engaging in combat and helping to overpower whoever you want replaced.
The whole strategy is read what orcs are weak to, and use it. As much strategy as putting the shapes in those baby toys.
Innovative? Yes. Complex? No
Most of action-adventure games from PS2 era had mash X and magnetize combat, don't be an underageb&, there was nothing new about AC's combat, but arkham changed that formula a lot by making it even easier and more visually fluent.
Can you name one? Cause most had combat like in the Prince of Persia games, Mash X and the character attacks infront of them and if you press a direction and X the character re-orients to that direction and attacks.
Arma 2 is one of my favorit games made, and i grew up playing only rpgs.
BG&E and I-ninja come immediately to mind. And I wouldn't say PoP is any different, if there's an enemy in the direction you pressed prince will magnetize to it, even if the enemy is far away.
I thought people called that z targetting
That's just lock-on user. Magnetizing is when your character attacks the enemy even if they aren't facing them only because the attack command forces a canned animation to play.
Dark Souls 3. Invading as a red Sunbro with seeds and other gifts since I can't get summoned as a blue. Fuck you, From.
>playing right now
Enter the Gungeon, EDF 4.1, on and off Dark Souls 3
>playing next
DOOM when I get some cash, then probably Odin Sphere Leifthrasir after that
Just finished arkham city. I'm thinking of picking up the mega man nes titles, but the first game is fucking hard, and I feel like if I'm gonna use save states I might as well not play it at all. Also recently bought gal civ 3 on sale, but it seems rather boring, everything takes forever to complete.
Mega Man 1 is junk, 2-6 have a much nicer learning curve and 9 and 10 are great additions for experienced fans.
7 and 8 are kind of meh, once you get your fill of the NES classics I recommend going straight to MMX 1-4
Megaman 1 is really not that hard. I consider myself a bad Megaman player and still did 1 and 2. Will have to do 3.
Just finished Dark Souls 1.
Gwyn was a joke and I was not even parrying.
Don't know what will play next, I am playing on 3 years old laptop
I tried playing Warhammer DoW.
Turns out I still suck at most RTS games and don't like them.
Fucking micro-management
Just finished FFX & now im on bunny black 2.
Maybe you could play Salt and Sanctuary, user.
Toukiden Kiwami on the vita. Trying to decide between switching to a club, fists or the chain and sickle.
Recommend me a horror game to play, can be as old or as new as you want it, as long as it's not a Resident Evil game cause those are the only horror games I've played.
Eternal Darkness on Gamecube.
Nothing, video games are for children.
I hope you've already played Silent Hill games
Getting an Xboner soon so I dragged out my HUEG for some Forza.
I watched a let's play of that years ago, when I still watched let's plays.
Played a couple hours of SH 1 years ago, dropped it at the piano puzzle. Guess I'll start it again now, thanks user.
Replaying Deus Ex HR because the trailer for MD got me hyped
About to start playing wizardry 6. What kind of party should I have?
Some puzzles are plain bullshit, so don't feel bad for looking up the solution.
Alternating Vermintide and Overwatch
Its really disappointing to have a free 3 day weekend and have Blood and Wine release on the next day after...
I just completed my second Dark Souls 3 playthrough.
Can you guys recommend any recent pc games?
I didn't have much time the last couple years and missed a lot.
You should play The Witcher 3 if you haven't.
farming for vertebra shackles in DS3, farmed all the other convents and this is the last one
knocked out a few podcasts while doing it so its not so bad
Dying light was fun