How hyped are you Sup Forums? Do you think this will become a bigger success than Final Fantasy VII? Square is literally banking on this game being the greatest game they ever made.
I'm hyped as fuck and will buy it day one but I'm sad that we will never see Nomura's true vision
It looks good, but it could pretty easily be fucking awful.
Dominic King
10/10 hyped.
>but I'm sad that we will never see Nomura's true vision XV is Nomura's true vision. Versus was an early concept, what we saw in 2013 and + was what Nomura always wanted it to be.
Adrian Morales
Honestly, I think Square thinks they topped VII with this one. I say that because they said they'd never remake VII unless they were in serious financial woes, or if they made a game to top VII. It's obviously not the former, so it has to be the latter.
Charles Long
There are people who worked on FF7 who are working on XV and see FF7 as a goal to overcome.
Cameron Ortiz
How is this game not out yet? Folks had threads about this like 3 years a go.
Jack Russell
A good final fantasy is still shit by any other standard.
Luis Thompson
3 years ago is when they only just announced Versus was XV. Versus became XV internally at SE in 2012 and that's when it actually started full time dev. It wasn't even in actual development before that, just a small handful of people making a few assets before being put on hold for a year.
James Peterson
Cautiously optimistic Both demos had too many issues gameplay-wise and it doesn't look like they're going to go away. But I'm still waiting for it even after all these years.
You clearly see Tabata's hand now more than Nomura's. Hell, even in trailers alone - I doubt Nomura would ever make a trailer with a song like Stand by Me.
Elijah Flores
Then I like Tabata more, because that trailer was great.
Jaxson Lewis
I am waiting since 2013 E3. I do not want to participate in these threads though, some people are very angry about it coming to pc later so the butthurt is huge, which I do not understand. Can we not just have fun with this game and its promo? It has so nice things like a movie, animu and stuff and I just want to hold it in my hands.
Hunter Rivera
>Non-Ivalice FF >Good Pick one.
Matthew Garcia
>You clearly see Tabata's hand now more than Nomura's. Tabata was involved ever since 2012.
>Hell, even in trailers alone Trailers mean nothing, Nomura make trailers in a specific way. You can cut up footage from recent trailers with the same music and editing style as the older trailers and produce the same results.
>I doubt Nomura would ever make a trailer with a song like Stand by Me. I don't see why he wouldn't. And Tabata doesn't make the trailers.
Nicholas Price
>posting a Versus trailer You did that on purpose, didn't you? Just to hurt us.
Luis Moore
fuck off bazztek, nobody likes you.
Joseph Brooks
It's ok NiethOF, everyone knows you are a retarded Nomura cocksucker who calls everyone Bazztek or XV-kun.
Shame he's shilling instead of drawing FFXV. He would convince me to buy the game more if he drew some Luna lewds.
Juan Williams
Stella didn't even look like that in the 2011 trailer. In fact all Stella did in the 2011 trailer was look emo and sad at the ground while they showed the same scene of them meeting again.
Ayden Torres
Already loving the music used in the timelapse video released recently.
Charles Baker
I couldn't care less about this Final Fantasy game. The hype is dead as it has taken far too long to come out, and Square isn't trusted anymore. They cut down on fresh ideas for games after the original playstation, now they've just been shitting out whatever they think we'll buy simply cause some of us were hardcore fans. Well it seems like now they are trying to go back to what we loved about them, but it might already be too late.
Aiden Jones
Square really fucked Nomura over hard when it came to this whole project
>Nomura comes up with a cool, original, interesting and fresh take on Final Fantasy >People get hyped as fuck >Square holds up production of the game because FF 14 bombed so hard and needed a majority of Nomura's team to help fix it >Square kicks him off the project and puts Tabata in charge >Tabata states that he will keep Nomura's vision intact >Months later he completely butchers the game and Nomura's vision >Tabata is now getting praise and acting like he's the one who laid the groundwork for XV >Nomura has to watch as some asshole gets all the praise that he should be getting while also watching your dream project gets raped beyond belief
Samuel Carter
>Stella didn't even look like that in the 2011 trailer. Her first version was objectively the best. Nomura is best when someone fucking tells him to stop early on. Then it just got more and more retarded.
Isaac Gray
It's sad he hasn't even been mentioned at all in the interviews anymore.
Parker Howard
Eh, it's a win-win situation for Nomura Everyone who follows this game knows that he started working on it so if it's a success, most price will go to him for creating the concept.
If it fails, everyone will blame Tabata for not delivering.
Wyatt Howard
Aw look, the 12fag thinks he has taste.
