Lets make one shall we?
Metal Gear (solid) Thread
The series is dead. Stop reminding me that MGS1/2/3 will never come out again.
Nice unfunny image you fucking 11 year old
>calling someone an 11-year-old for using a fucking ancient 11-year-old meme
Looks like your the child here, faggot.
yes, but its one of the few series that can boast on not having any bad games.
>inb4 portable ops
its not horrible
>it's old so it's good
Fucking kill yourself
Maybe some things can be old AND still funny ?
Haven't played PO so I wouldn't know. I played I'm this order: 3, 2 ,1, 5, PW.
I wanted to play 4 using a PS now free trial and finish it in a week but they removed it because the ds4 doesn't have the required pressure sensitive buttons
mgs4 is a great game
i thought it was pretty funny and i'm 24 years old and i'm a part-time employed full time student.
Not buying a last gen to play it though. A friend has it so I'll borrow his in the summer.
>demotivational posters
Only if you are 11 years old
lol he fukken repeated the name over and over and redid it on a black border epic lolz XD
great is an overstatement
as is game
Spot the new.
Not everything that's old is automatically unfunny. Most things are.
Revolver Ocelot is still hilarious.
When will Sup Forums raise the age limit?
I know its only a superficial move but it may keep a few of these fucking idiots from posting.
I think this image is funny
i think you need help. the image is still funny after all those years.
that applies to your mom though, i speak from experience.
>Lets make one shall we?
One what? Revolver Ocelot?
you see this?
Dewmon dogs... our new home