
What games let me drink blood?

Killer Instinct, BloodRayne and VtMB come to mind

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legacy of kain

Should you start from the beginning and play thru the games in release order or are there ones that are just objectively better to start with?

>drink blood
>takes a shitty pose several yards away and blood flies around like fucking laser
I fucking hated Legacy of Kain for this single thing. It tickled my assburger hateboner like nothing else.

Vampire: Redemption, best crpg
Drinking blood from enemies is its own ability you can upgrade.

Start with the first one, Blood Omen. Then play Soul Reaver 1&2 and then Defiance.

You can choose to ignore Blood Omen 2 if you wish. It's easily the worst of the series and you don't miss much with the story.

You can bite people in Defiance.

There's a game called Vampyr coming soon, could probably scratch the itch.

Castlevania Lords of Shadow 2 let you do it.

I enjoyed the first Lords of Shadow very much, isn't the sequel crap?

Oblivion and Skyrim immediately come to mind. Also I think fallout 3 has a faction if secret vampires by the bridge town.

I'm suddenly reminded of Blood Knights. Its a relatively short RPG game about vampires and the church. Its not the greatest in the world but its fun and has some really cheesy dialogue and badly choreographed scenes

Oh man I completely forgot this game is coming out, thanks for reminding me.

Alright, I own all of them on steam already, I just never got around to play them and forgot. Should have come to mind when I made the thread.

I was about to ask if Nosgoth was a fun multiplayer game but I just checked and it was canned in beta before actually launching.

I'll look into it, thanks.

It's also the easiest way to kill tough enemies while the rest of your group keeps other attackers busy.
It just takes for-fucking-ever.

Jojos games involving Dio
Although he drinks through his fingers and only Part 1 Dio can drink in ASB and Shadow Dio in HFTF

In terms of gameplay it's a decent game, not as linear as the first Lords of Shadow but there are some bullshit stealth sections.
Visually it's a mixed bag because you alternate between modern city and science labs to Castlevania proper.
7-8/10 would recommend.

Total War: Warhammer
Plus, you get to have an army of skeletons. :D

Jesus Christ her eye is literally half the size of her face.

Spacestation 13 if you like to play an overpowered cunt. You can even rob medbay for bloodbags

Saint's Row the Third


Regular Dio can drink thru his fingers too in in the arcade game. Its a raging demon type input

The Elder Scrolls series.

Every time I think I know DIO's move list I find out another move I forgot existed.


They went a little out of control in that one scene with her eyes for some reason. Alucard also has a couple of moments like that too when they want to make him look freakish

I don't recall this in Saints Row 3. I know in Saints Row 4 you get the life drain telekinesis power though.

I love being an overpowered cunt

>I don't recall this in Saints Row 3. I know in Saints Row 4 you get the life drain telekinesis power though.
You get a vampire power from a DLC. Press L3 (or R3, I forget but it's one of the two) to grab someone and suck their blood for health.


>someone finally ripped the models from KI, including Mira
And now we wait.

KI girls are shit senpai
Hisako is the only good one and she got rotten pussy

Is BloodRayne any good? Should I play the pc or console version?

Console versions are decent, but the PC version has some patches to make it look even better.

Played BR2 late last year. Sequel when

Shadow dio can too with a srk motion

That dumb Tekken F2P had a vampire whose boobs grow when she drinks blood, not even kidding.

>ripped the models from KI
Oh boy, time for Gargos SFM.

Maybe when the puritans have set their focus on something else but right now, a game like that could only be made in japan or if some angel investor dumps like 15-20mil into the project and doesn't care about PR.