The game has been already been fully funded. Why should I feel bad about pirating it when it comes out?
The game has been already been fully funded. Why should I feel bad about pirating it when it comes out?
You shouldn't feel bad
You should just feel insignificant as that's what you are
Because the producer of the product is asking for money in exchange for said product and instead you are going around them and obtaining it without their permission.
If you're a poorcuck just don't buy it or play it. Your time is probably better spent trying to not be a poorcuck than playing video games anyway.
because sales determine whether there will be any more like it in future
Because you're some kind of poorfuck that can't even justify their reason for pirating the air I breathe.
They could just make another Kickstarter
Not poor I just don't see the point in paying for it when they got the money they needed.
If you made a game, would YOU want people to pirate it?
They got the money to develop it. If you like the game and want them to make another, you should buy it to show them that there's people who like it and are paying for it, also so they can have a budget to develop another game.
I'd be happy that my game was worth their time.
Didn't you already try using this bait yesterday?
People aren't going to buy in to a kickstarter for a sequel to a kickstarted game.
Especially one that is expected to find its own feet after it has been kickstarted.
Stealing is wrong.
why is it relevant how the game is funded? every released game is funded one way or another, dumbass
Whether or not you feel bad will depend on whether or not you actually play through the game, which will depend largely on how good it is
What you should feel bad about right now is making this retarded thread
>People aren't going to buy in to a kickstarter for a sequel to a kickstarted game.
If the first one is good they will.
I'd pirate a purse though
>People aren't going to buy in to a kickstarter for a sequel to a kickstarted game.
Ha, explain Shadowrun: Hong Kong then.
Maybe if it was something you made in your spare time as a hobby, but not if it was your full time career and your livelihood depended upon it.
The kickstarter wasn't for the game, dumbass, they were always going to make it.
The Kickstarter was for all the extra shit like an orchestral soundtrack and co-op and what have you.
You're a piece of shit if you pirate and then don't buy if you like it.
You're a single person. Even if you did pay for the game your money would mean absolutely nothing to the devs.
What's $10, $30, $60, $100, etc. to an entire business?
Based on this you should never feel bad about pirating a game.
They got paid already though.
>The kickstarter wasn't for the game
Pretty sure it was.
>to an entire business?
Playtonic is a small business though not something like Blizzard
If the first one sells like shit why would Playtonic even bother with a kickstarter for a sequel instead of making something else?
It'd just prove "people don't want 3D platformers anymore" right.
Your mommy still pays all your bills I 100% guarantee it.
Because if they get MORE money, they can fund their next project.
The only difference between this and a non-Kickstarter game is that they don't have a publisher to catch them if they fall. All games that are released are already funded. They want to profit enough so they can keep going.
What I said still applies to a small business.
This is absolutely true yet if everyone reasoned this way, there would be no video game industry
A pirate should try to convince other people NOT to pirate, because someone has to buy the games. I never understood the mentality of encouraging others to pirate.
This thread. You did it yesterday. You know, where you pretended to be unaware how businesses make money and then started saying nonsense about how they shouldn't be doing it for money when presented with that.
I mean, I'm assuming it's bait, otherwise you're just completely dumb as hell and likely too young to be posting here.
They only got paid as much as they need to create the game. They still haven't profited off of it, and they need more money for their own livelihoods.
You might as well say devs for a game that isn't kickstarted "already got paid" because a company gave them the funding money. All that money goes towards creating the game.
The problem is that if everyone just starts stealing it than they are negatively affected. That's why we need to hammer down on this more. We need to go back to the old ways, and give pirates of all kinds what they've always deserved - death by hanging.
If everyone had wings and could breathe in space we could fly to pluto. What are you trying to do with these nonsensical hypotheticals?
>They put the new characters Dr Quack and Dr Puzz in Edge Magazine as a world exclusive
>walked into the newsagents, flipped through it and put the magazine back
I'm basically already pirating this
You shouldn't. If it turns out to be great and you don't buy it after you're a bit of a dick but whatever, do what you want. Just stop making threads trying to justify it.
This is the mentality of the millions that abstain from voting. Aka, fucking morons.
What do you think funding is?
Not really.
If I'm in a small business I need to make sure we breakeven and pay all the bills while paying wages to my employees.
Keep in mind they also expanded their office to make the game even better.
