He """"""""invested"""""""" +$3000 plus tax in a meme

>he """"""""invested"""""""" +$3000 plus tax in a meme

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He put it on wrong

> He shitposted for """""""""free"""""""""

It's always annoying when people referring to some luxury purchase as an "investment".

Is that thing really pressing so hard?

No. They were putting it on wrong so the only way to make it stay on was to make it really tight.


One of the greatest videos of 2016

>fat people can't stand and move around for too long without getting tired
We need to investigate this further

>plus tax in a meme
Don't forget the tip, we muricans here

you have to press it to your face so it wouldnt wobble because it would cause you to puke

>not investing in the future

>VR naysayers only have 1 (ONE) video that backs them up and it's clickbait.


Don't know about the Rift but the Vive is pretty awesome. Not something I would use all the time but certainly something I enjoy using.

Tiltbrush has me hopeful for some scuptris-like modelling program. The interaction in Valve Labs just has me excited for the gaming prospects in general. Being able to pick up and interact directly with objects, in ways you just can't do with a mouse without predone animations.

So how about all those great VR games?

You don't have to press it that tight, but if you don't put it tight enough, the thing will wobble a bit too much while you're moving your head, which is jarring and nauseating.

That guy might have pressed it too far, but it's not an uncommon ocorrente.

Just wait a bit, they will totally announce a ton of new amazing shit for VR at this E3 :^)


look at that fat fuck
so fucking fat

>has me hopeful for some scuptris-like modelling program.
Seen this?


just like you

>he claims it on his taxes and gets it all back at the end of the year anyway because it's a "business expense"

There's also Oculus Medium, and that thing for PSVR that I forgot the name of. People are definitely interested in the idea.

>people support VR
>no games to support it
>people support Ouya
>no games to support it
>people support PS4/VITA
>no games to support it

one day.......

For sure. Autodesk has something in the works as well. It'll probably be one of the primary uses for VR.

Have you played H3VR?

But it literally is a business expense. Tons of people went to check out their site when they had the pretty thorough VR launch lineup.

>jaded old guys playing video games

"""""meta""""" shitposting

>posting on Sup Forums
Buddy everyone here, including you, are just like Jeff

1 video, a terrible lineup and no sales

real gamers watch youtubers exaggerate their emotions and post dank reddit memes

Why does every game have you teleport around instead of walking?

Us real gamerz only like Pewdiepie and markiplyer

I am 27, my buddy who is 36 still loves videogames
I kinda stopped liking them after 2011.

Me2 was the point I realized I was not having fun anymore. I still play a few of them out of boredom, and when I feel to tired to read.

DSII SotFs was the last time a game made me feel something, rage and triumph mostly.


artificial accelerations can lead to motion sickness
the vive's reputation for not causing any comes from the design of its games, not so much from the headset itself

If you're over 30 and play mainstream games its creepy as fuck to be honest

liking just racing games or sim games that you play for a few hours on a saturday afternoon is fine but when you line up for a midnight release all the young people there think its really creepy

>not owning a vive
>not knowing the glory that is audioshield, raw data, kingspray/tiltbrush, hordeZ, brookhaven, dollcityVR, hover junkers, vanashing realms...
>not knowing what it's like to have a life size widow maker stand naked in front of you wtaring into your eyes
>rejecting the greatest thing since the atari2600 because "muh money"

feel sorry for you niggaz

Why? It just because video games are still a new hobby. Its not weird for an adult to spend all weekend bingeing some shitty Netflix show.

Ok, then I'm creepy as fuck.
Like I give a shit about what some millennial turd thinks about me.

60,000 vives installed after 2 months...
I wonder how long you peasants can block out all this VR noise for since it aint going anywhere especially when all the console cucks get their psvrs which according to reviews is about 70%-80% as good as my vive

the vast majority of Sup Forums will be giving up their already invalid rejection of VR when normies start buying headsets, hilarious how the people who frequent a video game internet forum are failing to grasp what is the actual next gen of gaming, no your outdated piece of shit ps4 which is being replaced next year with ps4neo nor your xbone 720p machine was next gen fuckwits

You're probably a millennial too

Jeff still hasn't killed himself yet?

>but when you line up for a midnight release all the young people there think its really creepy

Reminds me of this guy





>Cuck VR fags
>Also support censorship

Nu males new liberals must die, bring on the race war.

That's kind of what I get out of it, though they do raise some valid criticisms.

>literally a stick figure comic

>paying to attach a box to your face

why, this is not the future of VR

So when are people gonna stop pretending they didn't all buy it for the porn and not 3d tictactoe?

When did people stop pretending they didn't buy their VCRs for porn? Or their broadband internet?

I'm glad there's a bunch of morons who buy this shit early so the development continues to a point that it will be useful and affordable for non-retards.

This shit is barely outside of the development and experimental stage of production, and people already paid money for it.


Except those two can be used for a myriad of things, VR is only good for porn. There has not been a single virtual reality game that's not a superflous techdemo

Elitist views are invalided if you purchased a literal meme friend.

This. It's the exact same as early access, or pre-ordering games while knowing a developer is known for buggy releases. ADHD early adopters will gladly use their parents' credit cards to "support" VR development while those who are not on the spectrum will wait out for a better / cheaper version of the same hardware and will buy it at the point where it finally may have something else than overpriced shovelware to play.

There's an article from a guy who worked with VR training in the military, said that the machines they use are almost $80k and by no means will VR become a household civilian product.

