Long distance Dutch AA

>Long distance Dutch AA

Eugen nerf now

This is a good game.
The community is cancer.
This game is also very hard.

>playing as the commies

>not playing as the commies


what game is this?

Wargame: Red Dragon

A fun RTS game

Battleplan: North American Demilitarization

Arma Squad Rising Storm 3.

D-Day 1994: The End of Times.

Could use a pinochet right now in murrica

pls send your spirit into a leader

It's just the iHawk, utter trash AA with only 3 missiles and terrible range. Dutch AA in general is complete trash their flak has no stabilizer into the trash it goes

Is the singleplayer in any of the Wargame games worth playing?

Its Absolute horse shit

The only use it has is helping you familiarise with the gameplay

The Multiplayer is where its at

You haven't lived until you played a 10v10 shitstorm clusterfuck

Been wondering about the same thing. I hate playing multiplayer on strategy games since my reaction times at about what's happening are too slow and I get rekt pretty hard by players and it kills any self esteem I have.

Red dragons is pretty fun, AI can be pretty autistic and it'll usually just tank spam but the mechanics of the campaign are great

Stop being literally retarded then

Is there like a proper tutorial, for like 15-30 min?
I dont want to read the fucking 300 pages of bs.

how do yall feel about this incredible bastard?
+ 1 big fuck-you missile
+ quick to aim
+ adequate reload speed

- expensive, not good for tacticool

>/wgg/ is dead

T-80 was useless in airland battle. Alllied airspam every god damn time a t-80 appeard on the map. No way to stop those ADATS.



this is not true. the control scheme is simple, mechanics are simple, combat is slow paced, and the spotting system is copy pasted from wot. you're just a shitter.

/rtsg/ was a lot better. Even Wargame faggots hate Wargame faggots.

>Not just using a T-80 to bait all of your opponents much more expensive aircraft into an AA net.
I know wargame players are shit at RTS games but come on.

I got good at the game by A-moving Panzergrenadiers into forests.

They're too easy to kill to be good bait. Bring nanuchka or Burrito if you want decent bait. Soviet AA sucks black cock.

>move scouts into wood
>Arty their tanks
>move scouts into more wood
>rinse and repeat until gg

complex AAA strategy only for worlds greatest tacticians

>/wgg/ faggots tell the sim players to fuck off
>they create their own thread
>/wgg/ never reached 750 replies ever again

I wonder if the ArmA shitposters are still buttmad.

pretty much this

everygame is a frontlines game and the winner is the team that camps and spams artillery