A Medieval RPG set in actual medieval europe

>A Medieval RPG set in actual medieval europe
>A Medieval RPG with no magic or fantasy elements

Will we ever get one? I love medieval settings but hate Tolkien. He killed the genre by bringing in a bunch of bullshit all future writers would blatantly plagiarise. 'Elves' are a staple at this point.

I just want a big open world RPG set in Europe. Why hasn't there been one yet?

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How about googling things you idiot, there already is one that's gotten plenty attention here, and in general gaming media.

Crusader Kings 2 is fantastic medieval life sim, and much more of an RPG than most RPG's to boot.

Also, there are a few Mount and Blade mods that go real world.

And what said. There's Kingdom Come: Deliverance.

Darklands you fucking retard.

at least for the first part

I guess I'll just ask here

CK2 runs like shit for me, it lags every fucking time it autosaves, which if you're going at fast speed is like every 20 seconds

I even moved the files to the SSD and it still fucking happens, is this a hardware related issue or should I look for a patch or configuration or something

Kingdom Come: Deliverance has shitty voice acting and will never be finished.

It's mostly the engine being trash.
Are you playing on ironman? It gets like 30 times worse there.

Also, you can disable autosaves if it really bothers you, or set it to save less frequently.

>cannot use fucking google
>has to ask for things people already solved before him

and you call yourself master race?

>have to go back to 1992 to find one

Not really a decent argument against the fact there are basically none.

yes it's in ironman
no, I don't call myself meme race

sounds gay and boring, just read a history book if you're a fag. Give me magic and cool shit, please.

>yes it's in ironman
Yeah. That's what's messing things up. Just play normal mode. Don't think there is much of a fix for it apart from just playing on a painfully slow speed. At least last time I checked.

Still find it amusing that I have 200+ hours and still only 2 achievements because ironman is broken.

literally mount and blade

>source: my ass

>I just want a big open world RPG set in Europe. Why hasn't there been one yet?

It's really not Tolkien's fault if other writers lack imagination.

>medieval europe
you wanna try that again, senpai

what are all these countries, where did they go

>download AD1257

It's simple as that. inb4 it's a mod so it doesn't count lmao

You should play Grand Strategy games and learn your history you dumb fuck

Absorbed and combined. 600 years is a long time.

Tolkien didn't invent elves, they come from mythology.

like dragons.

and as pointed out already, the type of game you are after already exists.

>what are all these countries, where did they go

JRPG in Europe


Could someone explain the Roman Empire there?


What do they teach in schools nowadays?

It's the Roman Empire, what else needs explaining

The byzantine empire aka the eastern roman empire never called themselves the former or the latter. They were always called the Roman Empire right up to the moment the Ottomans conquered Constantinople in 1453.

>mfw playing grand strat games made me learn a fuckload about geography which was one of my worst subjects in school

Also. That's why I love them so much. So many times I've gone "Navarra, that's a neat little kingdom. I wonder what their history is."

best be trolling nigger

Yes, it's medieval Europe.
The only difference is the geography.

The Byzantine Empire as it would later be known, was the remnant of the Eastern Roman Empire after the Roman Empire was divided by East and West in the 4th century. After the Western Roman Empire fell to the Goths the Byzantine Empire continued to be known as the Roman Empire or the Romans of the east in their capital of Constantinople (Which was titled by Constantine himself Nova Roma: New Rome) It existed until the 15th century when the Ottoman turks defeated Emperor Constantine 11th and Mehmed the Conqueror entered the Hagia Sophia triumphantly.

>(Eastern)Roman Empire
>Rome isn't part of their territory
Gotta love history.


There exists another history, more absurd than the history of Rome since the time of Tacitus: it is the history of Byzantium. This worthless collection contains nothing but declamations and miracles. It is a disgrace to the human mind.

Darklands, you faggot.
Your father was probably preschool when it got released.

If that's funny to you, you'll get a right kick out of the

If only you knew

Another name for Constantinople was New Rome.

But it's not funny.

It's fucking hilarious.

Why was HRE called HRE anyways?

Were they just fanboys who wanted to bank on the name or did they have actual claim to the title?

Holy fuck, I have to play this so I can burn it to the ground.

>Were they just fanboys who wanted to bank on the name


The Pope said they were the successors to the Romans, and because the Pope said so they were Holy.

(Really) long story short - the idea was to re-form Roman Empire. It didn't work out, but the title was created, so...

It's Germs, user. No need to say anything more.

Gotta love history.


The pope crowned Charlemagne Roman Empire, and then Frederick "Olympic Swimmer" Barbarossa started calling it the Holy Empire to dickwave with the pope, and they just combined them.

Are you guys telling me you have all of those countries memorized?

Yeah, you're telling me you don't?

>Learning history from Swedish DLC simulators

>Being this tier uneducated
Theme park version of history is better than this

Yes. If you play enough GS you'll eventually know them all. Just like people know all 500 Pokemon or however many there are.

Yeah. If you've played 1000+ hours of grand strategy games you come to know the map of Europe quite well.

If you can't tell me why the Kingdoms of Leon, Castille, Galicia & Aragon were important then promptly go fuck yourself
If you can't tell me why the Kingdom of France & the Kingdom of England were important then what the fuck DO you know besides the 4th of July 1776?

