"TF2 killer" they said

"TF2 killer" they said.......

Well yeah, 7.5 vs 9.2 is horrible.

overwatch didn't kill tf2
valve did

>33 vs 17 critics
Overwatch has a more balanced and realistic score

Cry more valvedrones

guns dont kill people,

people do.

Upvote me please.

What's dead may never die.

are you ok buddy

woah man that's so deep and smart it's like the whole wow killed itself shit

>5800 user reviews = 9.2
>1913 user reviews = 7.5

You were saying?

Actually am not, i was eating sour cream, guacmole, salsa dips watching a Bloodborne walkthrough last night and sipping jack daniels,

that was all i had for food, and i puked last night and muh brain fucked.

So no am not dude :(.

why do people on youtube and stuff think they have some special insight or elevated importance about OW because "im a TF2 player"?

i'm a "played FPS since they were invented player". now fuck off.

But rises again, harder and stronger.

It has more paid reviews for sure, because Valve didn't need them. TF2 actually moved tne genre forward instead of just offer porn of sjw bait.

It's guaranteed to hit sub 90 in a week once the critics who werent paid for their time in swag bags that actually spend time with the game start reviewing.

Who invented the word frag as a term for kills.

I want muh cumfy 2008 FPS back.

Wait a decade and see which is still going strong. Shit doesn't happen overnight

>'''''''''''''''user reviews''''''''''''''

Every thread

>user reviews
t. poorfags who couldnt afford the game

Vietnam vets

And then Q3a

It's true though. It's a not-so-good game.

underrated post

Sounds like a bad game.

>bububub-but critics r always reliabull
>Shut up! ur game doesn't have any fans and EVERYONE loves MY GAME! that's why all of the fans of ur game are going over to give negative reviews to MY GAME!
>nobody who reviews games actually bought them or has a valid opinion!
>There totally aren't a fuckload of blizzdrone fanboys (I AM NOT ONE BTW) giving it 10/10 for reelz guise!

When will you dickholes just admit your flavor of the month tf2 clone is a mediocre unbalanced shitshow that everyone will forget after a year at best.

But of course you have to be retarded and defend your purchase, of course they will fix it, of course it's not bad, blizzard has never fucked over its player base, blizzard cares about anything other than your money.

It's like watching people defend an early access game.

>being this bitter of a poorfag

Sorry your parents won't buy you the game so you can have fun with the rest of us.

>nobody who reviews games actually bought them or has a valid opinion!

Wow, you sure showed me how wrong I am

What would be the TF2 score if it was reviewed as is now?

>allow me to move this goal post for you

Outdated graphics, too many hats, f2p community. Probably 80ish.

that's some grade A projecting there buddy

projecting what? the fact that your argument is for all intents and purposes one of the few over-dramatized parodies of severe retardation I used to show how dumb you people are?

Are you trying to act retarded or do you just use buzzwords without understanding what they mean?

The TF2 that was reviewed is not the garbage TF2 that exists now, unfortunately. It hasn't been that way since 2011.

Overwatch is better than current TF2 by miles.

>Both meme games
Plebs will be plebs I guess

Jesus Fucking Christ this is cringeworthy

I know this feel bro. I screamed for Ulf so many times, but he never came.

What do you think Sup Forums? How long until i can grab Overwatch for under 30 bucks?

I don't want to give Blizzard more than they deserve, but you can't play MP if you pirate it.

>One game is more casual oriented, lots of people who aren't into the FPS genre can get in for some simple fun
>TF2 still holds that layer of complexity that old fans can still enjoy
>Somehow this is a bad thing

Why is it allways that one game has to be better than the other? You should all be thankful neither game is shit and that thousands of people can enjoy both

D-DD--DDDELETE THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Blizz games are some of the most shallow, overpriced, overhyped pieces of shit. Blizzard are the Disney of video games. I'm happy they had that beta weekend because I actually considered buying it before that.

- Killed TF2 by adding nothing but hats
- Built up hype with animated shorts, while still doing nothing with TF2
- Focused on paid mods, Steam Machines, and Steam controllers, while letting greedy third parties be in charge of specs

I don't enjoy FPS games much, but even I think tf2 was more fun than Overwatch

>extra layer of complexity in TF2

I think this is why I just couldn't really get into Overwatch when I played in the open Beta. Everything just felt so slow and boring. When I started playing TF2 I remember watching people do crazy rocket jump shit or engies who could sentry jump into crazy places and stuff like that and it made me kind of want to stay and improve to that. I wanted to be that guy. But Overwatch just doesn't seem to have anything like that.

Woah so deep

>implying this doesn't come from butthurt TF2 fags giving 0s

Search your feelings, you know it to be true