Julian Walker
Tabata did keep his vision intact. And Nomura is the one who brought Tabata onto the game in 2012.
Fuck off you cocksucker. 99% of changes in Versus and XV were done under Nomura's time, and once Nomura left he entrusted it all to Tabata who kept it that way once Nomura left.
Nomura was assigned to direct FF7R in 2014 which is why he left XV in Dec 2013, but he still stayed on XV until Sep 2014 in some capacity.
Adrian Gomez
>Tabata is now getting praise FFXV is in a pretty awful state right now. Most people are just jaded by now.
Blake Gonzalez
I hope you're referring to Tactics and not the game where you needed a license to wear accessories.
Hudson Allen
Her first version is shit and no one told him to stop because he did that version back when he and only a handful of other people were even attached to the project. He changed her because he didn't like her.
>Tetsuya Nomura: When I created Stella, back in 2007, I actually created something that is not my type of character, but obviously time has past since then, about six years now, and then she actually became something that I quite like now. >07.07.2013
Aiden Jackson
Fuck you, I like XII, even vanilla was good
Bentley Russell
>Tabata did keep his vision intact Tabata explicitly stated it's a different game now. And he's already cut an essential character from the story. So no. Stop saying this bazztek.
Angel Sullivan
Still better than the turd of a game that is FFXV. Nomura isn't even talking about this clusterfuck of a game. He didn't even go to the Uncovered event. He probably hates Tabata and FFXV now.
Bentley Morales
XII was shit, the license board is bar none the worst ability system in the entire franchise to date. Also the fans are almost as bad as IXfags.
Gavin Robinson
Stop arguing with him and eventually he will fuck off.
Thomas Carter
Charles Thompson
stay mad, cuckaroo
Jordan Cruz
>Do you think this will become a bigger success than Final Fantasy VII?
Not even remotely.
I'm just hoping it's passable as an FF game since we haven't had one worth playing in roughly a decade.
Lucas Flores
NeithOF when will you admit that you are a fucking retard already?
>Tabata explicitly stated it's a different game now. In name only.
>And he's already cut an essential character from the story. Nomura replaced Stella with Luna in 2012.
Lucas Morris
I didn't mind it, while the amount of good and quality content was great So yeah, fuck you, buddy
Evan Price
The only thing that's bad is the fuckin cover
Jace King
>Nomura replaced Stella with Luna in 2012. Man bazztek keeps lying, what a prick. He changed Stella's design. He didn't fucking change her character to Luna. Lying piece of shit.
Ayden Roberts
No it isn't.
>Nomura isn't even talking about this clusterfuck of a game. Nomura isn't talking about anything because he's a fucking recluse.
>He didn't even go to the Uncovered event He didn't go to a bunch of FF events or KH events, so what?
> He probably hates Tabata and FFXV now. He is the one who put Tabata onto the team back in 2012. Tetsuya Nomura: The reason why we bringed Tabata-san into the team is because he always said to me that it wanted to join the Final Fantasy XV project. I asked him in the team, his vitality and mentality are always very motivated and very high. In the future campaign and until the game is out, Tabata-san himself will be going to speak in front of you guys more often so please ask him in details when he’s available.
You can stop with your headcanon already.
Jaxon Wood
>a pile of shit is great if it takes me ~100 hours to eat
If you say so, buddy.
Oliver Robinson
>People arguing about behind the scenes the development that we actually know nothing about.
There. These are bazztek. And it's the exact shit he posts on Sup Forums. bazztek is XV-kun. Everything else is XV-kun lies meant to create a foster of uncertainty.
>Some of his actual Twitter posts to show you why it's XV-kun
bazztek is a major FFXV fanboy who keeps bothering FFXV twitter with autistic questions and fanart straight outta DeviantArt.
Daniel Morgan
nice buzzwords, buddy
Angel Watson
Are you in high school?
Jack Peterson
That's a shame. This should be Nomura's moment
Josiah Anderson
We already knew that but thank you anyway.
Cameron Gonzalez
>Happy Birthday! #FFXV #FFVersusXIII How autistic do you have to be to wish birthday to an unreleased game?
Dylan Nelson
Except Nomura was still director when the change occurred meaning yes he was ultimately at the helm when Stella was changed to Luna.
In 2013 trailer we even see a little blonde girl in a white frilly dress running with kid Noctis which that alone proves the story was already changed by 2013.
