Is the Zelda Cycle real?

Is the Zelda Cycle real?

Nice picture, fixed it for you

I think you need to lookup cycle in a dictionary

I mean... Kind of, but not really.
It has more to do with underage shitters growing up, so their "muh childhood Zelda" is not the same as mine or yours.

See: Twilight Princess. That game is complete shit, but all the kids who were 10-11 years old at its release are now 18+.

Oh man, some day we'll see people who are nostalgic for Skyward Sword and Spirit Tracks as their childhood Zeldas.

WW is fucking shit and it's not being dick-sucked as the best Zelda ever.

Nice try TP and SS fanboy, but both games were always shit. Great aesthetic mind you, but shit.

TP is plagued by its retard villain and LOL Ganondorf! Asspull alongside its utter lack of difficulty. Not to mention under utilized items outside of the dubgeons you find them in.

SS is plagued by utter lack of difficulty, it droppingthe prologue entirely, fucking Groose being the games best character, the poof villain suiciding for fucking Akuma, and again its utter laxk of difficulty.

Has nothing to do with OoT and MM being the factual best 3D titles and TWW being good in its own right.


The only game where this even remotely applied was Wind Waker.

>best Zelda

lmao it's like the fucking worst 3D game after SS. The only fanboys this shitty game has are gamecube kiddies born around 1995-1997 so of course it was their first Zelda, and this age range is the most common in Sup Forums nowadays

I like all 3D Zeldas desu.

The one thing I'm looking forward to about the release of ZeldaU/NX is seeing how Skyward Sword will still be hated and then this dumb meme can be put to rest.

TP has the best Waifus tho m8

I use Tomorrow becasue Youtsuba B and the rest of the themes hurt my eyes

Except wind waker was always shit, and not because "muh artstyle"

It's all a shit game. Lame rehash of OoT BUT IN WATER and completely lacking in difficulty and cut content, with the laziest overworld they could come up with. And I didn't mention the crappy "wait for the QTE" combat system

Regardless of your perception of the game, it was still the only one where most people got warmed up to it. TP was and is considered dull to ok, and SS will still be considered a disaster unless ZeldaU somehow is even worse, and even then, it's not like people outside of a minority will praise SS by retrospective.

it's not just zelda, its every series

people are praising dark souls 2 with the release of 3

even DOOM is getting it with praise for doom 3

where do you think all the "Apologize." threads are coming from

You need to step out of Sup Forums sometime

can anyone explain to me why oot isn't still the 'god' or whatever?

>where do you think all the "Apologize." threads are coming from


This is the best meme

How about explaining why I'm wrong instead of projecting?

I've never seen anyone other than egoraptor rail on OoT/MM or call them outdated. Windwaker was hated by several on its release for the aesthetic shift from OoT but the style and gameplay aged well. Twilight Princess was always going to be polarizing because it was intended to be a "return to form" with some compromises so it was doomed from the start to be a fanbase splitter.
Skyward sword is just shit with some decent ideas and will never be regarded as anything beyond a polished turd.

Youre wrong in that no one conidered tdubs shit because of the game hut initial perceptions. All the retards you see lraisi g it are doing so becauss they fi Lmy got their hnds ob the timeless ARTSTYLR.

SS was si bad it broke the cycle

That's the one that's currently going through the OOT part of OP's image.
Wind Waker was universally praised on Sup Forums back in 2007 or 2008, where TP was universally hated. Now TP is universally praised, and WW is shit.
In all honesty, both games have flaws, but while WW is simply tedious, TP is complete dogshit.

>it's not being dick-sucked as the best Zelda ever.
You don't enter many Zelda threads here, do you?

>people are praising dark souls 2 with the release of 3
Except that's not happening.

>even DOOM is getting it with praise for doom 3
Neither is that.

Sooo... the Zelda cycle advanced without a new game being released?

Then again, I guess it has been 5 whole years since the last Zelda.

He's right, though. Since a lot of the TP kids grew up in the last year or two, WW has started getting shit on. I don't think I've seen the game receive high praise on Sup Forums in over three years.

No, it hasn't really. And TP is getting the same treatment that the previously shit-on Oblivion is receiving.

i dont know that i will ever enjoy a 3D zelda as much as oracle of ages and seasons. i just play those games all the time and they somehow never get old to me

zelda cycle doesn't exist, the games have just been getting shittier and shittier and people play the newest one and realize, damn, now that i've played something THIS shitty the last game doesn't seem so bad

my ranking of favorite to least favorite is


>mfw I enjoy OoT, MM, WW, and TP
>mfw I got/played them all shortly after release
>mfw I can't stand SS

Well that's just fucked that then now hasn't it?

I would have loved SS for what it was if the controls didn't absolutely blow. In fact, I can say that for pretty much every game I liked on the Wii.
"I really wanted to get into it. Too bad I need to flail my arms around to play."

I thought SS had a lot of flavor that I liked. I liked Skyloft. It felt more like a bustling town than any of the iterations of Castle Town.
I liked the art style and I liked how it was a bit of an origin story for the franchise. It was nice to see Link and Zelda outside the context of royalty.

The big thing that will probably keep me from ever playing it again is just the hardware. I hate gaming on the Wii. Zelda never belonged there, it didn't feel right. I'm conditioned to hit button-swing sword. That's what I want. But I really can't hate on SS beyond that. Controls aside, it certainly wasn't THAT much worse than WW TP and OoT. I think people are just mad.

