Why are people still upset that GR left the Vita?

Why are people still upset that GR left the Vita?

If anything, this should have been on the PS3 like it was planned.

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>People thought GR had a bad story


Meanwhile its TLOU that gets all the praise.

How is the PS4 version? Does it come with all the DLC?

Its great and has all the DLC

Have Kat floating around your dick, never landing on it.

Glad to hear it. Never did play the DLC and I want to play the game again.

I want Kat to step on my dick.

I'm scared that the game will fail

Hope Sony pushes Kat as a mascot even harder

I sympathize for those who were waiting for a sequel on the Vita, but I'm glad that they won't have to work around the system's limitations for Gravity Rush 2.

Finally confirmed to have news at E3. I'm hyped.

>awful orange tint removed
>combat fleshed out
>story might actually resolve a single plot arc

I'm hyped as fuck.

I'll miss the olde-town style architecture though.

Is it just me or did her ass got fatter?

Which Kat is best Kat?

>story might actually resolve a single plot arc
Yeah, I loved the all-over-the-place feeling of falling to the edge of the universe and back that the first game had, but it'd be nice to actually see a few cliffhangers dealt with before jumping onto five more.

Is it possible they're going to introduce another shifter?

Pink>lighter black>orange>darker black

This game would've been fun if the gameplay wasn't shit

Everything else about it was nice

i actually like the original best

I think there are a lot of fun details to pick at, but I never did figure out what it meant for the story to have two creators.

Did one create the other? Did Gade create the city, while everything else is within the realm of Cyanea's dream? How do they tie into the shifter's powers and Kat's amnesia?

Though I do find it funny that Kat's living next to these cosmic beings, and she just treats them like weird roommates.

Whichever one that wears the highest heels.

I'm fond of how Kat's official outfit's scarves can give the illusion of being wings when flying around.

More outfit variety in the sequel would be nice though, if they decide to keep changing it up as an option.

You miss lot if you don't find the vagrants, their story lets you understand how the world works and figure out who Kat and Raven are beforehand.

I don't see why you wouldn't look for them

I really hope they bring back the whole Singlor scientist sidequest for the next game.

The subplot left on a pretty tragic note last time.

I hope it goes on sale soon. I had it for the Vita due to PS+ so I think I beat most of it already. I'd just rather not pay full price for a game I might almost be done with.
The city was pretty comfy. I'm surprised they are making a sequel, but I'm not complaining.

The PS4 version is only like $20 something

>More outfit variety
I'd settle for more outfits that didn't feel like they were just filling a fetish quota.

Military uniform was top tier though


It was on sale last month. Doubt it'll go there again soon.

>The first observation of gravitational waves on 14 September 2015

>Gravity Rush 2 announced 15 September 2015

>Story is about gravity wave disturbance

The deepest lore.

But what other point is there to outfits other than fill fetish quota? I'd just want some less generic fetishes like catsuit and maid outfit.

Is it weird that I give some of the unexplained shit a pass because of the dream? That, combined with the surreal quality the game took on with the huge tree and different planes, it kind of reminded me of Elder Scrolls lore.

I fully expect to have lots of unexplained dreamlike shit in the sequel.

>it's somehow possible to salute cutely

Amazon has it for $30. For that much I can pretty much buy a new game. I am watching the amazon price every now and then though.

Really? How much was it?

I want Kat to do a flying Kick at mine.

Like $15.

Well shit. Was it a digital sale, or physical?

Digital for PS+ users.

>for PS+ users.
Oh. Wouldn't have mattered for me anyway.

>I fully expect to have lots of unexplained dreamlike shit in the sequel.
I hope so. I actually really liked the whole surreal aspect of some of the later parts of the story. Like Kat's nightmares, and the way that the inside of the tower and rocks surrounding it start to look more and more like the skeletal remains of some cosmic horror.

I'd still like explanations for the more character driven cliffhangers, like who Kat and Alias are, and what the Nevi really want, but I don't expect explanations for everything.

Damn, Syd had some work done.

I wanna fuck Syd

>heels aren't open anymore
Honestly my only gripe with the sequel so far.

The hat and baggy coat must not have been doing him any favors.

My thoughts exactly. The cuteness is commendable.

>combat fleshed out
It'll be nice to finish fights using more than Gravity Kick 90% of the time.

Are there any good doujins?

