Where did it all go so wrong?
Where did it all go so wrong?
your birth
I really like this first post best post meme
Man Sup Forums wanted OW to fail so bad, your tears that it scored in the 90s are fucking delicious
At least you edited the html and not paintpasted like the other user
Those numbers aren't right, it says 91 on the site.
You tried so hard
How new?
>That user score
I've neer seen so much salt and jelly for a game. Holy shit.
I like how even mad poorfags raiding the irrelevant user score section couldn't drop it from green.
>i-it should be F2P it's not fair bros!
>he forgot to change the amount of reviewers
What went wrong?
The user score is a pretty fair score for it in its current state tbqh
Blizzard marketing is just retardedly viral
Holy fucking shit, literally the first user review I found
The salt is real
I like the characters but there's no content in the game. Funny thing is this game will never go on sale.
People have become more critical of games. Like how that shitty Zelda game is 99 on Metacritic because it was a reviewed in a more positive era.
Meanwhile Overwatch' mostly stellar score is brought down by professional fedora flippers who are grandstanding against the loot crate system.
not enough hats yet
too simple and lacking fun movement options
"7.5/10" is salt and jelly?
c'mon son
Reminder that user reviews are useless.
you can't bribe the users, only brainwash some of them with extensive enough marketing
>check negative reviews
>it's all poorfags whining that it costs money
What a time to be alive. Fuck poorfags.
honestly the only ones that are honest usually seem to be in 7-8 score range
The ones you agree with, you mean.
TF2 don't cost 40/60 shekels
Thats a fair score senpai. I'm surprised its not higher from all the blizzdrones crawling around.
probably this, honestly.
Imagine a game getting a 99 or even a 100 now.
It's impossible.
no, because majority of 9-10 scores seem to just be fanboy hype.
and stuff like 5 and under just seems to be butthurt
for every 0 point review from a hater there is a 10 point review from a fanboy
statistically, user reviews are much more valuable
There overwatch mods for tf2?
>go to metacritic
>see this
no story. and missing depth. not enough mods and maps
plus it misses the same appeal team fortress had to overcome those short come since blizzard is targeting sjws and not people that made the team fortress community.
a multiplayer community lives and dies depending on how strong and energetic/autistic the community is.
overwatch had the chance of creating a similar community but fucked it all up when the started to censor sfm pron on pronhub and threaten the creators with lawsuits if they don´t stop using their characters.
plus I feel like the original popularity of overwatch came less form the game itself but all the let´s players and cinematic marketing
which isn´t a good thing if people are actually supposed to play your game in the end
*smacks lips*
pretty sure there's nothing wrong with my statement
Just angry Battleborn fags mad their game flopped
I'm more than willing to bet that if TF2 was reviewed in its current state it wouldn't be anywhere near an 80 nevermind a 92.
7.5 is pretty fair for the game, it lacks incredibly much but it's still fun
there aren't even that many Battleborn players
You're adding the word statistically to your anecdotal interpretation to lend it false credence. That's the generous interpretation anyways. Most likely you just don't understand what "statistically" means.
>As said by Kay B
>by Kay B
TF2 used to be one of the best FPS games for the PC.
but thousands of user reviews ARE more valuable in statistics than, say, a hundred "professional" reviews
>started to censor sfm pron on pronhub
if that's true blizzards got to be the most daft company in the world
>Getting this booty blasted
It's still good if you don't mind tons of cosmetics, which I don't pay much attention to as I just want to play the game
it's still fun 2bh lad
why? it's the same game as its core as always except with 500% more content
stop being stupid
>getting this triggered
There used to be so much hope and optimism in the 90s over vidya, when did we all get so cynical?
Yeah it's called "overwatch"
when games became a bigger business and you can't trust anyone anymore
>more characters = more content
How come weapons dont count as content? There's a big difference between a Demoman and a Demoknight, or a sniper and a huntsman
Also way more modes, more players per server, no "team composition"
why the fuck would you go to pornhub for your SFM needs
The HOL UP meme was never funny. It always reeked of pure, unadulterated butthurt
user pls, just kys
Lots of people are anal blasted that it costs money
I would guess that some people don't give a shit about the game
And other people like OP also don't give a shit about the game but use it as baitfuel.
I still refunded because it was shit even if the masses of retards think otherwise.
Get fucked Its my money.
only thing im smelling is tumblr
When hope and optimism became laughable and silly, and the order of the day was to be as subversive and cynical as possible
Why would anyone play OW over TF2 / UT2016 / QL ?
>really enjoyed the Overwatch beta and want to buy the game
>terrified it's going to die in a week like Diablo 3 and HotS
God damn it. do you think this game will have longevity?
I'm sure Overwatch will fall since it doesn't have you supporting it.
>Refund because it was shit
>still bought it after the free beta that was exactly the same
They remade Roots?
>If you think my joke is overused and unfunny because it's spammed everyday on every board you're Tumblr.
Like I said kys.
Overwatch is the new Brink.
Lots of hype, then everyone will forget it exists in a month.
What? What is the point of this post?
Is this it for Nolan?
wow people like free shit
whoda thunk
Well, I remember when a game I loved turned into a sprawling 3 part space opera, and then the ending was a confused nonsensical mess that abruptly ended with a message telling me to buy DLC, i.e. buy more things.
I think it was then that I realized that the megalith publishing companies have literally zero shame and nothing but contempt for their customers, and would literally shit in their customers faces if it would make them 2% more profit.
Ask Belarusians and Russians
Butthurt would imply niggers ever did anything successful to make us salty. Just face it, whites fucking won
>all these shitty kuck games
You realize tf2 wasn't free for a long time before going f2p
If you're casual, play only mainstream games with friends etc. then OW is perfect for you
No the kys and over explanation of every meme you don't like makes you tumblr, isnt it time for you to go prep the bull
I don't see how pointing out someone else's inadequacies makes me butthurt
One is a true classic that stood the test of time and the other is the flavor of the year.
Nothing really went wrong but thankfully everything stayed right.
>Overwatch metacritic
>All the 10/10 reviewers only reviewed overwatch
>All the 0/10 reviews also only review overwatch
>Tfw every game ever
White people in the past won user, now you're all just lazy fatasses that ride the cocks of your forefathers.
Ahaha btfo by the water temple it seems
I agree, some games shouldnt be there
>Cough, cough Division
Nice photoshop.
Telling people to kill themselves is Tumblr? I didn't over explain any joke I just want you to kys.
As opposed to everyone else who are just lazy fatasses?
lol alright poorfag.
>people buying Overwatch, the most corporate, safe, and all-player-friendly shooter of all time
>on Sup Forums of all places
I'm baffled.
This.. If it's a 1-10 scale I check the 7-8 reviews for an honest opinion. If it's 1-5 I check the 2-3 reviews again for honest opinions.
Always find the moderate in the crowd to get a good idea of what course you should take as opposed to the fanatics on each end of the spectrum. This goes well for anything in life.
>any review by any "critic" period
Yes user, you were once a great race but now you're just sad. Make your race great agian.
>in a month
implying brink was even given a month of playtime
I think its peak players was something like 450