I joined a local Overwatch group...

I joined a local Overwatch group, and all I am reading there is shit like "I hate when people main characters" and "it's annoying when people don't play who you tell them to play"
Why is this community so shitty only a few days in? How did it happen? Why can't games just be fun?

Who do you main and why? I main Mei for sex reasons

majority of the games fanbase comes from Blizzard drones and ASSFAGGOT fans, of course it will be full of retards like that

if i told you "jaden smith with obesity and skin bleach" your first reaction would be to pop a hard-on?

diff'rent strokes, i guess.

Maining a character is actually dumb in Overwatch though.

you should learn how to not listen to any spergs and just ignore them

my first reaction would be puzzlement


But OP is a sperg??!!?

There's more than 12 other over with threads, DONT MAKE A FUCKING NEW ONE. LOOK AT THE GODDAMN CATALOG.

I don't mind this game but you fucks are becoming a plague.

I only play Tracer because she can lurk/roam on her own and teamwork in pubs is fucking non-existant. When the skill cap in this game is so low and the only way to win is teamwork, I'd rather just lurk.

It's a band of mostly teenagers following paid shill twitch streamers that take a casual freemium multiplayer shooter seriously on order from ActivisionBlizzard Inc. to sell more copies as a premium """""""""e-sport"""""""""" experience.

Mei is built for loving!

Having a preference for certain characters is fine, but the idea behind Overwatch is to have good team composition and change heroes when yours isn't working.

If the enemy team has three counters to Genji on it and your team has three offensive heroes and no healers on it and you pick Genji because he's your "main" then you're a fucking idiot.

You should have at least one hero from each category that is a "main" and also a back up in case of a counter.

>Why is this community so shitty only a few days in?
You clueless fuck, the community has been garbage since closed beta.

Holy shit the buzzwords

here goes your paywall you retard, you should stay with tf2, its the same shit. i cant believe people fell for this meme game

Buzzwords is a buzzword.

Hopefully competitive mode comes soon so some of these people play that or you can at least tell them to go play that if they care so much.

It's ok to main characters, just don't stick to one in every situation.

You should at least be good with 1 of every archetype.


>Why can't games just be fun?
Blame neo-Esports.

>I main Mei
You answered your own questions.

Overwatch is not a game where you can say you "main" a character and expect to be taken seriously.

Overwatch is not a fighter game, overwatch is a team based FPS. Characters counter other characters and the skill and strategy comes from working in a team that understands this.
To say you "main" a character basically says you're an uncooperative douche-bag.

It's perfectly fine to have characters you prefer such as preferring Roadhog when your team needs a Tank character. Only playing 1 or 2 characters regardless of your team is retarded and makes you retarded.

Most your main from each type.

Offense: McCree
Defense: Hanzo
Tank: Reinhardt
Support: Zennyatta

Sentence fragment is also a sentence fragment.

This is what happens when you call a tf2 clone a moba clone. It attracts all of the shitters who rage quit seconds into a match and spends more time being bossy in chat than actually playing the game.

Mercy/Lucio depending on my mood, trying to get into Zenyatta but he feels very weak.


Why would I want to be taken seriously? It's a game. Games aren't serious.

>watching mei's perfect body and cute face as she takes aim and kills you while you're frozen like an idiot

This gives me the stupidest rage boner.





Then people start saying you should only use certain heroes from each category for each map.

If you're playing a team game with the aim of not working with your team and generally causing other people to have a bad time then you're kinda of a cunt to be honest.

it is annoying when people won't adapt by switching characters, but I don't see any reason to play who I'm told to play as long as I'm trying to fill a specific role that's needed.

Offense: Soldier 76
Defense: Hanzo
Tank: Reinhardt
Support: Mercy

You shouldn't main though.
If you main a single character, you become useless to your team.
You need to swap and counter in certain situations. If you don't, your chance of winning is significantly lower.

i main the TRUE Thicc-God

Having a main is actually a detriment to your team as it is imperative you select heroes that compliment one another. However, people who tell others who to play and expect them to do it are fags of the highest order.

Well some are better than others, Pharah is better on maps that are tighter for rocket splash and have high cover than she is on open maps where targets have plenty of room to move and there's nothing to stop her from being shot out of the sky. That's just common sense.

When you're playing a shooter you pull out your shotgun when you go indoors and your sniper rifle in an open field. It's common sense. Pick the character or weapon that suits the situation.

There is nothing more frustrating than being on a team that consistently loses for an entire match but nobody else changes characters at all.

Offense: Dad:76. McCree If I need to kill Mei/Tracer shitters . Reaper If I need to go behind enemy lines and shove my shotgun up their Mercy's ass

Defense: Junkrat

Tank: Reinhardt

Support: On KOTH maps or pushing carts Lucio, Mercy on Defence maps

Makes me puke. Waifufags are pathetic.

I hate Mei but she's the only one I'm good with. Haven't lost a match with her yet. Strategic wall placement is pretty useful.

Buy I realy hate this fat panda faced gook. What do?

If you think I'm apologizing you're just fucking wrong.

I'm recognizing what was shitty. You don't get an apology after that degree of retaliation.

I had a suspicion you were trolling from the beginning, but now I know you're just being a fuck-wit.

Enjoy your thread douche....

Overwatch has all the cancer of mobas (I know this isnt a moba) and Call of Duty combined.

Playing with people over voicechat brings me back to the MW2 days where people are constantly screaming in frustration
And now it's that cancer mixed in with a moba "meta" cancer

Oh God. I haven't even tried voice chat yet. Is it really that bad?

Good boy.