I'd find the article but can't be arsed to put in effort to argue cucks on a Norwegian basked weaving forum.

That article is incredibly biased and based off of a lot of outdated information.

>never ever

Underrated as fuck post

t. vrcucks

I always see posts like this gleefully looking at us early adopters like we're sacrificing something but I'm enjoying every penny I spent on my Vive. Yeah games are obviously in the early stages now but I'm having more fun with it than the same old rehash game you see on the font page. I mean what are people talking about? A TF2 clone? More Battlefield, Hitman, etc? It's the same old shit done for a new era and it bores me now.

>all this buyers remorse

Wow what a snitch, and snitches get stitches.

Here ya go.

I can't really have buyer's remorse when I basically got my Vive for free after selling my first one for $1800 and then my Rift for $1500. And thanks to Steam's refund policy I haven't regretted any game purchase either.

>the machines they use are almost $80k and by no means will VR become a household civilian product.

Those things are much, much, much more than simple VR. A lot of the things the military uses are simulations, not VR. They're meant to replicate everything, even going so far as to using stimulants to effect the users heart rate and focus in order to simulate real crises. Military simulations are just that: simulations. And yes, that is far beyond anything that will ever be available to the public, but these headsets are not trying to be "simulations".

>He's still trying to justify his purchase to anonymous strangers
>He's still trying to prove himself on Sup Forums

Virtual Reality headsets are not trying to be simulations? You read here on Sup Forums folks. Virtual Reality isn't simulations.

>You're brain thinks you're hallucinating so it makes you try to expel the substance

That is not why you fucking vomit when you get motion sickness

if you watched the stream, he actually quite enjoyed it. just because he doesn't flail his arms around and scream nonstop like your favorite twitch streamer doesn't mean he wasn't having fun.

Wait then what is it? Pretty sure all the 40$ games on steam are simulations. Especially job SIMULATOR.

Not justifying anything. I don't care what vr shitters think. It's just humorous to me seeing posts that are so obviously sour grapes. I mean you see people that obviously know VR is real since they say they're glad it'll get better and cheaper but the price point is just too high and that's completely understandable. It is too high for mass adoption right now. All the polls show that's the problem right now for it.

He does the opposite. They all fucking exaggerate their reactions to every little thing that goes wrong. I fucking hate how they all react every time someone reads the price of the game. If you don't think they're exaggerating you're out of you're fucking mind.

>fat people trying to play games
jesus what kind of fat fuck you have to be for those googles to literally squeeze into your face
fuck fat people


What did you expect from motion controls? We already saw that motion controls are very limited with the Wii Mote/Kinect/PS Move generation.

I thought the appeal to such headsets was to play first person games already have, like a Skyrim or a Mirrors Edge, but with head tracking and realistic optics. Also porn.

He's just trying to justify the hole in his wallet, don't worry about it.

This. I love the Vive and I still enjoy their streams and the vrodeo. Jeff tells it like it is basically. Problem is that video is obviously edited to show everything in a poor light when that isn't how it is.

The reason for the motion controls is to trick your brain into thinking your limbs inside VR are yours. This is because moving with a joystick makes a disconnection with your brain and you vomit. Read

>I thought the appeal to such headsets was to play first person games already have

This is the only reason I've invested any money into VR HMDs and nobody is porting these old games to VR.

I don't want to play anything new. I want to play things I've already experienced in an entirely new way.

You don't want this. Trust me. The Devs in Warframe did just that on a Dev Stream recently. They had to end early because they were retching.

I believe in VR but
1. the support isn't there
2. something about crowd funding makes people so stupid that they just throw money at literally nothing because of hype.

>nobody is porting these old games to VR.

>tfw want a Vive but waiting a year or two to see if it catches
>tfw really hope it does

Might as well wait for CV2 at that point

I watched through the video, and it seems to criticize the games and motion technology rather than what most people would use VR headsets for, which is sitting still with VR and/or head tracking. Believe me, I'd never be an early adapter of this, but all the stuff here is unimportant gimmicks.

Second gen is my plan now.
I was going to get the computer and everything in August but with the shit out now I can just wait and get a cheaper computer and a better vr headset when there is actually enough shit out that works.

I for one am glad the latest gimmick in gaming is dead before it was even alive.

You're out of your fucking mind if you think Selfie Tennis is worth 40 bucks. I thought they were joking.

I wonder who this drummer guy is and what he is up to these days.

They were. It's not $40.

It's not anymore, one of the reviews even say it was grossly overpriced.

> head tracking

Yeah because who doesn't like turning their head every time they want to turn the camera around a bit!

I'll just wait until shit is 100 bucks and masturbate myself in a coma.

I have a vive and oculus and I can tell you neither are worth buying, all of the games are complete fucking trash. Don't buy into VR until there are actually good games for it, good concept but the games are shit and boring as fuck

>We already saw that motion controls are very limited with the Wii Mote/Kinect/PS Move generation.

They were limited by the confines of a television screen. In VR, the tracking is 1:1 because you can look down at your hands and all that.

Even if it's the same technology, VR makes motion controllers work. They work as your actual hands in the games.

Reacting to things going wrong and $40 game prices is justified when it's an $800 investment (more if you don't have a good GPU) and most of the games are archery/gun ranges and a $20 tennis game where you play against yourself.

Nice try, Palmer.

I want to play time crisis like game on VR