Friendly reminder that Sony saved gaming by no adopting Micro$oft's used game policy
Friendly reminder that Sony saved gaming by no adopting Micro$oft's used game policy
>We have to thank Sony for the state of gaming today
Yeah, instead they adopted Microsoft's paid online policy.
Top goy.
Sony are also responsible for 2013, 2014, 2015 and 2016
Thanks Sony, thanks alot
Cant wait for your next movie, charge me a little more for PSN please
>muh paid online
Shut the fuck up, it's just 60$ a year, and you get AAA multiplats every month.
So why does everyone love steam if there are no used games?
You made your choice.
>Asset packs are able to be released for real money
Stean Gr€€nlight is definitely the sanctuary of modern video gaming.
>90 day rental
What the fuck, why can't you just buy it?
>Shut the fuck up, it's just 60$ a year, and you get AAA multiplats every month.
Except that the games sony gives you have been utter shit for a long time now, and you don't actually "get" them, you're renting them and only have them for as long as you sign up for PS+. Xbox live has a similar monthly game system, except that you actually own the game on xbox and don't need continued subscription to retain them.
The PS+ stuff is usually indieshit.
or do what it actually is and just pay $8 a month for full streaming of most of the ps3 library.
Not if you don't own a PS3.
friendly reminder that Sony was going to do the exact same thing as Microsoft, but after seeing the E3 MS backlash did a 180
>Gaben savior meme
>Steam prices are good meme
fuck off, reddit
>It's okay when Sony does it
>MS didn't even apply it
>Now sony fucks you over by doing nothing to fix the servers, killing the Vita and making PSNow a useless rental service
MS is going to kill this "PS4 is more powerful" meme with Scorpio.
yeah, I seriously had ps+ just for sfv, then it expired, and I don't feel like renewing just for one game
(I'm pc player)
Sony hasn't given a real game with + for almost 2 years now.
Friendly reminder that the original xbox one allowed you to share games digitally within a group of friends.
More like they put off its inevitable stinking failure for a few years.
>Implying 2006 XBL and 2013 PSN are the same
Nice try, Xfag
>except that you actually own the game on xbox
360 only
Sony knows physical media will be completely dead in a few years, so there's no reason to bother with that shit
>Shut the fuck up, it's only money! I don't mind wasting money like a good little goy
Well, you are right, 2013 PSN is slower than 2006 XBL.
>PS4 multi-player online access requires PSN account & PS Plus subscript
Those sneaky jews! Did they ever explained why they started charging for online multi-player when it was free on PS3?
Why are Sony Ponies such weirdos?
Arguments Sony Dronies used to say PS3 was best:
>free online
>multplats run like garbage on ps3 but multiplats don't matter!
>xbox has ads on its console, that's gross!
Arguments Sony Dronies use to say PS4 is the best:
>paid online is good because it gets me shitty indie games i dont play
>multplats run better on ps4 but multiplats are super important!
>ps4 has ads but come on guys, it's 2016 and sony needs them!
>not adopting MS practice
(oh btw you're going to be paying us to play online games exactly like Microsoft no biggie really just throwing that out there okthanksbye)
stockholm syndrome
when i did the free trial half of the games available to rent weren't available to stream, and all the ones i wanted to play weren't included aside from Xcom enemy within, so unless that changed it's bullshit
Nope, purely a cashgrab. Sony doesnt even use the money to help their fucking servers, some people to this day have to do stupid work arounds to get to the fucking store without crashing
>This thread
Why does Sup Forums love Microshit so much, when Sony are obviously better, and just nicer less greedy people in general?
I thought this was the videogame board?
[citation needed]
We don't love Microsft, we just are tired of Sonyggers and their mental retardation. Sony isn't better than anything, they're not nice, they don't like you and their products are bad-mediocre.
All game companies are shit, Sony just has the worst fanbase.
>every single multiplat
a shitload of them were better on the ps3 after the first few years, certainly more than have been on the xbone
they dont hate Sony, they hate the users
Shut the fuck up I'm a sonygger but you are the top fucking retard if you defend this we havent gotten a quality AAA title in fucking months
Reminder that Nintendo has for 2 generations now had built in hardware to run last gens games natively without emulation bullshit. Reminder that on top of that you can additionally download Wii games for your WiiU and online is still free (and finally not so painfully archaic)
Firendly reminder that Sony just killed gaming by creating this whole PS4K bullshit.
>Shitting on digital game sharing and adopting paid online without upgrading the servers
Oh yes, Sony totally AREN'T GREEDY at all.
>a shitload of them were better on the ps3 after the first few years
Name 5.
>360 only
Why can't we all just be nice to each other and respect each others choice of platform. Don't claim to be superior to another, it causes arguments.
>Love a company
Nah kid there are nearly no X Bots left on Sup Forums or atleast they dont show up
On the other hand we have Sonyggers shitting up countless threads bragging about sales and
2 games in 2 1/2 years, Sony not giving a fuck about Ps+
Spotted the nintendrones
Already deflecting I see.
Typical of a nygger.
ZOE HD collection
Condemnded 2
AC 4 Answer
First off, Xbot, Second off, fuck off.
>a shitload
Timeto post all te comparison pics i saved years ago
>tfw you were the only one extremely pissed when they announed the paid online at e3 and the crowd just cheered
I've owned one Nintendo product in my entire life and it was a Gameboy advanced.
