No Morrowind thread? You disappoint me, Sup Forums

No Morrowind thread? You disappoint me, Sup Forums.

Dark Elf or Breton, faggots? I'm making a new character.

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Is Children of Morrowind any good? I've got all my mods all installed and I'm wondering if I should add this one in.

i finally finished modding, took me 3 days but got over 300 mods to work with each other

It's nice but it's fps heavy if you combine it with MGSO

Imperial. Show those dunmer faggots who the real master is.

Dark elf, because fire damage is somewhat common and scales pretty harshly.

OpenMorrowind WHEEEN?

Jesus man, this is why I don't mod games. I just don't have the patience for that shit.

I also don't know where the mods are or how to install them so there's that too.

Imperial was the first race I played. I loved that character.

i just enjoy doing that shit

and imagine you install 300 mods and there's 1 mod that causing a problem when game starts so you have to go through every single one of the 300 and check which one it is

fun times

Isn't the maximum possible number 250 or so? In oblivion at least.

I think there's a limit for the esp files but not for mods that don't require esp

Bretons get more magicka though. Decisions decisions...

What's the most patrician aryan race?

Where's the chart that compares each race to a real lie race?



>a race of filthy uncivilized brutes

God tier: Breton, Dunmer
High tier: Imperial, Altmer
Meh tier: Nord, Redguard, Orc
Shit tier: Bosmer, Argonian, Khajiit

fucking when

Base game has been fully playable for quite a while now. Get with the times.

On point
Yea, while im waiting for that im going to replay oblivion, haven't done that in years.

Can it be modded?

God Tier: Dunmer, Imperial, Altmer
Good Tier: Redguard, Breton, Argonian
Ok Tier: Nord, Orc
Shit tier: Khajiit, Bosmer

newfag here, what does OpenMW actually change that makes it so major/worthwhile? Is it like an overhaul or smth?

There's at least partial mod support. Can't say what is and isn't supported though since I don't use mods. Might be worth checking out their website for more info.


It's a completely new engine optimised for newer systems. When it will be finished, it'll be possible to mod in anything, from hack and slash combat to dual casting.

>no vurt's vegetation in there

>Going anything but Dark Elf

OP here. I still haven't made my character. So I like magic a lot but I'm not going for pure mage. Dunmer are cooler looking with better lore, so there's that. Also fire resist. Bretons get extra magicka which is pretty dope. Then also there's my sign. The Lady is my favorite but that means no extra magicka, especially if I'm a Dunmer. I can't remember how much magicka spells actually cost later on.

Breton are good for magical resistance too. Boots of blinding speed are just like putting on shades when you are a Breton

Slow as fuck till you get them though

Anyone have tips for playing without magic? I am trying to play a regular thief for the first time and am already getting bothered by not having things like mark/recall. It really feels like the game was designed for mages.

Bosmer Assassins are great to start
off with if you are new

Yeah they're only good starting off though. They get less good quickly as you level.

Potions of mark and recall are your best bet. You are going to need to levitate too

Just make mysticism a minor skill and make mark/recall the exception to your rule. I mean there's really no non-magical substitute for that. Not sure what kind of tip you're looking for on that one.

Oh god like you arent unstoppable by level 10

Maybe they don't want their character to sound like he blew a load in his pants every time he gets hit.

How's this? Or do I need moar magicka?

Its pretty easy to level up alchemy.
I'd put that in the minor skill and turn archery into destruction.


Doesn't destruction suck taint in Morrowind?

They are reptilians, the opposite of aryans.

Is Conjuration any good in Morrowind?

It really isn't necessary to have Morrowind threads, you know the usual fucking neo-v cuntrags are going to come out with

>muh melee hits are missing
>muh 2002 grapics
>muh obvious chosen one plot

it's possible to enjoy the game silently

this goes for most old good games btw



So far the only one shitting on the parade is you

>So far
You must be new here for real. Have you never seen how a Morrowind thread goes on Sup Forums? Fuck you're dumb

Name one thing Morrowind did that Gothic 2 didn't do 100 times better

Who cares retard? If we can have threads for this long without some reject like you sperging, it's good.

>implying I care what some autistic Sup Forumsirgin posts

I like Morrowind and I like talking about Morrowind, therefore I post in Morrowind threads.

Is Morroblivion any good?

>no weapon skill as a major skill

Have fun missing.


>Oblivion """""""gameplay"""""""


It levels up fast enough. Settle down, beavis.

Lore and setting

Suran master race

>unironically playing Morrowind

I'm not sure how but somehow this game manages to be even worse than Oblivion and Skyrim.

character development, variety of everything

in gothic 2 you could only use 1 handed sword or 2 handed sword if you went melee, magic was shit and there were maybe 3 useful spells.

Get the fuck out

I'm using a magicka regen mod and you can't stop me Sup Forums

Is there a way to play Morrowind ironically?

>mfw earlier today I taunted that Orc woman with the glass pauldrons into attacking me and spammed paralyze on her while I slowly killed her with an iron dagger

I love this game

I tried playing Morrowind last month for the first time and spent awhile installing all the various recommended mods. It kept giving me shit after awhile though with crashes and things glitching out. Gave up and ended playing vanilla instead. Turns out it's still pretty good. I might try a few quality-of-life mods though just to make things a bit smoother.

Anyway, what's a good way to build a class, or what's a good ppre-made class you can pick? I ended up fucking myself over by picking weird skills that just didn't blend together well.

>tfw morrowind had avant-garde design and unique everything

Why does no one try to be creatiive anymore? Why does every RPG has to be in a generic boring forest with goblins and bandits and castles?

Suran always felt underappreciated. I like it a lot too.

It's not as if pre-Morrowind video games were a wellspring of creativity and originality.

It will be now as it was then: lots of generic (some of which are still good) with the once-in-a-generation? lifetime? decade? original that's really great.

Long Blade, Heavy Armor, Block will carry you through the game easily. You'll move slow, though

Jesus that's gorgeous. I never tried any of the graphic overhaul mods before, might have to now.

Ye it's pretty nice

Which ones are you using?


Starting the game as a redguard combat class with 50 points in long blade from the start is extremely satisfying.

>attacking vastly overleveled npc in a RPG
>hurr durr why cant i beat it

How could the Nerevarine be anything but a dark elf?

MGSO with Distant Land set at 33 and exponential fog

Epic Balmora, Epic Sadrith Mora, Visual Pack 3.0, True Lights and Darkness


Because Azura is vindictive as fuck and would probably prefer the Nerevarine to be an Imperial or Argonian.

If Azura's such a bitch why do the Dunmer still like her?

Also I only have about 30% of what MGSO can offer because I play on a toaster

It can look MUCH better than my pic

Because she's the only one that cares about them.

>punishing your followers who you explicitly told not to mess with the heart but who did anyway and became immortal and started calling themselves gods after killing one of your champions is being a "bitch"


>from hack and slash combat to dual casting

Is it worth paying the 20 buckaroos to play it on Steam or is it a situation like old DOOM where I may as well just find it somewhere else cause the actual devs make nothing from it anymore?


I'm using it right now for a campaign, what's the problem?

This isn't a strategy game kys

gog has it, so I'd go for that




There any mod that lets gauntlets do cast on strike? I want to play a h2h build but no magical effects on strike is really gimping me.

How complete is it? And more important, how is the OpemMW modding?

it literally goes down to $9.99 during sale

OpenMw is compatible with most mods, it can take mods that were made for the other engine.
Plus it has the distant land and script extender built into it.

You can play pretty much all of the main game's content on it without any problems. As for modding, refer to