Prove me wrong, Sup Forums

Prove me wrong, Sup Forums.

Except the entire game is easy mode

Soldier isn't easy mode. Reaper and McCree are pretty good, though, yeah.

Tempted to throw Junkrat in there too.

to actually do good with torb and bastion you need good positioning and map awareness, yes

im tempted to throw every character in, dva as exception

Nothing in this game takes skill.

Everything is incredibly easy and skill ceilings are hard capped, except for widowmaker who completely rapes everyone else in the game.

bravo blizzard.


soldier 76 is hot

Take out torb for sure. Playing him against competent people is anything but easy and his gun takes a lot of skill to use.


Kind of flattered you didn't add Hanzo to the list

McCree actually requires you to aim.

I love it when the first post of the thread hits the nail on the head.


seems about right, maybe take away torb
>press Q for kill

good one

How does the dwarf guy make the game easy mode? Thought he was shit.

>easy mode

Are you serious? You need to be pretty decent at aiming+positioning on reaper or you just get fucked, and you can't just DIE DIE DIE XDDD like people seem to think.

Soldier is objectively one of the more challenging characters, if you can't aim well you're better off just picking someone else.

Mccree is shit if you can't shoot straight.
Soldier 76 is easy but gets better with a better player because he can support with his healing.
Torbjorn at least requires you to know his abilities before you start the map.

But there is no fucking excuse for Bastion. He is the single easiest character in the game, he doesn't require accuracy, he is a good at all ranges, he has a self heal, his ult requires you to drive straight at the enemy and he always fucking gets play of the game.

Please go back to Call of Duty

All the whining and memes in the world won't stop me from playing as McCree.

Love the character.

His gun has long ass travel time and bullet drop.

you for real bro?


>McCreE+right click

>torb never used in tourneys at pro level
>turret is stationary and extremely easy to kill
>weapon is a projectile with drop and travel

Outting yourself as a bad GG

Yes, you are a detriment to the team if you're one of those "I get kills with rockets and ult" 76's.

What's the time

A good Mccree should be able to blast people at range and not just rely on easy kills at close range when their flash is up.

>Dva exception
people mistake gay autism for "skill" now.

McCree player here

I've gotten a handful of POTGs so far, and yeah a couple involved fan + flash or HIGH NOON but at least half of them involved sniping everybody off of the point.

Feels pretty good.

Here's a hint, don't get right in the face of the close range characters. Let me guess you're the type of player who mains a character and never swaps even when you're getting raped?

thats the whole game

>no roadhog
I know Sup Forums likes to think of him as the ultimate top tier character for skilled fps veterans only! but come one Roadhog is a very easy character to play and win with.

>hurr just stay away from McCree bro lol you bad

76 is easy, I agree. He's a little overtuned atm with his ult being able to easily get a triple kill with no thought or skill involved, unless the enemies are smart enough to hide behind cover, which lets face it, in pug's that's never going to happen.

Toblerone is honestly pretty op easy mode. I have a 72% win rate with him. He needs some small nerfs to his turret.

Reaper's perfectly balanced and average difficulty, he's just a solid flanking hero. His weakness is range, so either be someone with range, or hope someone on your team does, and don't fight him in mid-to-short range, that's just retarded.

McCree's also balanced, and average difficulty. Everything I said for Reaper applies to him: don't fight him up close, use range.

Bastion's not easy to play well at all, once you get higher than level 10. Everyone knows how to play against him and he requires very careful positioning and constant smart repositioning, and a team comp that can distract or protect him.

Reaper requires good use of flanking and even though they're shotguns, they have a pretty tight spread, especially if you want to go good.damage you have to hit them directly and in the head. And once you've flanked in you need to know how to get out when and if things go bad, the wraith mode doesn't mean shit if people just follow you and wait for it to end.

Soldier requires aim, and knowing when to burst fire, good use of cover and sprinting, and making sure those rockets land seeing as how they're your main damage source.

