Overwatch on PC doesn't have aim assist!

>Overwatch on PC doesn't have aim assist!
>Its all about aiming well!
>Its the wonky hitboxes!
>Its just some cheaters!
This bullshit happens ALL THE TIME, whenever someone ( widowmaker, hanzo, mcree, genji, etc ) shoots "close enough" to the player, the game aligns the shot to hit the part of the player model on the same horizontal level of the crosshair during the shot.

lmao, fucking dropped

oh, looks like sad truth got exposed, shills werent prepared for that, better not bump this thread, maybe nobody will notice

Where are the overwatch fags?

>playing Team Fortress 3
>expecting it to be good

Hey man I suck at snipping so I'm happy about this

crying cuz they got rekt

I don't care, I'm having a lovely time with it and I'm glad I dropped £30 on it.

Playing the game and having fun instead of bitching about every little thing.

The replay shows your client side interpretation. You're clearly lagging behind the server.

>tfw 95% of you fuckers still can't hit anything anyway

The kill cam is glitchy as fuck btw. It doesn't play well with latency. Half the time the guy you're watching looks like an aimbot.

if replays showed our client side interpretation we would see all the "get shot through the wall" that happens due to 20 tick, since we don't - its the version of the player you are watching

>doesn't understand how the 20 tickrate works
>doesn't turn kill cam off
>made a webem of his death he's that buttmad

You only brought this anger on yourself.

>kill cams are 100% accurate
As far as I know, Hanzo has bigger hit boxes for his arrows

>People starting to figure out McCree is OP
>Every game has 2-3 McCrees now


>m-muh tick

Getting shot through walls sometimes happens but it has nothing to do with the tick. The extra delay introduced by low tick isn't nearly enough to give a perceivable jank-back effect.

Is this real?
I thought aim assist is used only on consoles to compensate for shitty controllers

What other PC games use aim assist?

Pretty sure it's the shitty tickrate.

>Auto aim

It's the fucking tickrate lad. Still just as bad however

>it almost never happens on 64 tick servers
>it never happens on 128 tick servers
>it happens very often on 20 tick servers
ya, no way its 20 tick fault, no fucking way

>watch Hanzo killcam
>his arrows aren't event landing any where near me but are hitting as headshots
>teammates are complaining about the same thing
>switch to Hanzo
>literally the same thing
how is this even a thing, why is there aim assist, why is their baby hand holding

Overwatch has a very different netcode from most classic FPS shooters. The devs should make a video explaining it so idiots like you would shut up.

Oh wait they did and you're still here.

designed from ground up for gamepads.

>The extra delay introduced by low tick isn't nearly enough to give a perceivable jank-back effect

Yeah it fucking is


It's shitty server tick rate, not aim assist.

The kill cam showed it with the lag of player and server.

Why the fuck would I care about its competitive scene?

>no proof of pc version
>no lag shown

top keking my friend ;)))

It's always this way. Sup Forums just cares about meme threads, not the truth or changing things.

Game is pure shit in some areas. Imbalanced as fuck. That teleporter whore is completely useless unless youre team is overpowered anyway. Ice whore is way too powerful considering how easy she is to use etc.

Also all that propaganda shit.

Best thing? No dedicated servers in 2016. How can anyone even defend this shit? It's pathetic. Just pathetic.

I noticed this shit immediately in beta especially when playing against a Hanzo

Would you please stop comparing this shit to Team Fortress? One character in Team Fortress alone, Demoman for example, has higher skil ceiling than all characters in OW combined. I ltierally mastered them all after 5-10 minutes.

>That teleporter whore is completely useless unless youre team is overpowered anyway. Ice whore is way too powerful considering how easy she is to use etc.
jesus christ you're clearly a shitter

Cool, now kill yourself.

I remember learning about tick rate and seeing a couple of images like this. Never thought a AAA title would release with that shit after 2013. Fuck me though, right?

Link to video where they explain shit like this webm in OP is normal and not helping aim.

>oh no she's backing into a room i wonder if there's 6 sentries in there waiting for me
>oh wow she's charging at us with her laser gun now she dead
>oh fuck no a slow moving orb coming directly at me I sure hope I can press a or d in time

That I have an aim and realize if a game is balanced or imbalanced doesn't make me a shitter.

When certain characters are worse than 9/10 characters in the game in most scenarios, they are imbalanced/shit. Have fun with the teleporter piece of shit when your team isn't significantly better or when you're defending the second control point. Or playing KOTH.

your proving my point, a good symmetra doesnt do any of this, she stays with her party and place the sentries properly depending on the map. Armoring up people, and killing easy targets in tight places where health packs are.


