Risk of Rain

>no risk of rain thread
As if you have anything better to do this fine afternoon.

Other urls found in this thread:


How do we summon a host?

Sell this game to me.

Itll cost ya 3.50 dollars

You get to learn how to hate worms

Very well, I will try.
>what is this?
This is a 2d platformer with roguelike elements, multiple classes and permadeath.
>Why do you like it?
Somewhat gritty, there are classes for everyone. Like, there are melee fighters who like to take things close and personal and there are ranged fighters who don't really take things all that personal.
>Is that all?
No, there are also items which dramatically change the game.
For example, one item will start healing you after standing 2 seconds still, other will cause rockets to come out of dead enemies and kill more enemies
>I'm not gonna buy it vodka, you a shitty seller
Fine mate, just pirate it and play with us. If you like it-buy it, if you feeling greedy-well, your choice.

Much appreciated, will give it a testride.

make sure to get the latest version (1.30) to be able to play online with people from these threads

host Hwen

I don't like this trend of no honor/no command. Enemies eventually tend to become elites anyway and without command you're stuck relying on RNG to get good items.

But you get yellow boss items, which is nice.
You also get variety of builds, not your standart "10 huf, 13 glasses, 15 syringe, 8 clover" guy you see every game.

I played with a host earlier that had command off but honor on. shit was fun as fuck and intense since you cant get too op.

git gud

No command is real fun desu

It's fun until around over 5 people join, where it turns into grab any item that drops because nobody is going to give you anything. Which usually results in someone getting lucky enough and carrying.

For that exact reason im going to start limiting my servers down to 5, I really don't see any fun advantage for me not to.

Did this start already?

yeah, we only have 1 slot left.
We'll let you know when we /wipe/.

>who don't really take things all that personal.
Wouldnt that be mercenary?

>people who combine glass and command

Mercenary is a melee class, but he rarely uses his standart sword attack. Still counts as melee fighter, so close and personal.


But he LITERALLY *teleports behind you*

Hit me up when open

>mercenary is a melee class
>but still mainly use eviscerate which is a ranged attack to cheese enemies from afar

I'd say he more of *dashes 3 times through you, jumps and spins in midair, disappears from our reals but still somehow slashes you several times*
having no ranged weapon counts as melee class in my book.


>come into ror thread
>discussion but not hosts

what is this /vg/?

So chef is melee too? "It just so happens his knife goes pretty far"

He throws it. Throwing something is a ranged attack, right? Ergo, chef is a ranged hero.


wait for me


Test Version 1.3.0 on Steam

>Frost Relic now caps icicle spawns after 3 kills
>Chargefield Generator now caps at a radius of 300 px
>Disconnecting or completing the game with the Alien Head no longer crashes online
>Game completion now properly grants 100%
>The Gigantic Amethyst can now properly be unlocked

And some other shit. I was sure this game was beyond dead and gone. Looks like the devs haven't given up yet. Maybe there's still hope.

>12 of may, offered devs to try and integrate steamworks support, all I need is their agreement and raw code
>today: still no reply
>other user with translator education and diploma made a ruskie translation of game
>offers it to hotpoo for free
>no response
It's as dead as they come I'd say tbqh

Is this still up? Can't connect.

no but

It seemed like that a few months ago, but then they came out with a console release and a new patch. The playerbase may be non-existant, but it looks like the devs are still holding on.

Also, if I was a dev, I wouldn't want other people fucking around with the code for no good reason, and I sure as shit wouldn't want a commie translation.

Any EU host?


Stuck connecting.

No mate, a free offer to translate a game in another language. Just take it and put it in, there's no downside. Those who want-play in english, those who can't into english will play in russian, right?
And I understand if they don't agree to my proposition, but god be my witness, I only wanted it to be easier for everyone to host and connect.
Hell, I'm even paying the man who will do the steamworks integration if he asks for money, I'll only act as translator.

Wouldn't steamworks integration fuck over the people who got the game through other platforms like GOG?

Hell if I know, mate.
See, it's like this: There are 2 guys. One is a medical student who knows english (me) but know nothing about coding and the other is a coder guy who works on a russian space MMO, but his english is... let's just say, it would be easier for me to do the talk.
I don't know shit about coding. I asked him: Hey Nikolai, can you make hosting easier for RoR game? He says: Yes, I can, but I need raw code.
So I send them e-mail. No response. A simple "Fuck off we're not giving code" or "no"would be good, but don't leave me hanging.

Waitin for some of dat good EU host



Fuck. Post when open again plz.


stuck connecting

we're in game, won't be long since we're on a big boi run now

Back up, 2 slots left (prefs reset to 4 max)




post when open again please



Friends done playing dotka/
We lost.
I will now drink to health everone in this thread.
To your health, stranger, user, mod, moot, janitor or namefag, whoever you are.

How do you change your chat color


I can host if anyone's still interested



Very easy, comrade.
Enter, then you press shift+7, which results in &.
&w is white
&g is green
&p is purple
&77777 is >implying colour
&666 is crimson-red.
Have fun.




Thanks based ruski

What do you guys think about a low-poly,3d risk of rain ?
would you buy it?
do it think it would work?

o k a y

might have to fiddle with some shit to get it to work

If the zoom was adjustable and you could tell what everything is, sure. I've seen low poly art of RoR that looks really nice and would fit the game for sure.

only issue is FUNBALL LAG

port is 11100 btw

you are welcome.
Do try to put different numbers or letters after &, it might result in different colours.
Also. As far as I know, { or }, or | results in x-box keys. Do give it a try.
In fact, hold shift and press every button on your keyboard, you will surely find all the "secret" buttons.


cant join

I think it would depend on mainly two factors. Firstly, good optimization, so that it runs well even on older hardware. Secondly, the quality of the art design and graphic. I thinks its really easy to fuck up low-poly 3d.

Any EU host?

it says the port is "limited" even though I forwarded it
Any idea what that is?

>it says the port is "limited" even though I forwarded it
try restarting the game. if that does not help check your firewall and/or restart router

wait shit I realized I set the wrong IP for my ports give me a sec

where is this low-poly art?


It still says it's "limited" but see if you guys can connect anyway

doesnt seem to



Starting at the bottom of this page and going back

I have (limited) port, too and noone is able to connect. Another guy, I think he's E34, is also (limited), but people seem to connect just fine.
I said it before, and I will say it once again. There is that thing, called "Tunngle". Allows you to easily play many bootleg games via LAN.
Risk of Rain is one of them. It's easy to install and is overall a nice piece of software to have.

Last cup of alcohol for tonight, friends. I love you all.
Give me something to drink to and I will.
If you'd like a vocaroo, I will provide (just specify it), but keep in mind, even though I'm legally allowed to drink alcohol in my country, I still sound like a 14 years old faggot.

What country do you live in

Russia, the city is Moscow.




My head spins like it's a hurricane but I still don't have "double vision", so as far as you're fine with drunk slav on your lobby, I will join.

thank this post for making this happen



Very well.
Here's on to everyone's health in this thread.
Cheers, lads.
Cyкa блять
took me bloody 4 times to solve captcha.

post when open