And both these guys ults require good timing to use, they are both easily killed especially since when they shout out their ult they instantly become a target.

Torb shouldn't be up there either. Bullet drop and travel time for his gun makes it difficult to use, and getting a turret up in a good position requires decent map awareness. And once it's up you can't just baby sit it (although I see a lot of bad torb do it) you gotta go out and try and land those headshot and know when to go in and collect scrap to spam armor kits. His ult is good in nearly all situations, but there's an optimal way to use it and a less optimal way. Generally you want to have a turret in a position no one has seen yet, that way it can melt them without them really knowing where it's coming from. Otherwise they'll generally avoid going near where they know your turret is after they hear your ult. Doesn't mean you can't go out and spam shotgun blasts and still pick up a few kills, but you'll get.more if the turret can catch them off guard obviously.

I agree with the rest of the list tho.

>a good McCree

The whole thread is about easy mode and a monkey playing McCree can do well with e+right click. That's kind of the point of the thread.

Just like how a good soldier 76 will play differently and better than a shit one, helix rocket direct hits, supporting with his heal etc.

And a good reaper will flank and position far better than a bad one.

And a good bastion etc.

he's old as shit he probably can't even maintain an erection

>mccrees balanced but 76 and torb need nerfs

Hello McCree player.

For Bastion you just need to sit in adequate cover. Nothing hard about it. Making sure you're not completely exposed doesn't count as "map awareness," it's just the most basic of common sense.

>nerf to his turret.
maybe, but his turret is actually shitty and more of a distraction than anything.
the point of him is that you put it in a gay corner that's hard to hit and the enemy team wastes their time trying to get to it and then you shotgun them when they get close to it.

>primary has bullet drop and slow travel time.
>secondary has massive spread and huge damage falloff
>hammer damage = 1 hit of primary and thus only ever used for humilating.
>without turret is only half a hero
>requires good positioning to be even useful.
>Turret has to be lvl2 to even be decent meaning you cant just set it up in middile of fight
>second skill cannot be used until people have died
>at most has 275 hp

Shitters who think torbjorn is ez mode because "lel autoturret am I right XD" and have never played him

Sounds like people dont bother to use his counters. Hes going the way of bastion once everyone realizes that a good sniper, pharah or reinhardt ruins his day.

hello pub boi

Wow he's the most popular character. This totally proves that he literally can't be killed under any circumstances.

I'm not sure why you have trouble killing him. Learn to play whatever character you're playing, if you don't have the firepower to bring him down then don't engage in close range.

That's literally the opposite of pub opinion dipshit

Torb is absolute fucking dogshit outside of "pub play" and 76 isn't close to being as good as McCree at any level.

In that case I agree that most of them are easier but I would still say torb is more than his turret. Headshot with his pistol will kill a tracer or zenyatta in one hit, and those headshots are hard af to get with bullet drop and travel time. And there is no one good turret position, there are many good positions and a torb needs to know where to put it in certain situations to make it most effective. But mainly I would argue his gun is really imprtant to use and even if a player gets the turret down somewhere decent their job isn't done, turret isn't a substitute for a murdering dwarf.

Nice strawman faggot no one is saying that, but the idea that you can avoid flash bang and "lol just stay away bro" is ignorant.

>having trouble killing him

Everyone has fucking trouble killing him why do you think he has a 120+% pick rate in tourneys? Do you tell the tourney players they just need to git gud?

First post best post

Thread can end now.

>Noone is saying that his popularity proves he's hard to kill
And then you immediately go on to say that that is what you were saying.

Okay so you're just trolling, thanks for letting me know.

Also why would tourney players choose easy characters instead of characters with high skill ceilings?

mccree is gay as hell because of his stun + insane dps burst. he also gets to do long range harass.
you've probably never been, or fought a good mccree to understand how insane he is.

>A good Mcree
How is he easy mode if, according to you, you need to be good to use him then?