Nice blog, subscribed.

you realize that Symmetra is particularly good at the start of the game and should be switched mid-game?

>All these battlebabbys, nintoddlers, and fortressfags trying to diss overwatch while the majority of Sup Forums has fun

Lol sucks to be you

Underage b& detected

This client side/server side latency has been in multiplayer FPS games since the dawn of its inception

The kill cam is not a 1:1 replay of what happened, it's the server's recreation based on data sent from you and the enemy. Lag is inevitable, so it shows the enemy shooting somewhere where it seems like you weren't, but from the server's point of view, you were there just a few milliseconds before.

That's not aim assist you retard, that's called bullet magnetism

Yeah, too bad the enemy doesn't just watch you doing these things and instead kills you while you basically can't inflict damage if your enemy isn't facehugging you.

You're clearly playing in an overpowered team most the time, probably with friends against random shitters.

Exactly. She is good for like two specific scenarios while this ice bitch for example is always broken. How is this not imbalanced? And even in those specific scenarios she is still far from a must have. Very far.

Stop defending this shit balancing. Blizzard clearly had no idea what they were doing, it's their first shooter, they are retarded. They literally took the TF2 Engineer and made himt wo characters which is a retarded idea.

Me too but it's waved away as "the casuals won't notice it". It's a crime but all we can do now is spread the word.

It's fun
I'm glad I'm not a bitter autist that needs to shitpost every new game that comes out

Widowmaker does have aim assist, but on the shitty fucking grappling hook.

>aim high on a ledge
>game autoaims and sends the hook at ground level to the closest thing it can hook to
>waste over 10 seconds to get to the good location again

In that case it would also show the crosshair where the shot goes. It doesn't, though. Both is the same kind of visual design, wouldn't make this for it to differ in that Highlight video.

>Exactly. She is good for like two specific scenarios while this ice bitch for example is always broken. How is this not imbalanced?
first off, I fail to see how its bad that a character excels in specific scenarios. I mean, its good for diversity and players with proper map knowledge.

And second, Mei is not even a problem.

Guess what, other people would LOVE to have fun with this game too and bought it but they simply have higher standards than you and aren't OK with a heavily flawed product. Doesn't have anything to do with being an autist or a shitposter, these are things applying solely to you.

Projectiles have larger hitboxes than hitscan attacks.

Pretty sure CS guy is faster than normal OW speed, and the netcode has special rules for movement spells. Also, it's important to note that the average delay will be half of the gap.

Tickrate could be higher but it wouldn't make a great noticeable difference and you'd just find a new buzzword to spam.

You will never escape issues with the netcode. Overwatch has client side hit detection that does create an issue with getting shot in cover (but this has more to do with either client having "normal" high ping, and more rarely the tick) but it's still better than server side that forces you to lead and all other shit.

>Underage b& detected
I don't think you know what "Underage b&" means.

>that webm
>meanwhile I consistently miss shots that are inches away from their heads


>while this ice bitch for example is always broken.

>20 tickrate

most likely due to bottleneck from consoles

>he gets so mad that he was headshotted by widow that he posts a thread on Sup Forums after slowing down a webm of him getting shit

Mei is one of the worst character. Anyone that thinks she's overpowered is just salty, because yes she's frustrating, but not OP in any way imaginable.

once again, if it were like you say, we would see countless of replays where you see yourself behind a wall and getting shot - that doesnt happen, because replay shows exactly what the other player sees.

>first off, I fail to see how its bad that a character excels in specific scenarios. I mean, its good for diversity and players with proper map knowledge.
When 50% the characters are always great and 50% are the characters are 50% the time shit, it's called imbalanced and dumb.

You can also end up in so many terrible situations this way.

>play Symmetra
>ult ready
>enemy just took first control point
>wew, guess I'll have fun being a semi-useless piece of shiit making a basically useless teleporter and get killed

And Mei is a problem in any way, obviously. She is clearly a must have character, always, while having extremely low skill ceiling. People always shit on TF2 Pyro, rightfully so, but Mei is so much worse, it's not even funny.

>m-muh high standards
In the end you're just a bitter autist nitpicking meaningless shit while other people are having fun. I bet you're a virgin too

Nice argument, guess you realized you're in the wrong and it's better not even trying and instead posting a 2007 tumblr gif.

