This is legit the hardest boss From has ever made

This is legit the hardest boss From has ever made.

I made a thread earlier today because I was having problems with him, but now it's getting out of control. Some user said I should level up a bit, so I went from lvl 15 to lvl 24, killed the other available bosses, and he's the only one remaining, AND I CAN"T FUCKING DO SHIT!

His first phase is easy, but the second phase is impossible, I cannot remove more than 1/4 of his health bar. No time to heal, no time to hit, his fire aoe hits me all the fucking time, he's too fucking fast and I'm getting 1-2 shoted.

And I can't level up my fucking sword because npc don't sell twinkling titanite like in previous games.

WHAT THE FUCK DO I DO?! I never died more than 3 times in a soulsborne boss except Ludwig, but here I died over 50 times and lost hours. I'm so mad I want to delete the game even tho I pirated it.

Try being more aggressive instead of defensive.
He can be staggered fairly easily before he gets a chance to do his insane combos.

Just stay close to him and attack a lot, you can stagger him easily

>equip shield or anything capable of parrying
>press L2 just before they attack you
>riposte by pressing R1 near them

good job you just learned how to beat 80% of the souls franchise

ancient dragon

try your best, someday you will beat him it took me 2 days
and fuck this guyit takes away the fun in the game

i beat it at level 1
get good
learn his attacks, take note of the moments where his defense is down and attack him
patience is key

>use the uchigatana
>start spaming r1
>he died like a bitch


>except Ludwig

Honest question, did people actually have trouble with him? It took me like two tries, but I see people say he was really hard. I guess it's just that some bosses are tougher for different people

Fight like them.
They are aggressive and floaty, you must be the same. Get cocky, roll under their swords instead of blocking it, and most of all, go for backstabs.

Now the second phase is ridiculous at first glance, but has a very predictable moveset.
Dodge everything until you see his basic combo (spin twirl left, spin twirl right, overhead leap)
If you're quick, you can get a backstab after every overhead leap.


Only level 24? Huh ... I think I've been around 30 each time I go there. You could summon a phantom, if you're not trying to get that sense of satisfaction for soloing. Also, maybe you should change up weapons, to something that upgrades off of titanite shards.

He's not even the hardest boss in his own game. In fact, he's one of the easiest.

why is artificial difficulty still allowed to exist in this day and age? i taught that we're over this. it just psses me off that by making a boss impossibly hard you can call it good gameplay baka

>only lvl 15 when you first meet Abyss Watchers
How the fuck do you scrubs even do this? Are you dying all over the place and constantly losing your souls? Are you rushing the bosses and ignoring all the enemies in your path? Are you saying up outrageous quantities of consumable souls, never spending any of them because "I'll really need them one day?"

The game hands you shitloads of $$$, why are people on Sup Forums always so god damn underleveled?

Dude I beat this guy with a claymore while fatrolling...Learn how to time your blocks and use a 100 phsy shield.
pic unrelated. My little nephew drew this for me.

gt gud. i beat this guy at level 54

For a moment I thought you were one of those fellows who went to the bosses at the lowest possible level to make the game even more challenging.

Now I realise you're just retarded. Just level up more and you'll be fine desu

When I take breaks from Sup Forums and come back to dark souls boss complaints I always suspect I'm reading a copy-pasta.

>dark souls
I kek'd

If you think the Undead Legion is hard, you should give up now OP. No way you'll make it past the Pontiff.

>abyss watchers
>hardest boss from has made


fucking numales

Beat first try. Thank fuck for the good rng.
Getting my ass handed to me by Aldrich because he won't stop spamming the fucking arrows

I beat this gut in a full havels fatroll build, get fucking good.

>can be staggered with every hit
Deacons were harder.

Why don't you just summon ONE person to help ?

I did this once or twice, I don't really care. I'll only summon one person, and if I do It's only for a boss that I've been stuck on for a while. Sometimes a little co-op is fun/okay.

I refuse to summon for Nameless though, I'm beating that fucking faggot alone.

Is this bait? Literally no hard bosses in DaS3, pontiff was the only one that came close.

It's a bloodborne boss, be fucking aggressive or get a great shield.

Listen to the people telling you to be aggressive.
Tried playing defensively my first play through, took me a fucking long ass time to beat him.
Second play through I went aggressive and beat him almost instantly.
He staggers way too easily, get a quick weapon and dodge into him, land a few hits, and dodge out. Repeat for win.

Bragging rights mate.

I summoned npc for pontiff coz I was sick of his shit. I got him to 20% once solo but didnt feel like trying to more.

I summoned for dragonslayer too, but I didnt realize i hadnt upgraded my weapon so i was still using a +6 weapon instead of +9.

Also trying to only solo nameless, just him and cinder left to do. He fucking wrecks my shit in 2nd form.

used trainer. beat this guy good

OP are you retarded? His 2nd phase is babby tier. Hes hitstunnable, parryable & backstabbable.

Literally all you have to do is roll and spam r1 until you run out of stamina. Then just rinse & repeat.


summon black hand gott hard or sirris and backstab the watchers you fucking retard jesus christ

If you think this is hard, I seriously doubt you done as well as you claim in the other souls games, and you are going to be shit on by later bosses in this one.

Assuming you are intentionally avoiding using shields for an easy win (otherwise do that), just roll into him as he attacks, and beat the shit out of him.

I solod him on a fucking luck build you scrub

>And I can't level up my fucking sword because npc don't sell twinkling titanite like in previous games.
1. they only did that in the first game and after the middle of the game, there was no permanent seller of twinkling in 2.
2. There's enough twinkling to get the irithyll straight sword to +2 at least, that's plenty considering twinkling and boss weapons only get to +5 and you're still early in the game. If you're hurting for a better sword, get the astora straight sword from high wall and infuse with raw. That shit destroys up to +6.

Why do nu-males give up so easily and then whine on an anonymous forum? No one cares, buttbaby cancer.

There's a guy who has defeated this boss SL1 without rolling, parrying, blocking . He also did that with the rest of the bosses and some of them on NG+7. You're just shit.