We already know that Noctis and Stella only meet for the first time at the party as adults, this was stated by Nomura and confirmed by the Versus trailers. The very first FFXV trailer in 2013 shows a kid Noctis and the little blonde girl running along, and we later see that same exact little blonde girl in a white frilly dress being confirmed to be Luna when we see a flashback again in 2015. That proves that the little girl was always Luna and never Stella.
Adrian Russell
How autistic do you have to be to wish to play FF15?
Carson Miller
>Nomura isn't talking about anything because he's a fucking recluse. He talked a lot about it while he was working on it. Hell, he even talks a lot about games he only briefly supervises (like Dissidia). He's assblasted over XV, it's obvious. It was always his dream project and Noctis to him was like a younger child after Sora.
If he doesn't appear in KHIII this will only reinforce the fact.
Benjamin Roberts
Asher Carter
Except for the fact that he said Versus XIII and XV are completely different games now, Stella is cut, and major plot points and locations shown in Versus XIII and the E3 2013 XV trailer and character switching are all now gone.
Tabata shot himself in the foot when he said he was going to keep Nomura's vision intact. He shouldn't have even bought that up if he KNEW he was going to change so much of what Nomura wanted
Blake Wood
Wow NeithOF you are really obsessed with me.
You must have missed how everyone was sharing that same sentiment on that day.
Like how you are now trying to say I'm TalesReverant?
Lucas Ward
It looks pretty terrible and Square hasn't made a good FF on years (and keeps making the same mistake og games with overly long development cycles as pointed repeatedly by the Japanese) so I would say at least mildly autistic.
Anthony Wood
How much you get paid shilling this shit game with a generic Skyrim world and emo boy 2005 as protag?
We all know SE is going full Jew when it comes to marketing.
>it looks good Stop samefagging.
Dylan Bell
>shilling yourself this badly are you a manslut?
Ryan Cox
>He talked a lot about it while he was working on it. No he didn't, he barely even talked about it. Tabata has talked about XV in 2014 to now more than Nomura ever said about Versus or XV from 2006 to 2013.
>Hell, he even talks a lot about games he only briefly supervises (like Dissidia). He talks about things he's currently doing work on, on Dissidia he's doing character designs so why the fuck wouldn't he mention that? Nomura isn't working on XV and hasn't since 2014.
>He's assblasted over XV, it's obvious. No he isn't.
>It was always his dream project and Noctis to him was like a younger child after Sora. Nomura is the one who put Tabata onto XV alongside him. Nomura is the one who said in 2013 that his co-directors are the most important people on the team and that without them he would be nothing.
Kayden Jones
>No he didn't, he barely even talked about it
Didn't read anything after that, bazztek. You're the same old lying cunt as you usually are. No wonder even the FFXV community itself despises you.
Christopher Allen
>Except for the fact that he said Versus XIII and XV are completely different games now, Except for the fact that he was talking about name only. He was talking about the fact that Versus was a spinoff and that now it's XV and mainline.
>Stella is cut Replaced with Luna.
>and major plot points and locations shown in Versus XIII and the E3 2013 XV trailer and character switching are all now gone. None of the locations from any of the Versus or 2013 trailers are gone. And what plot point is gone? Stella was replaced with Luna.
Character switching wasn't even shown in the 2013 trailer either.
>Tabata shot himself in the foot when he said he was going to keep Nomura's vision intact. No he didn't because the vision is still intact. If you knew anything about the games as you seem to claim you would know this.
>He shouldn't have even bought that up if he KNEW he was going to change so much of what Nomura wanted But the changes happened under Nomura, before he left. Nomura only left in September 2014 where any and all story and character changes had already happened.
NeithOF I know you are assblasted but you need to take that Nomura cock out of your mouth and look at reality.
Oh NeithOF is that why are literally spouting lies left and right while ignoring facts?
>No wonder even the FFXV community itself despises you. I wonder if you actually read the posts you would see that people agreed with me, while the reason I got banned was because I called someone a cunt, and that person who I called a cunt got banned for spouting the same exact retarded shit you are doing.
Easily Tabata because he's actually giving us a game instead of a vague concept.
Zachary Mitchell
Nomura is a shit director and said himself that he's a shit director.
Thomas Russell
No, other users were warned before got banned.
You were just as much of a lying autist there as you are here, which is why everyone hates you.
Logan Barnes
I got a warning too, idiot.
I got banned there because I called Nora a cunt, everyone on the forum hated Nora and she was banned for spouting the same fucking shit you are doing now. I got banned for calling her a cunt.
Leo Gonzalez
>was so awful got banned from neogaf
Nicholas Perry
I got banned from neogaf for telling a SJW to stop sperging out over Cidney's outfit.