What was fixed?

>not liking cozy dark shaded background
>le dark like shadow da hedgehog XD

this a million times. TP is a deeply flawed game, but i look back on it quite fondly now. it's not gotten any better, i've just gained perspective.

Except the circle has been broken by dark souls

>any Zelda other than majora's mask
>the best
Shiggy my diggy


One game every 5 years helps this. If youenjoy a zelda game at 10, youll be 15 by the time the next one is out, and grown up and moved by the time the third is released

I feel like Dark Souls is closer to Metroid than Zelda in terms of gameplay, so I don't get why people keep comparing it to Zelda.

>value judgment
>followed by the word "factual"

senpai, i'm going to need you to google the following words and have your mind promptly blown

"value is subjective"

welcome to a new world fampai

It just looks tacky, like the win95 high contrast theme that was all selected as kids because black was cool

how did you know

I put a background color because on dark themes you can't see shit, as his picture has a transparent background. Hence the , the guy guessed i had the Tomorrow theme.

No, the Zelda cycle is a shitty meme propagated by normalfags/casuals who want an excuse to deflect criticism of their favorite Zelda.

Nobody hated OoT upon release.
The negative reception of MM didn't change until well after WW's release.
WW is probably the closet you'll get to calling its reception part of "the zelda cycle".
TP was well received upon release and its reception has stayed at a relatively consistent level since.
SS has been hated since release (outside of the reviewers/casuals who are only now seeing why the game is shit) and I sincerely doubt it will find newfound love once Zelda U gets released.

Wind Waker looks and feels really nice, but it's never really amazing in gameplay or dungeon design; same how i feel about minish cap, just kinda feels a bit underwhelming
Ocarina of Time was a masterpiece at release, but it hasn't aged as well as other 3d games of its time; the dungeons aren't as well designed as they felt back then, also Majoras Mask shits all over OoT and did everything OoT did but better
Skyward Sword is neither good or bad, it's just kinda 'eh', it can be as entertaining as it can be annoying
Twilight Princess could be one of the best Zelda game, 2d or 3d, if it wasn't for the wolf parts, which are pretty boring and the twilight realm just looks ugly; also the bosses, while they are pretty fun, are just way too easy
Majoras Mask is simply the best designed game of the 3d Zeldas, dungeon design, the overworld, the original story, side quests, fucking everything

Literally 0 people use Tomorrow because they're edgy. They actually use it because otherwise you may as well be looking directly into the Sun.

No, Zelda games have just gotten progressively worse.

But WW and MM are objectively the best zelda's. Nothing new or old has gotten close to those two

I've considered TP to be my favorite since it's release. WW is good but not the best imo

no WW will always be the worst zelda

OoT generation is the minority now. Most of the current Zelda fans started with WW.

OoT was fine
MM I can see why people like but it's not my cup of tea
WW was my absolute favorite because the atmosphere and overworld were legitimately fun
TP was the worst
SS was bad but at least it had a really really cute Zelda and a nice side cast

Considering how much hate WW gets and how terrible TP is, naw.

>people are praising dark souls 2 with the release of 3
>Except that's not happening.

What was your first 3D Zelda?


The only "cycle" is that every game is worse than the previous one.

Wew. Me too and i can't stand WW. I always drop it at the second temple.

>he doesn't have f.lux to preserve his precious eyeballs

>he unironically gives everything on his desktop a piss filter

It falsely attributes the revolving door nature of this website (and other forums) as being something specific to the Zelda series

Many series that were long enough to have endured multiple generations of people growing up with them typically see something like this, where you think the installation you grew up with was the best, what came before it was overrated, and what came after it never lived up, when really, they were all just about the same.

>even DOOM is getting it with praise for doom 3
This is truly baffling. Doom 3 was total garbage, and just about everyone shitting on Doom 4 is talking about how great Doom 3 was. It's surreal.

>he develops degraded vision and insomnia from his screen's glow


But personally, I like every Zelda. I consider all the 3D entries great.

In fact the only bad Zelda are the DS games.

SS doesn't get enough credit for how great the dungeons were. And honestly, I liked how every environment was basically a giant dungeon itself.

It's really quite amazing actually how quickly Doom 3 went from the biggest piece of shit ever to le underrated classic. "It's not Doom but it's good for what it was" Fucking bullshit.

I agree in some ways. I really can't stand Skyward Sword because of the super long tutorial but honestly once you get into the dungeons it's not half bad.

Happens with Halo as well for one

>image is made after Skyward Sword is released
>writes "once Skyward Sword is released" to make his dumb theory seem valid
Typical shill tactics

I use a better application that dims the screen without destroying the color. Rather than a piss filter, it adds a dark gray filter that's as opaque as the user wants it to be.

Skyward Sword wasn't that bad.

People defend dark souls 2 Now
Of course its real

>he fell for the degraded vision meme

No, Twilight Princess is shit (albeit with some decent moments here and there) Skyward Sword was also shit.



As a mobile user thank you

Not really. It may have been around the time Twilight Princess was released, but after that things went back to how they usually are. Zelda fans shitting on all the games but their favorite.

I doubt Skyward Sword will age well. Years from now, younger Zelda fans will go back and try it, long after the motion control craze ended, and be baffled by what they were thinking.