>Mei is a problem in any way, obviously. She is clearly a must have character

i record all my gameplay for fun and "git gud" purposes and after rewatching a lot of them i noticed something weird about a lot of shots/kills/deaths, so i picked one, slowed it down and, oh boy, would you look at that...

Are you retarded? We're all playing the game and trying to have fun, why are you defending it like a notorious shill? Do you love eating shit? Do you get paid by Blizzard?

The only weapons with autoaim are hanzos arrows. Everything else is just poor networking with hitscan weapons

Nigga the shit you're receiving from the server is about 66% bullshit, because it's only sending about 33% of what happened.

I can only hope to God they make this shit 60hz both ways at least in ranked.

anyone who says competitive esports overwatch is a retard
i like overwatch
its a great casual shooter, but thats what it is

>hanzo killcam
>its always just hanzos shooting arrows around the corner in the same or random spots and it always magicially lands headshots
i then switched to hanzo earlier to try the same and kept getting easy kills too, the fuck is this im not evne aiming properly

>tfw I play with you (Frost) a lot

D-does this mean my MMR is high?

>turning off killcam
>you can't screencheat to see the enemy's ult status

>group of five friends and a random ally
>he pic Mei
>3 in the chat instantly request that he switch
>he doesnt
>fucking useless all game

>can boost allies to high places they shouldn't be able to reach
>can kill a push in a second by just splitting their team in half with a wall
>incredible sustain
>able to slow and freeze enemies at close range

Yeah she really isn't that good

>I put a muh in front of his sentence, this will show him

Now I realize why fucking everyone is doing "xD" in Overwatch while I've never seen anyone doing it in 5 years of TF2. The game is literally for 12 year old Reddit children.


>page down


Really? The competitive games look very different when playing at a tickrate of 60. The change is very noticable to me, but that may just be that the players are better.

No one cares

That's great for you, there already are many """""""""professional"""""""" matches on Youtube and Twitch showing how broken she is.

everybody already knows OW is a joke when it comes to balance, netcode or skill ceiling, but it's still fun
why continue this topic?

thats the atrociously bad tickrate at work

Overwatch buyers remorse threads when?

>Sup Forums
>literally designated low standards shitposting containment board in 2016



>Youtube and Twitch

Why have I never seen anyone complaining about no dedicated servers?

Even console shooters have this now.

>can't have a fav public server you play on with rivals you love-hate
>can't have fav publiv sercer with custom rules and certain maps you like
>just when you got used to some cool people; a few guys leave, connection is lost and game puts you into a new room with new random guys every time
>can't even switch teams
>not sure if it's even possible to play against friends you invited, probably not

Did we just lower our standards for this game? Why?

Then there also is Junkrat. You can sticky jump like Demoman but the jump direction is fix, it's not physically correct. You can't sticky jump far instead of high depending on how far away you are from the sticky or if it's right underneath you.

It's pure casual shit.

You sure showed everyone with those hot arguments fagtron. Do this board a favor and stop posting.

Is that why all these """"""""professionals"""""""" put her at or near the bottom of every """"""""""tier list""""""""?

>Complaining about tickrate
>Complaining about bullets not landing where they should
Could it be... that the two problems are linked?

So you want me to come up with a great counter argument against no argument? I see.

>soon the meta will be 6 McCree's

>look bottom left corner
>left shiff
>no proof of pc version
fuck off summerfag youre not funny

Yeah I have been thinking that some shots shouldn't have hit especially with Hanzo and Widowmaker. Its like 90% of Overwatch players are good at sniping but its actually just that its hard to be bad with them

That shit about Junkrat jumping is 100% incorrect

I just checked for shit and giggles, holycrap she at the bottom with bastion and other in pretty much all the lists. kek

I hope your aware by blizzards own admission the kill cam is unreliable

Tried that, couldn't get past the first choke point in king's row. 6 winstons on the other hands might have ruined their shit.

No. Tier lists are absolute bullshit mostly comprising 1vs1 no items final destination only.

Nothing changes the fact she can just rush into a battle and easily fuck up Reinhardts or an entire team without any effort at all. At all.

Well it's a fact you're an autistic faggot, so you're right, no counter argument there.

This is the 20 tickrate at work.

I remember in the Beta getting hit or killed after running behind cover multiple times.

This is partially why I didn't get it. Stuff like this infuriates me.

Tickrate matters less in client side games. I wish it was higher too, but it's hardly the biggest deal.