But user, the map is greatly simplified. And there is nothing really hard in knowing basic medieval history from fucking elementry school...
... unless your county was back then an empty land roamed by bisons

Before 1157, the realm was merely referred to as the Roman Empire.[21] The term sacrum ("holy", in the sense of "consecrated") in connection with the medieval Roman Empire was used beginning in 1157, under Frederick I Barbarossa ("Holy Empire") – the term was added to reflect Frederick's ambition to dominate Italy and the Papacy;[22] the form "Holy Roman Empire" is attested from 1254 onward.[23]

>If you play games
How about just knowing basic geography of Europe, you uneducated niggers? Literally 90% of those correspond to modern names of given regions. The remaining 10% are Italian cities.

>copying from wikipedia
boy cleetus, ah shore dun' showed heem that ah know mah hiss-tuh-ree!

Why do that when you can play games have have a good time instead?

How about you actually educate yourself?

>How about just knowing basic geography of Europe

...Like they just said they do?
What are you angry about?

No it fucking wasn't.

No one respectable actually called it the Roman Empire

Worst fucking meme in history.

Yeah I'm a burger, we never covered this shit we just talked about feudalism and then moved into U.S. history.

t. 'Holy' Roman' 'Emperor'

I'm not angry. It's just Elementry-tier material in my country to know this stuff, so when it's treated almost as arcane knowledge by some people I'm simply baffed.
Bonus points when they claim they've learned that from vidya. when fucking 11 years old are supposed to know most of that.

>He killed the genre
>By inventing the genre in the first place

>No one respectable

You mean butthurt Latins

Not all countries teach useless knowledge in school.

>This meme again

>It was holy at first, most electorates received blessings from the pope. It also included the Vatican at one point.
>It was Roman too, it included most of north italy and had close ties to the Byzantines.
>Yes, it was an Empire. Made huge changes in the crusades and basically unified central Europe.

>we just talked about feudalism and then moved into U.S. history
I'm curious. What exactly burger history classes cover, if you can't just subsitute with national history, as it doesn't start up until late 18th century
Please don't tell me history starts for you in 18th century or Age of Discoveries

>Make a peasant character to work my way up
>gonna grind some farming to level up
>fail miserably
>die of starvation and plague

i want a refund

pick one

>Basic Geography
Seriously user? You gonna try to defend your fundamental lacks in education with such bullshit?

11 year olds learn all the various German states, Kingdoms in Iberia, and Italian provinces?

Your countries education is pretty boss I have to say. In Fifth grade we were still mainly focusing on our own history and current year countries.

>pick one

It didn't claim to be ethnically Roman, just that it was its successor in terms of philosophy and government.

This. Fuck you and your dumb frog memes you fucking niggers. You keep posting that stupid shit for more than half a year, because reposting the same stupid fucking symbols


is apparently the height of comedy, amirite? Go and jump off a cliff already.

>No one respectable actually called it the Roman Empire

Apart from everybody who lived in it and everybody else aside from butthurt Franks who wanted to claim that they were the real Romans.

>We don't tech Geo in my country
>Cause it's useless

post some good world maps


This is not basic geography, basic geography would be current country names and geographical position. Knowing the name of regions in foreign countries is completely useless for kids in school.

No, 11 years old are taugh names of different geographical regions around the world, with all those useful for later education pin-pointed. Coincidently, those names (at least from Europe) correspond with currently non-existing countries and other political entities.

>his school still uses geography books from the 1300's

I just remember talking about monarchy, feudalism, technology in the past like how houses were heated back then, stuff like that. I think we talked about the bigger kingdoms like england and france too. To be fair, in high school I could have taken a european history class but I chose U.S. history instead.

>borders this clean

Love this. It's such a great feel.

>Knowing where Lotharingen is or what's the difference between Britain and Brittany is useless for kids in school
>This is not basic geography
>Those are not current names
Son, please stop making an ass out of yourself. We got it, your country neglects education, but don't make a spectacle out of it.

The Pope can call himself the Pontifex Maximus all he wants, he had had as much authority to crown anyone Roman Emperor as I do crowning anyone King of England.

It was not Roman. Unless you consider modern Italians to be Roman as well.

>Those Polonised names
It's all those little details that make this map

My country teaches kids to think, not to memorize useless information.

>in a setting where your life is fixed at birth.

If your country is not on this map in the exact same state as it exists today (same name, same borders, etc.), you live in a meme tier made up non-country.

I mean, I agree with Britain and Brittany since it could be confusing, but what is the point in knowing where Lotharingia/Lorraine is?

I mean, when you are already pressed for time and have a hard enough time to even fit in the basic stuff in your lessons why should they go into detail about Lotharingia unless you are French or possibly German?

If your teacher truly taught you to think then the first thing you should have been taught is that you can never know enough.

Don't defend ignorance, that's a horrible thing to do.

turks didnt dominate there until 15th century

My fucking sides

So, none?

>hating something because everyone copied it
Your mommy needs you to clean your room today, underage little shit. Go tell her you've been posting on a board you aren't allowed to and hopefully you'll lose your computer privileges until you're really old enough to post on Sup Forums (18 and over) and see how goddamn stupid you really are.

And if you are 18 or over, you're just dumb and probably need to shut your damn mouth about everything you believe until you fucking grow up some more and wise up.