Wyatt Brown
>autistic loser loves shit game and is so pathetic even retards on neofag can't stand him
It's a good thing you will kill yourself when this shit game comes out and disappoints
Elijah Cox
I don't know neither director, but judging from the posts in this thread Nomura was more emotional invested into this project, but with nothing to show for it aside from ideas while Tabata is basically vice versa by coming through but with a result that's not as inspired?
Nolan Fisher
Tabata's only achievements are shit handheld games. Nomura makes better games on DS than Tabata does on PSP despite the hardware.
Nicholas Diaz
Nomura had a concept but didn't know how to realize it. Nomura in 2012 then asked Tabata onto the team and both of them were director. In 2013 Nomura stated that he is nothing without his co-directors since they are the ones doing the actual work managing the teams. Tabata was brought on to realize the concept that Nomura couldn't on his own.
The reason why Nomura left was because Kitase assigned him to direct FF7R in 2014, so in December 2013 Nomura stepped down as FFXV director while Tabata became main director, but Nomura still stayed on XV in some capacity until September 2014 where he then fully left to work on FF7R and KH3.
Nicholas Gray
Tabata made KHcoded which is a better KH game than BBS or Days.
Jonathan Cruz
Tabata directed one of the worst games I've ever played (Crisis Core) so Nomura for me.
Ethan Walker
Nomura was just as involved in Crisis Core as Tabata was.
Chase Ward
Tabata was the director. Nomura had no involvement besides some character designs.
Cameron Jones
You'd have to be delusional to believe that.
Gabriel Turner
Nomura was Creative Producer, Character Designer. Kitase and Nomura were the ones who put Tabata onto Crisis Core as director.
A Creative Producer has as much involvement in a project as a director does, while being more focused on creative side of things.
See above
Angel Wright
Nomura -Kingdom Hearts series -Final Fantasy VII Remake -The World Ends With You
Tabata -Crisis Core -FF Type-0 -Final Fantasy XV
The fact Nomura has The World Ends With You under his belt automatically makes him better
Levi Walker
Nomura did not direct TWEWY.
Nomura was Creative Producer and Character Designer on TWEWY the same way he was on Crisis Core and Type-0.
Jaxon Adams
Which meant fuck all compared to the ones actually involved with the directing and writing. Sorry bazztek, but Tabata is still the one at fault here.
Camden Martinez
He still had more involvement with TWEWY than Tabata did.
Lincoln Wilson
Tabata didn't write it though. Nojima did. And Creative Producer is a creative role which includes overseeing every creative aspect, that includes writing.
Owen Powell
I don't have a console, and I was banking on a PC release... i was really hyped though. If it does come out on PC, I'll get it in an instant
Jason Green
So what? Nomura had the same job on TWEWY that he had on Crisis Core and Type-0.
Bentley Reed
And Tabata still directed it, and guess what? It sucked.
Tabata didn't direct TWEWY and thus it didn't suck.
William Thompson
But it was Nomura's handheld team that made TWEWY and he's heavily involved with it. That's why so much TWEWY shit is now in the Kingdom Hearts series
Ayden Ross
Anthony Brown
>And Tabata still directed it, and guess what? And? Nomura had the same role on both games. You are trying to say that Nomura is the reason TWEWY is good and Type-0 and CC are bad even though Nomura did the same job on Type-0, TWEWY and CC.
No it was made by KHCoM team and Jupiter.
>That's why so much TWEWY shit is now in the Kingdom Hearts series TWEWY stuff is in KH because Nomura created the characters. As Nomura has stated he is only comfertable using characters that he created in KH. The only reason why Vivi is in KH2 was because the staff forced him to put Vivi in.
Robert White
I'm trying to say Tabata is the reason CC is bad.
Ian Morales
But it isn't, since Nomura was the same role on TWEWY, Type-0 and CC, which includes visuals, story, art, characters, etc.
Dominic Ross
And TWEWY was good while CC was bad. As for why that is, here's a clue: Tabata was involved with CC but not TWEWY.
Brandon Barnes
What are you trying to say with this regurgitated information?
That Tabata isn't a shit tier director who makes bad games because Nomura worked on good games in the same position that he was in for the bad Tabata games?
Daniel Green
But you literally just fucking said Nomura having TWEWY under his belt is why he's good. But you ignored how Nomura wasn't director on TWEWY but instead Creative Producer and Character Designer, the same exact job roles he had on CC and Type-0. So by your own logic Nomura also has Type-0 and CC under his belt.