>Mom still has to pay for my WoW subscription
Mom still has to pay for my WoW subscription
Other urls found in this thread:
>tfw 21 and still getting paid through college + living at home
People tell me I shouldnt feel bad, but its just fucking weird man.
But why you don't get an job.
Get a job NEET
You just made a thread about this.
It's got to the point where people are so bored with their lives that they create these threads to stimulate people laughing at these type of people when OP isn't even one.
Though falling to this level basically makes him one anyway. faggot
This is the 6th thread you made. time to call it quits.
>people still play vidya
Get job. The feeling of getting money is the best.
>TFW taking forever to get a new job
lets get rich together user, you can be the ideas guy
Same here man. As long as you're studying or working to help pay the bills your fine, but it be great to have your own place
>asked mom that I can use her credit card to renew FFXIV subscription quickly
>will pay her back
>she said yes
>pay her back the money I owe her a month later
Some people commit suicide when there lives are shit, others shitpost on Sup Forums, it's just how it goes personally I wish the latter would've just did the former tbqh
>not just buying game tokens with gold
Come on now
Wage cucks don't know this feel because they don't have the time to play shitty MMOs
Which is worse type of human being though? Those who commit suicide or shitpost on /v?
Or even better, which is a lower form of degeneracy?
Nothing degenerate about suicide maybe you should try it sometime.
can't tell if these threads are made by NEETs so they can whine, or by people who need to pat themselves on the back for not being NEETs
kinda sad either way tbqhwy famicom
I didn't get enough gold before my gametime expired...
>tfw mummy takes away all of your GBP when you threw a tantrum in the middle of walmart so now you have to wait to renew your subscription
Had a job, was buying three month cards at a time, lost job. Spent most of my earnings, back to where I started.
>ending your life because you can't stop feeling sorry for yourself
You live in a first world country get the fuck on
Go on the forums and ask them to make legacy servers and I will pay for a subscription and give you enough gold to play for free.
I moved out as soon as I hit 18 and one of my friends finished his entire physics degree while staying at home.
Don't really see any reason to feel bad about it as long as you're being proactive and not being a leech, there genuinely are a lot of shit involved with living on your own and the added stress from starting a degree doesn't really help.
FFXIV lets you pay for your sub with steam wallet bucks, go sell some CSGO items or AFK and sell cards.
Hahahahah , stay deluded
Save up your lunch money kiddo
Asuuming you only work 40 hours a week and 5 hours of driving you still have over 120hrs a week.
Well, better to kill yourself when you give less value than you consume than to keep dragging on and be a burden to everyone, so I'm gonna go with shitposting on Sup Forums being more degenerate.
>23 years old
>mommy still cooks my dinners and washes my clothes
get on my level lads
This is pretty true. If I would have stayed at my first job I could have moved out with my gf by now but my dad really wants me to finish school. Now all I want to really do is move out, and classes are just getting fucking harder.
Said thing is people who oppose suicide are usually the ones who are weak willed and suicidal themselves mostly just narcissist, scared of death or of losing someone close, that need every justification in the book not to kill themselves personally I think you should do it, jump off that bridge Billy
We literally JUST had this thread. I swear it was no more than an hour ago.
>still playing WoW
>playing WoW right now, when there hasn't been any new content for nearly a year
you people really are addicted aren't you
i really don't think that's an uncommon thing here
>mommy paying for college
Feels good man
>the only people who don't want to kill themselves are weak
>people who want to kill themselves are strong
Ahahaha stay delusional faggot
>go out on own
>feel accomplished that im no longer living with parents and have the freedom to do what i want and play all the vidya i want
>bills start to pile up
>finding a full time job that actually pays a living wage is near impossible
You all have it good being a neet mamas boy, the real world outside your parents basement is pure shit.
>browsing Sup Forums for longer than a hour
seek help
It's pure shit if you aren't prepared, yeah. I'm happy as hell I stayed long enough to find a partner and I'm almost at my associates though
Ancient Japanese warriors killed themselves in large groups don't you want to be an ancient japanese warrior user?
>when mom wants to talk
Is there a word for someone who is a NEET but has a job?
There are 168 hours in a week. 24 hours in a day. If someone works for 8 hours and drives for 1 hour each day, that's 15 hours left in the day. Most people need 8 hours of sleep at night, so there are 7 hours left in the day. Plus you need to eat, shit, cook, and shower. It's conceivable to have only 5 hours a night to do anything, which gives you a whopping 35 hours per week for video games at that rate. If you work 5 days a week and can actually stay awake for 16 hours a day, you can add around 30 more hours to that. So, a little more than half of what you said. Eat shit, user.
eat shit WoWfags
Also let's take away some time that will be dedicated to your woman (if you have one) and it will be even smaller
I didn't even take into account shopping, cleaning, or laundry. Laundry at least lets you multitask while it's washing/drying, whether it's at home or at the laundromat, but there are some handheld games I wouldn't want to take with me to the laundromat.
I don't understand this, cant you just hoard those time tokens? Some guy was bragging about having 2 years worth of tokens
>tfw got paid at my new job
>just bought myself a WiiU, Hyrule Warriors and Pokken
This is genuine happiness, bros
Some of the most I've felt in years
The hell no? Why the fuck would I be a retarded japanese coward who ends himself?
I took a break in between.
>Remember to take a 15 minute break for hour of Sup Forums!
>bought a wiiu game
>when wiiu is jailbroken as fuck
This, cant you just buy game time with gold?
it's the small details in this image that make it so great
Imagine how there families must feel.
>"H-hey guys, I know we said your husbands/fathers/sons would die an honorable death when they stabbed themselves but this smelly perma-cheeto stained neckbear on the internet just informed us its apparently a cowardly thing to do now, s-sorry"
>report that thread
>stays up til bump limit
Must have hit home with mods.
why donĀ“t you join them?
Nice projecting there weeaboo, there is no honor in committing seppuku. It was a coward's end, you should probably try it and do the world a favor.
"has to pay"
She doesn't have to do shit.
Just say you'll kill yourself, family.
That easy.
You first just make sure to stream it ;^)
>don't you want to be an ancient japanese warrior user?
>shitty soldiers who killed thimself because they were scared to face their failure
I never understood the suicide=cowardly meme.
It takes serious fucking balls and determination to actually kill yourself, no matter the context.
there's nothing weird about parents paying for your education
It's a defense mechanism, insecure people don't like to talk about things that make them feel bad.
cant you pay in game goldfor subfee now
Because it's cowardly and lazy to take the easy way out, instead of bettering yourself or your situation.
>Living with dad, paying him rent, working, going to school.
>still living with parents
>don't have to pay for college but have a part time job to help parents with the bills
i don't know what's wrong with you americans, everywhere else in the world most people just leave home when they get married
>not leveling all classes to 100, gearing them in full arena gear to stockpile gold >while doing it all for free with game time tokens
It's like you wanna be shit at the game user
But for what purpose?
I know your scared and it makes you emotional thinking about it but everyone dies its natural even though no one knows what happens afterwards its the reason why religion exists everyones fearful of death not just you, if you would get sad because one of you friends killed themselves it just means your a pussy who can't control his emotion over trivial inevitable shit.
Get over it faggot