Your response is just further evidence in the insurmountable pool of evidence showing that Sonyggers are THE dumbest and most annoying gaming fanbase in the world.
I'd agree with you if there were actually multiple games per month that warranted the price (however low it may be), but the PS4 library is so fucking small you're never, ever going to get your moneys worth. I've owned a PS4 since Bloodborne released and I still only own two games for it, and one of them is a fucking import. Nioh and Kingdom Hearts 3 are the only reasons I haven't sold it yet.
Battlefield 4
Tomb Raider
Portal 2
LA Noire
Prototype 2
Keep up
Probably one of the most damning examples as it was extremely apparent that the PS3 version was the afterthought. I've never seen anything on quite that level othwrwise though in terms of performance differences
Considering the completely unethical business practices they employed against Michael Jackson, I don't think you have any leg to stand on. At least Microsoft didn't take an active role in trying to destroy an icon.
>So why does everyone love steam if there are no used games?
Because they're retarded.
Some people even go so far as to call GoG shit but Steam great, despite the fact that GoG has no DRM.
Yes people here are THAT stupid.
Spotted the faggot.
>PS3 has bad aliasing
>360 covers up with cheap post process blur FXAA
they're both shit, but I prefer aliasing over poor AA
For the stupidest post I've seen today, you win a reply.
How is it that PCucks, Xbots, and nintendrones defend their own products while sonyggers just shout the boogeyman they fear the most?
Steam keys are almost always priced at used retail game prices
Because the only product they have is the console itself.
reminder that sony charges for renting video streams of old games whereas microsoft gives you real backwards compatibility for free.
>Why does Sup Forums
Sup Forums mostly consists of people that still live at home or are very poor. They have decent computers and pirate most of their games.
Some instead only own one system (like a WiiU, Xbone or PS4).
This means that the board is filled with children and NEETs that with single system loyalties, which is why exclusives trigger Sup Forums so hard, especially popular ones.
i grew up a playstation kid. loved my ps1 and ps2. but ps3 was just indefensible shit.
took like 4 years to a game, system updates were just AWEFUL for the first few years. took fucking forever, goddam. controller was cheap garbage, felt way cheaper than ps2 controller. mutliplats ran like ass. etc etc.
maybe like 2 years before ps4 game out, i just said "fuck it" and built a PC. PC isn't as perfect as the memes say but there really is no going back.
and now that i've been away from playstation for so many years, i've started to realize WHY sonyggers are so hated. they post the dumbest shit and their arguments change completely based on the scenario. facts don't matter, games don't matter, all that matters is defending their precious sony.
They adopted everything else though.
and you'll get it for 360 and xbone
What used game policy?
I buy most of my games used just fine
PC/WiiU/PS3 friend here
Nier will probably make me bite the bullet on a PS4. Hoping the 4.5 implements hardware BC for PS3. Paying for online is retarded but I can't imagine I'll be needing it for Nier and Yakuza games
>Hoping the 4.5 implements hardware BC for PS3
it won't. they make too much money off of sonyggers playing large sums of money to replay games they already own.
Originally xbone had a no used games policy on the menu (pushed by big publishers), but they also offered digital game sharing/trading but after everyone had a shitfit they scrapped nearly all digital games policy changes. You can still gameshare to a limited extent by "home license" swapping with a friend and M$ support will even walk you through it
People really get butthurt when somebody says something nice about Sony but this move really saved gaming PC gaming included. They could have easily join MS and their DRM practices would now be the standard.
Xbone was gonna have a very very strict system for controlling who could play the game you bought. I think it was even limited within your household and lending the game or trading it in was impossible.
MS went back on this once Playstation announced that the PS4 would use the same old system where you can just borrow or sell it to whoever you want.
If you think the Xbone is fine right now, the PS4 is basically the reason why.
The ps4 killed gaming because it's a financially successful console with no games at all and you're telling them this is what you like. Sony did good with the first three home consoles, why should they try again in the future if you're telling them you loved the shitty fourth one?
>sony saved VR
>sony saved video games
sorry lads but you're never going to recreate miyamoto slays atari meme hell
>facts don't matter, games don't matter, all that matters is defending their precious sony.
This statement contradicts your pic.
And what facts? The "no games" meme? That uncharted is a movie?
You are just a butthurt memelord. Eat your heart out knowing that Sony is the number 1 console manufacturer, very successful and that PC gaming is getting treated as a redheaded stepchild.
>no games
Nice memes, now back to mario with you.
>no games!
Meanwhile the PC has what? A bunch of indies like Undertale or MOBAs like LoL?
At least mario is a game.
A shitty low budget rehashed game that is for autistic children, enjoy.
Playstation is the least shit out of all the big companies, that's pretty much it.
Keep sucking that tiny nip cock you pea brained slut.
Not even the same guy but I could just smell the salt from far away.
Just a reminder that the only reason Sony is so hated on Sup Forums is because autistic nintenbabbies are the majority of Sup Forums.
Its the truth. Not my problem if your fanboyism gets in the way of seeing things for what they really are.
he described mario not uncharted
>4 hours
>7 days
That's such a weird fucking stretch. Would you like your game for 4 hours or 168 hours?
>Low budget
Sure thing bro
Nice comeback, nintendrone. I bet you are proud of your argument skills.