Point is every little bit of money counts to a small team of people.
If I'm the CEO of Blizz I just layoff a few people and don't worry.
Money is literally always significant user.
>The problem is that if everyone just starts stealing it
I don't live in the lala land of hypotheticals that aren't gonna happen though.
Those people are morons who don't know jack shit about politics so they should abstain from voting you stupid fucking cuck.
They got the money to fund development you aspie.
Everyone reasoning that "I'm just one person and my money doesn't matter" would equate to zero monies
It's improbable but not the same as people growing wings and the ability to breathe in a vacuum
Wasn't me I was playing Overwatch all day yesterday.
Because all that money was used to make the game. Buying it gives them the profit needed to make another game without being Kickstarter beggars.
>Thinking you could leave the stratosphere with wings
>Thinking you could fly with in space with wings
Hello dumbfuck.
I'm the guy you're calling a cuck but you sure look like you're doing well in this debate.
>Point is every little bit of money counts to a small team of people.
No it doesn't. $60 WILL NOT make a difference.
>It's improbable
Very improbable so let's not entertain the idea.
Take that back cunt.
>They still haven't profited off of it, and they need more money for their own livelihoods.
They got more than they asked for. Pretty sure that means they made a profit.
The game was funded, which means no profit was made.
*I'm not
Damn auto-correct
Except it is happenign more and more, as you keep fucking encouraging it. So the only way to fight it is to hammer down any further. We need shit that can detect potential piracy and automatically bricks the console/pc, makes the pc explode, or preferably does something to kill the user. Criminal Scum do not count as people, no matter what bullshit justifications they try to create.
The fact that they got the money they needed to make it just means they were able to make it. It's still a product for sale.
Do piratefags not feel bad? Every time they're questioned, they go on some rant about sticking it to the man, or say some unthinking edgy bullshit like "why would I pay money when I can get it for free?".
I'm not sure what he's getting at either.
Pirating this game isn't any different to pirating any other game, save for the fact that I think the devs are good people.
>he thinks that forcing every average, ignorant person to vote is a GOOD thing
Why would anyone ever feel bad about pirating?
Are people really that cucked?
Stop baiting OP.
If you wanna pirate the game great but don't shitpost in an attempt to rile people up. It's sad and makes you look pathetic
Anyone know when this gets released?
t. Sup Forums is my personal google
Divinity os 2
That's about 1 person's wage for a day, it makes a pretty big difference to them.
Do you think all those stretch goals are completely free
Do you think it's unlikely that the thing will wind up costing more than they originally asked for anyway even though that always happens
>Except it is happenign more and more
Isn't denuvo gonna stop that train anyway? Doesn't shit like steam help mitigate piracy?
Piracy is always going to be there, but you're saying that it's a "bigger problem" than before but I don't see evidence for that.
>No it doesn't. $60 WILL NOT make a difference.
And what are you basing this on user?
Having you ever managed a business trying to break even, paying everyone on the team and thinking about future investments?
There is a lot of work to do with managing the money and it's always important.
And all that money goes towards making the game even better, as promised. They still are trying to make a profit, and the more people who buy the game outside of the kickstarter, the more it shows them that people want more, and the more it shows the industry that maybe it'd be a good idea to make more games like this.
>One vote makes a difference
>Implying it isn't being rigged
Just like the only language niggers and muslims understand is violence, pirates will only understand not being able to pirate.
Yes, because if people are pirating my game, then that means it's worth playing, which means that people are also going to buy my game
No game has EVER in the entire history of video games, failed because of piracy. Ever
because you're so jaded and disenchanted with your hobby that you feel entitled to enjoy it for free
That in and of itself is pretty depressing desu senpai
Can you think of a small dev business that went under because it was unable to pay one of its employees for a single day?
You are not doing a good job convincing me that a mere $60 matters.
They can make a profit, but Kickstarter is not an investment or donation platform. It's about equal to preordering a game. The game is supposed to make more than what it was backed for, the millions it got went to development (and yes, most certainly developer paychecks too, don't get me wrong) but it still works exactly the same in the end. The more people that play it, the more it should make.
If you don't wanna pay for it, just pirate it. There's no need to try to justify it or brag about pirating it by making a thread.
Um every dev that went under ever?
