Why are battlemages in video games so rare?

Why are battlemages in video games so rare?

They're hard to balance I guess. But if there's a battlemage/spellsword class available in an RPG I always pick it.


There's something speciall about throwing fireballs while swinging around a runic sword.


Good point there actually.

>magic AND sword master

because a do-everything master of everything is boring and self-insert porn

But user, he can't use bows so it's not a master of everything.

Because they're like paladins. They're really hard to balance. If you want to be really good with a sword, be a fighter, if you wanna be really good with magic, play a magic user. If you want both, expect be kind of shitty at both.

They're not as rare anymore. A LOT of games allow you to play a Battlemage, most of them fairly well too.

Battlemages are usually underpowered or overpowered but you always have to base your build around the tools available in the game. That makes the theorycrafting really fun.

Single class are boring as shit and the theorycrafting behind it is usually +everything into main stat and use that big sword.

>A LOT of games
Name me five not including any elder scrolls games

Design-wise it's a bit counter intuitive; doing melee damage and ranged magic at the same time? I mean look at that picture, it's kind of a retarded idea. Once the monsters get close then you've locked off literally half your combat prowess, and the same is true if they're far away.

> But muh versatility
I would rather be good at one thing specifically and maximize the benefits of that, playing with those strengths in mind, than be kind of useful half the time.

The best version of "battle mages" in games are the ones that stay true to melee but use magic to augment that, through buffs, shields, debuffs, etc.

Warrior + utility spells is my favourite type. Elemental weapon buffs/absorbtion, crowd control etc.

Just roll fighter/mage in BG1/2 and destroy everything.

does this count?

Dark Messiah
Dragon Age
Mass Effect (you're a fucking space wizard if you pick anything other than soldier or infiltrator)
Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing
Grim Dawn
Path of Exile
The Witcher
Dragon's Dogma
Anything based on D&D

All i got off the top of my head

damn, time to torrent

What if you just use melee and cast spells AT THE SAME TIME?

Adding more:
Baldur's Gate (any Infinity Engine/D&D game really)
Neverwinter Nights
Soulsbourne games
Dungeon Siege
Guild Wars
Jedi Knight/any Jedi Star Wars games
Vampire Bloodlines
Titan Quest

Baldur's Gate 1&2 are easily the best Battlemage games you can play. You get so overpowered that you can Stop Time and then kill everything with your swords.

Vermintide : -)

They exist, but only in single-player games. Especially those with character customization.

In multiplayer, they're either too OP or not worth playing due to overbalance.

Because Skyrim is the only one to have pulled it off in an RPG setting.

And that says how shit it is in other titles.

I love battlemages, and its always my first pick if its available. The idea of close range magic and combining magic and melee attacks fluidly is just a 10/10 experience.

One of the main reasons I like dragon age origins and inquisition, because they allow this.

Souls yes. Borne, not so much. Arcane is the most pointless magic system Fromsoft have ever implemented. Even Micolash is a complete joke because of how terrible magic is in Bloodborne.

FFXI Red Mage is the best version IoG battle Mage. Good in groups but a solo artist.

>can't nuke for shit
>can't melee for shit
>reduced to healing and debuffing in a group to stay relevant

I mean yeah they can solo well but they also pretty much sum up everything wrong with the concept too; they basically only work in a party by throwing out all of that flexibility that is their novelty in the first place.

Vindictus has three different people who can fit the bill. The mage can go battlemage with a scythe, there's a spellblade complete with enchanting her sword, and there's a dick ass rogue kinda mage with a phantom dagger.

Dragon's Dogma also has your standard paladin/battlemage (tanks with big shield, buffs, slaps shit around with sword or mace, some neat projectile spells as well) and dickass ranger-mage (magic homing arrows that can fucking aircombo, set yourself on fire and jump on monsters, shank bitches with magic daggars, etc.)