I like to think that Kat is the most powerfull PlayStation character when the sequel arrives to give her more powers at the point where Kratos looks like a bitch.

The first game is so fucking comfy.


Just promotional comics.


>mad that more people get to enjoy a game I like that didn't get enough appreciation
I don't understand

GR2 was originally on the vita while Kat was pushed as the vita mascot, explaining appearences in games like Hot Shots Golf and Soul Sacrifice.

I'd buy a ps4 for GR2 to play it on remote.
Fuck sony

That'll show them!



I played GR on PS4 through the pc remote play software, it was actually pretty good. However, the slight input lag makes it a poor choice for multiplayer games.

>Best vita game
>sequel is ps4 only

Kat is cute!

Very cute.
I want to hug her and pat her head.

I am not upset, I'll re-buy it.

I am upset Sony half-assed the Vita, and abandoned it immediately after launch. Still mad about Sly 4 not having cel shading on Vita.

Vita have not enough power for ps3 graphics as they said in 2011
Even indies cant run properly

That is my point. Sony half-assed it. They could have made it exactly as powerful as PS3, allowing for perfect ports. THAT is what I wanted. A portable PS3.


The one who shows feet

Will she find an admirer that's actually available this time around?

>Best vita game

That married couple stuck in space-time explosion, particularly the wife tells you about how time flow is relative to the position on the pillar and what lies at its top.

oh right, i just called them the two travelers

I'm upset, I mean what can I say, I expected the game for years and when we finally were said to have a realese date on the TGS it was announced for PS4.

I could be worse I guess, at this point because of Bloodborne/potential Bloodborne 2 and GR I'll probably will get a PS4 eventually but until then I'll have to wait even more.

Yeah, but instead we've got mtk6589 & 512Mb RAM

I think they mean the two Lutece twins you can find appearing in weird places around the cities and rift plane.


Imagine looking into those eyes while you give her an engagement ring

>Schoolgirl outfit, maid uniform, weird catsuit
>Not one midriff


Can't wait for the divorce so i can cuck you with her.

She has such lovely eyes.

People are still mad about that? It would be all kinds of retarded to make a new Gravity Rush without using the GPU power of consoles. GR1 was fun on Vita but I doubt they could do much more with its hardware anyways.

Better late than never user.

or gameplay
seriously, i can try to imagine new ideas but they may be too simple
like i heard theres new weapons for kat but it seems too simple
one makes her faster, stronger or normal
what can they do with the gameplay? its too simple

>People are still mad about that? It would be all kinds of retarded to make a new LoZ without using the GPU power of consoles. LoZ remasters was fun on peeU but I doubt they could do much more with its hardware anyways.

>Vita game that's remotely successful
>gets ported to PS4 or PC plus a non Vita only sequel
Shit gets tiring after awhile. It's only a matter of time before the Persona games move to steam.

>tfw she will never be real
>tfw you will never interact with her an any real level, ever
>she will never accept nor reject you

user was talking about the Vita being limited in capability, not the idea of a character that can shift gravity, levitate objects, summon meteors, and teleport through space and time.

i would rather they make that zelda on nx than the weak wii u
people are retarded to buy a wii u for zelda before the game had a solid release like people buying a ps3 for KH3

Did you play Gravity Rush on Vita? Because it was obvious the game was being limited pretty hard by its hardware. Most of its issues weren't solved until a PS4 port happened. It was a great game on Vita but it was still just a Vita game. Let the series fly on. Its gameplay mechanics and open-world deserves as good a hardware as possible.

> those new boots

I'm a fan

finally color, i thought GR looked pretty but the colors werent there

Raven's got you covered.

>Be me
>live in Russia
>Хoчeшь oбcyдить cвoю любимyю витa-игpy c кeм-нибyдь, нo y тeбя нeт дpyзeй и pyccкoгoвopящим в пpинципe пoхyй нa ГP
>Зaхoдишь в /v 4чaнa
>Tpeдик пo Гpaвити Paш
>Читaeшь c пepeвoдчикoм гyгл

The music helped. Love that gibberish.


I have no proof but I'm like90 sure that Syd is Alias and Alias never actually died

Since the vita is dead, how long until people rip models from GR for SFM porn?

It's the same person, user.

Just watch real porn, dumbass. There is no shortage of that.

Assuming Dusty is a Nevi is pretty reasonable, but him getting sick from eating Nevi poison doesn't prove he's a Nevi, that' dumb