Daily reminder

Daily reminder

Breast reduction confirmed to cater to SJWs eventhough they would never ever play the game

Oh no. Gosh. Darn. Well I'm just really steamed about this one.

Why would I give a shit? This seems like a huge non-issue

Reminder that this is Square Enix's last resort to keep people interested in the company.

Then they really dropped the ball waiting as long as they did, fucking up the designs of iconic characters, changing the gameplay and making it a multi-tiered release cashgrab, which has been offputting to many fans.

Then again there are enough "FFVII is the best jrpg ever" memesters out there it will still make money.

Calm down, kid.

>Square Enix in charge of not JUSTing themselves to nothing

Do you actually have any proof besides "it'll happens cuz SJWs"

Doesn't Japan usually not care?

>implying todays SJWs aren't yesterdays FFVII fags

It blows my mind that people actually thought Tifa's goofy ass cartoon balloon tits were a good design.

>reminder Tifa is best FF girl
>reminder Tifa's tit size will be perfect
>reminder the retarded outsourced FMVs from FF7 are a pleb point of reference
>reminder Tifa's tit size in her G-Bike portrait and pic related from FF7: AC are literally perfect

Squeenix a shit, but s jay dubya fags can go off themselves.

Not to mention it's now episodic. So chances are that this will be stretched a few years so they can get multiple installments of $60.00+ out of said memesters.

Really, this is their Lazarus Pit more than anything.

Reminder that the biggest Nomura has ever drawn Tifa's boobs was in 2014, and that was the same year FF7R started development.

The game's target audience are girls, so they don't want to include characters the target audience would get envious of.

I don't care if they reduce Tifa's tifas or not

But if they button up Yuffie's shorts i will become satan

>t. Eiken fanb0y

OK, and... your point?

Why do you keep posting this when they were buttoned over 10 years ago?

You do realize they already were like 13 years ago right?

In an alternate outfit.

They wouldn't dare do that to the original.

The only time her boobs were as absolutely massive as people remember was in the FMVs anyway. Aside from that they've almost always been just somewhat large.


Squeenix is dead.

I can see them doing it.

It's like it's in the corner of your eye already haha


Nothing wrong with Eiken