Can we all just agree that this is the worst in the series...

Can we all just agree that this is the worst in the series? even with all the hate MGSV gets it's nothing compared to this:

>boring, empty level design
>snorefest worthy story
>even Kojima hates it
>cannoninity is something to be desires
>lack of voice acting in a lot of places
>PSP. Enough said
>awful controls, see above
>The start of when MGS turned into an autism grindfest

Give me one good reason why this unforgettable piece of trash was better than V.

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it's definitely at the bottom, but I'd almost take PO over MGS2, any day.

MGS2 is the best in the series.

>this is what e-celeb videos watching underages actually believe
MGS2 has the clunkiest gameplay, worst map design, worst MC, and generally the most rushed feel of them all.


PO does a better job of tying BB's story to MG1 than MGSV did without all the extra bullshit it invented.

3 > Rising > 1 > 2 > 4 > PO > PW > V

off topic but I have a pretty decent rig. I am emulating MGS3 right now. Is there a way to make it look as good as the HD version in the settings somewhere? Like anything I could play around with in the emulator?

Nah, MGS4 exists.

and PW did everything miles better than PO, which just felt like a fanfic (it kinda was).

3=PW > 1 > 4 > GZ > MG2 > GB > TPP > 2 > PO

PS2 emulation in general is still shit, and you NEED to tweak every single game manually for best results.

MGS3 became a bit more playable and better looking with latest update, so you should look around for instructions. That being said, HD Collection did improve textures, make the game run in actual widescreen at 60fps, so you won't get exactly the same quality, no matter what.

I heard that the newest version of the emu with latest OpenGL plugin and right setting finally fixes the lighting, textures, and things like Snake being fully colored in Codec, etc. Dunno about the Thermal Vision view though; that used to not work much at all.

MGS4 has miles better gameplay, visuals and story than PO and 2 combined.

I see PO and PW to be the two properly canon games that lead into MG1. I don't personally treat MGSV as canon and you don't lose out on anything if you remove it from the story neither as it doesn't affect anything beyond MG1.

PO is when bb got the funds to start MSF and PW led to BB changing his worldview and turn MSF into Outer Heaven. At some point, they relocated and boom, MG1. Story intact sand vohkal khord parasites

Console version has some fucked up lighting

>I don't personally treat MGSV as canon

Holy fucking shit user, I hated V's story too but I'm not that delusional

>has miles better gameplay, visuals and story than PO and 2 combined.

I will give you the visuals, but honestly thats ALL that game has for it.
Everything else was abysmal and I genuinely wish I had never bought and forced myself to finish that.

you blind, fuccboi ?
The emulated version has NO lighting.

I genuinely wish your mother would had never forced you out into this world.

PO is better than PW.
Has actual bosses and no Fulton bullshit.
Dragging soldiers isn't a legitimate criticism because you only have to do it 3 times in the entire story, and it's a returning mechanic from 2 and 3 anyway.

Don't really give a fuck. MGSV literally adds more convoluted questions and absurdities and answers precisely jack shit about anything that matters in the grand story except for "How was BB able to come back after MG1 for MG2?" which could be handwaived/ignored at your leisure since they were flimsy entrants in the Solid series as a whole.

For that matter, ignoring PO and PW won't have much effect neither, but those two games actually added a lot more fitting backstory and fleshed out BB's fall from grace. MGSV did none of that save for "Used some guy" which, for a guy who considering threatening countries with nukes and selling him and his buds as mercenaries and be terrorists if it pays well enough, isn't that big of a deal.

MGSV is pointless.

I haven't played PO, but you seem like you aren't retarded. You called out PW for no bosses and the shitty fulton system so I feel confident in your opinion.

I would also like to add that PW also sucks because it had no difficultty settings and was stuck on baby mode for a majority of it. Thanks in large part to the soldiers being blind and deaf.

I just wanted to say PW was so bad I didn't bother with GZ or TPP because I knew they were going to be garbage. They were going to be Peacewalker 2: Enemy marking bugaloo (Now with companions)

Absolutely disgusting. I think seeing DOOM make a comeback has made me more pissed off that MGS didn't get the respect it deserved. Either Kojima went nuts, or his hands were forced by Konami to make it more mainstream. I'm guessing the latter.

Such a damn shame.

Best song tho.

PW is miles better than PO.
Better plot. Better gameplay. Better visuals. Actually canon. Got HD remaster. Superior online feats.

I enjoyed PW so much, I put over 350 hours to it on PS3 on my original save, then replayed the plot alone in just under 30 hours a month before the release of MGS5.

MGS5 seemed to be the absolute dream game of mine, for BEING the potential "MGS:PW 2.0 HD". However, they totally fucked it up.

GZ was a far better game in all possible ways than TPP, but lacked content to beat PW.

Hey, Fuck you pal, this game introduced the recruiting System to MGS

This game was actually pretty fun online and the story mode wasn't that bad, it was mediocre.

trash taste

Get hir by a car

Recruiting system ruined MGS. You fucking fag.

I think the problem is they really wanted to make a different kind of game, but fans had certain expectations about MGS. So it's somewhere at half-way point and yes, PSP.


Definitely up there.

No, it's shit and so is MGSV, PW and POOPS.

I think the problem was they wanted to tap the Monster Hunter audience. Problem is adapting MGS, even a spin-off game, for that is kinda bizarre. I enjoyed Acid more than PO in the end.

I bet you did.

It was kind of annoying in PW, but it was a level based mobile game so it was alright.

It killed MGSV for me.


I can honestly say the only one I struggled to enjoy on some level is PW. I played most of it with a friend and it still wasn't enough.

Did you play PW originally or re-released as part of the HD collection? Does that improve the experience?

Rising doesn't count.

I played the original with him too and fucking hated it. HD is the only thing that made it bearable, what with the actual controller.