>doesn't follow decent players enough to know 76 is amazing and mcree is pub shit
>deflects with torb shit

well I mean not chronically retarded.
that's what good means since 95% of gamers are chronically retarded.

McCree actually requires skill
>but my flashbang and m2
doesn't matter if you can pull that off, won't carry your team. if you can actually snipe people with him or get headshots without that, than you're good

what makes lucio so good over mercy?

>literally a big fat fucking circle covering your screen
>requires skill

Sounds like backpedaling to me.

You're actually retarded aren't you?

McCree is fucking op, good or bad player. If you're good he's even better. He has a low skill floor and a moderate skill ceiling except the dudes fucking floor is shiny gold and diamonds compared to everyone else. Understand what I'm saying?

Can Tobjorn make multiple turrets?

I'm sure I was in the last game I played as him, had a whole bunch of turrets up. But there was another Tobj so I might have been mistaking his for mine.

Anyone know?

he's DPS too + Fast and he has funny positional rapes with his sonic blast.
It's REALLY good to blast someone trying to run away into a corner and have your entire team kill them.
plus, constant team healing is really good and your entire team is up quicker when you use the speed boost.

Read the fucking facts kid before you keep shit posting like a fucking loon.

what's the range for his buffs/heals? how close do you have to be to him?

Except he's easy to kill when played by shit players. So how is he easy mode?

Maybe you're just shit if any monkey can beat you using Mcree because I've killed plenty.

But he's not. Even a shit player can cheese with a flashbang.

You do realize I'm not saying I lose to every McCree you fucktard, him being op doesn't mean that.

So I guess you never missed your shots as WM and they were always headshots?
Oh wait, you never even played the game and you only came here to shitpost so you can feel like you fit in with the rest of these neckbeards.

>Also why would tourney players choose easy characters instead of characters with high skill ceilings?

I don't have a horse in this race, but they always do, because those characters are more reliable.

Look at LoL for example, Syndra unless she's overturned is almost never picked for tournaments even though she shits out damage. Same with Brand. They're both really strong, but they rely on hitting skillshots rather than having reliable engages/damage.

So you're better off picking Ryze, someone with a much lower skill cieling and having reliable damage.

it's 30 metres, that's about 18 in game lucio heights

I've never been cheesed by a shit Mcree player because shit players shoot first and flashbang later like the idiots they are, thinking the flashbang is some sort of escape mechanism.

So it must just be you.

When you play Lucio, you benefit your team just by existing. You don't even need to be that good at the game.

Reminder to report all global rule violations Sup Forums.

Holy shit are you level 5? I never get mccrees that shit, and you're only getting them because you're shit too.

I didn't realize you're talking about actual Down syndrome people you fuckwit, any character is going to suck if someone that fucking stupid is playing them, that doesn't prove a god damn thing.

The only braindead easy-mode characters are junkrat and mei.

Every other character takes at least some thought, no matter how slight it may be.

>Mei easy

Mei is shit and you have to land her alt attack a lot to make her even remotely usable, good luck hitting that if you're shit.

>Braindead Easy Tier
The hero that killed me last

>Extremely Difficult and Underpowered Tier
My hero

> not mei


>people saying Mei

This is the easiest way to spot someone who's shit at overwatch. It never fails.

You hold left click until they stop moving around and then press alt-fire to score a headshot. She has a self-heal and an escape option when shit goes bad.

She has 200 ammo and 200 life. There's nothing remotely shitty about her.

Left click takes forever to actually freeze, any character with a mobility ability can get away, Mei can get killed while she's freezing, alt attacking after someone's frozen doesn't even one shot many characters, her self heal will get you killed right when you pop out and her wall is as often detrimental to allies as it is to enemies.

Meanwhile McCree can flash her and fan her and it's good game.

No one picks her for a reason. She's fucking garbage. Read the image posted earlier in the thread and you shitters might learn something.

How Winston can be so based?