>Buy I realy hate this fat panda faced gook. What do?
acquire better taste

>Who do you main and why?
I main rock. A lot of people notice this immediately and play paper so I lose almost constantly, but I'm just trying to have fun and I'm not a tryhard so I always play rock no matter what, since I'm a rock main.
When I go to team RPS tournaments, my teammates get mad at me for always throwing rock while wearing my rock t-shirt and telling my opponent I'm going to play rock. We always end up losing because I'm a rock main and my opponents keep throwing paper, but my teammates are pretty shitty for making such a big deal out of it.
When did RPS stop being about having fun?
This is how retarded you sound.


i am not a big fan of fuckers going hanzo and bastion on offense because theres literally no way to win once people pick dumb shit like that(dont try to justify these picks as being potentially viable its just an example). its really discouraging to know that the team basically threw in the towel and decides to dick around instead of trying to win. I guess its my fault for wanting to win in a game i guess, I dont sperg out about it in chat or anything but I just think it kills my competitive vibe alittle


Can't you switch characters during gameplay in Overwatch?

Maining a character completely goes against that.

Offense: Genji
Defense: Junkrat
Tank: I like D.Va the most but I usually end up playing Reinhardt
Support: Lucio

never play defense, if I had to it'd be Widowmaker

>not having character pride
>being a fucking counter pick faggot
Overwatch audience, everyone.

>Literally playing the game wrong
And I'm not even part of the overwatch audience, just a passerby user who thinks you're a faggot.

its not that shitty, you're just a faggot and in a faggot group. get real friends loser.

>well my opponent picked rock
>better play scissors

>its an; user thinks hes a pubstar and takes casual play seriously, episode.

t. Retard that mains a single character in a game based around counterplay

Soldier 76

>game's entire draw is waifus
>"why are the players retarded"
gee, i wonder

You're objectively playing the game incorrectly, but ok

I mean really you want to be at least competent with a character from each class, maybe a couple more. 4-6 seems ideal.

Fuck kids on the mic telling people to switch to bastion, shit is irritating.



You think that's bad? Wait until they fuck up balancing like they have on every game they've made in the past 10 years.

Going solely by my hours played and not "muh feels":

Offense: McCree
Defense: Widowmaker
Tank: D.VA
Support: Symmetra

You're not allowed to have fun with video games. Just look at the two blizz cunts responding to you.

You want him in the back, switching orbs as needed. His damage doesn't drop with distance, is hit scan, and he does a good amount of damage. He's basically a sniper with healing capabilities, the only time you want him in the fray is during his ult.


Also for sex reasons


The only way to have fun is to win.

Offense: S76/Genji
Defense: Bastion
Tank: Winston for killing squishies/Roadhog for killing other tanks.
Support: Mercy/Jet Set Radio on KOTH

>stop picking on that poor user, you meanies!

He can have as much fun as he wants, but if he's not going to play the game how it's supposed to be played and make life harder on his teammates then he's an asshole.

Offense: McCree/Pharah
Defense: Junkrat/Mei
Tank: Reinhardt/Zarya/Winston
Support: Mercy/Lucio

I can't pick just one in a game with hard counters that can turn things around. It's like you don't want to win


Because you're not suppose to main one fucking character. You should pick based on what the team needs. Teamwork and team comp is what wins games. It's not fun to lose a game because you've got 3 fucking Hanzos.


Pharah and Reaper

Is counter picking that necessary? Just feels like y'all should git gud and change tactics if someone is stomping you.

there are a TON of assfaggots playing this game, charging $40 for the game has failed to keep them out.

This, there are also optimal teams for certain cap points and maps as well. I don't have more them 3 hours on any one character. Because team comp matters, no one is viable 100% of the time except mecree and Lucio

It's better than the Overwatch community at least. I've played most of my games in nearly a full group but EVERY time I play solo it's just trash talk, people telling you what to pick and play and people accusing each other of hacking.

Like who takes this game seriously when you solo queue? It's not like this is the epitome of a competitive game or something.



I just ignore shitters who care about "team composition". LOL. It's a game you play for fun not some super serious competitive game.

Give me a break.

>Offence: Tracer
>Defense: Widowmaker
>Tank: Reinhardt/D.Va
>Support: Haven't played support yet, but if I had to I'd use Zenyatta

I have maybe run into toxic people getting assblasted at his team one or two times. Other than that, most people just let others do what they want and work together without communication.

It's pretty nice.

This happens everytime a big game gets released, MGSV had 25+ threads constantly for a month.

Atleast it's better than console war threads.

The game is going to (e/de)volve into a meta anyway. Might as well master the heros people will be picking 99% of the time. The game IS about counter picking but I don't see anyone picking
Bastion/Torbjorn/Hanzo/Zenyatta in a competitive match.

Then again, the game is so shallow the only classes you will need practice on are the Assault ones. Everyone else is rather simple.

>Play brawl mode with friends
>Treat it as a casual format
>We all pick the same random hero
>Win 50/50
>Randoms on the team butthurt because we are staying as one character
>Other team desperately try to form a counter pick team

It's funny how tryhard people go even in the casual formats. It's like they have to win in order to have fun.

>playing anything other than Lucio

Offence: Genji
Defense: Mei
Tank: Reinhardt
Support: Zennyatta

Offense: Pharah (needs improvement)
Defense: Bastion
Tank: D. Va (attack only)/ Reindhart (defense, some attack)
Support: Mercy

>I main Mei for sex reasons
same, also she is really good on both offense and defense. I love saving my teamates from charges, dva ults, and hooks as well as blocking off enemies so that my teammates can hook, charge, ect.

>We're all at critically low health
>Ult is at 99%
>It's done
>Turns the tide, we're all alive back at full, whole other team is completely dead

There's nothing better :^)

Because it's a team based game not an individual based game, so any time you do stupid shit just because "it's fun" you bring your whole team down with you.

>Avoid this player

Get some friends yo.

As fair as bait threads go, i have to say this one is better than most.