I still wanna fuck Vivian
>Trump hat
I don't understand.
i dont get it
>Playing any nintendo game of any form
Plebs, the lot of you.
It's good that GG have thier own Dobson.
t. Segafag
Where's the joke?
Its suppose to be Milo I assume
>captain america
>hail hydra
Use your fucking brain for a second
somebody's mad Samus isn't trans :)
>first the yotsuba leaf
>then the infinity brooch
what the hell is her hair pin supposed to be now?
I don't know what "Hail Hydra" means, nor what it has to do with Captain America.
Captain America has been a Hydra agent all along, and now variants are coming in.
I feel like Marcel did this because Sam Wilson never caught on like they wanted
Also for plebs.
>literally only saw Avengers
>didn't even see the Cap movie because then you would fucking know what Hydra is even if you didn't read the comics at all
Fucking kill yourself
it's a testament to Sup Forums's lack of creativity that they never do things like start "feminists for trump"
Segafags aren't that stupid.
hello Sonyroach
hello Steamie
I haven't watched the avengers.
I want to duck that bear.
this must be a new world record for living under a rock
Gor pls
this is art
No you don't
Audible chuckle
Go ask ten people at random on the street about American comic books and let me know how many of them tell you to go fuck yourself.
This comic is pretty fucking dumb but the monitor setup with the guy in the end is pretty fucking funny.
Don't get it, don't care, but why does this shit still exist?
Is this the new atheism movement?
Then you are clearly mentally retarded
Only a complete braindead moron would know about Captain America but not know his enemies
Even complete normies know Hydra
oh shit, we got Dobson here.
Nice hat.
>not Hail Sup Forums
>I'm an actual video game character
This wannabe Sup Forums-tan designed by Tumblr is a video game character? What?
Inflation fags are literally worse than footfags.
With big Haribo soft titties like that, i do.
I wonder why no one thought mind control could be the reason for the twist.