You're operating under the retarded hypothetical that only one person pirates
At least we had 1 or 2 days of good Yooka threads.
This is shit though.
>One vote makes a difference
This is exactly what my original point was addressing. One vote might not make a difference, but millions of "one votes" do. This is a really stupid mentality to have.
It being rigged or not is irrelevant in this context.
Do nonpiratefags not feel stupid? They have the choice between playing a game, and having $60, or playing a game, and losing $60, and they choose the latter
How do you even live with yourselves?
>We've got to think bigger
Problem is you're not thinking smaller.
Having extra money allows more comfort and growth within the company.
It's like saying interest in your bank account doesn't matter.
Really, because of $60? You sure that's not because of tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of dollars that would be needed to keep everything afloat?
I'm operating under the reality that I'm a single person who pirates and I have never as an individual affected a single business.
They want to turn a profit so they can continue to make video games that won't need crowdfunding.
You don't think Playtonic wants to make just one game do you/
>Kickstarter is not a donation platform
It literally is
They already got all that money though.
If I made a kickstarter, I'd be happy that it got funded. Which this one did?
Then why are they giving away their game for 'free' to the people who supported them making it?
Shouldn't they get them to also buy it, so they can actually turn a profit on the game?
Fair point. That's a fine way to look at it.
So I should only buy it if I want them to have enough to make another game?
You do understand what breakeven ACTUALLY is right?
Difference between going under, staying afloat and making a profit.
If a company can't pay one person for one day they can't pay any people for any number of days AKA it's end of the line for that company.
>lets ignore the effects of millions of people because they're all individuals
>You do understand what breakeven ACTUALLY is right?
Can you name a business who was $60 away from this point and went under?
It's make me feel very bad that I destroyed someone whose product I enjoyed.
Some people prefer to see their hobbies flourish rather than leech off of them until they stagnate and die.
What's wrong with crowdfunding? If the first game turns out well people will have no problem giving them money for a sequel or whatever else they do.
>put down money to receive a product in the future
You realize they want to keep making games, right? They don't want to make one game and move on.
Because paying for things is how the world works. Nobody makes anything for free. If everyone was a piratefag, no games would be made. How can you live with the fact that you're contributing to the fall of the industry?
>If a company can't pay one person for one day they can't pay any people for any number of days AKA it's end of the line for that company.
Correct, hence it isn't a single $60 that is the problem and thus I am not the problem.
I'd also like to point out that you guys are continuing to talk about this in some hypothetical bubble. You can't reasonably point to some small dev that didn't succeed because I pirated their game.
>lets ignore the effects of millions of people because they're all individuals
Nobody said or implied this though. I always talked about this in the context of 1 person - myself.
You absolutely have as an individual affected a business, just because you're one of many individuals doesn't mean you're not responsible at all, you played your part.
Off the top of my head? Most likely not.
But they do exist clearly so stop trying with the hypothetical when you have no idea what you're talking about.
>"why would I pay money when I can get it for free?"
At least the ones who say this are actually admitting the truth. You really don't have to justify your pirating or try to make it seem as if it's any more than just being able to get games for free
Wow you're a fucking genius. You know what? development and production of everything is already paid for before you buy it. Wow man we shouldn't pay for ANYTHING.
Why would they want to make a sequel if people don't buy the game? It just confirms to them that MS was right.
Do gamers not feel stupid? They have the choice between being productive, and making $60, or playing games, and losing $60, and they choose the latter
How do you even live with yourselves?
Nope, I am completely insignificant in the grand scheme of things.
>But they do exist clearly
I'm not interested in your baseless speculation.
>all the self righteous pirates in this thread
Keep fighting the good fight you fucking leeches
Morality is subjective though.
LOL stop trying to justify piracy you faggots
Piracy is wrong in all senses of the idea, even you "try before buy" faggots trying to rationalize it are pathetic.
I pirate shit, but I'm well aware that it's probably illegal and a shitty thing to do, but I'm not trying to sugar coat it for myself, pretending I'm doing anyone a favor or I'm not hurting any business.
Fucking get off your high horses.
Legality is not.
The only excuse that should ever be acceptable for pirating is "I do not have enough money to buy this"
Everything else is just pirates trying to justify it to themselves and feel like moral crusaders when really they just don't want to pay and it is the most obnoxious fuckin' thing.